blob: 9592b8df86c05bd031fee086f9643067de2072e4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "ui/events/platform/x11/x11_event_source.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/event.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/xfixes.h"
#include "ui/gfx/x/xproto.h"
#include "ui/ozone/public/platform_clipboard.h"
namespace ui {
// Handles clipboard operations for X11.
// Registers to receive standard X11 events, as well as
// XFixesSetSelectionOwnerNotify. When the remote owner changes, TARGETS and
// text/plain are preemptively fetched. They can then be provided immediately
// to GetAvailableMimeTypes, and RequestClipboardData when mime_type is
// text/plain. Otherwise GetAvailableMimeTypes and RequestClipboardData call
// the appropriate X11 functions and invoke callbacks when the associated events
// are received.
class X11ClipboardOzone : public PlatformClipboard, public XEventDispatcher {
~X11ClipboardOzone() override;
// PlatformClipboard:
void OfferClipboardData(
ClipboardBuffer buffer,
const PlatformClipboard::DataMap& data_map,
PlatformClipboard::OfferDataClosure callback) override;
void RequestClipboardData(
ClipboardBuffer buffer,
const std::string& mime_type,
PlatformClipboard::DataMap* data_map,
PlatformClipboard::RequestDataClosure callback) override;
void GetAvailableMimeTypes(
ClipboardBuffer buffer,
PlatformClipboard::GetMimeTypesClosure callback) override;
bool IsSelectionOwner(ClipboardBuffer buffer) override;
void SetSequenceNumberUpdateCb(
PlatformClipboard::SequenceNumberUpdateCb cb) override;
bool IsSelectionBufferAvailable() const override;
struct SelectionState;
// XEventDispatcher:
bool DispatchXEvent(x11::Event* xev) override;
bool OnSelectionRequest(const x11::SelectionRequestEvent& event);
bool OnSelectionNotify(const x11::SelectionNotifyEvent& event);
bool OnSetSelectionOwnerNotify(
const x11::XFixes::SelectionNotifyEvent& event);
// Returns an X atom for a clipboard buffer type.
x11::Atom SelectionAtomForBuffer(ClipboardBuffer buffer) const;
// Returns a clipboard buffer type for an X atom for a selection name of the
// system clipboard buffer.
ClipboardBuffer BufferForSelectionAtom(x11::Atom selection) const;
// Returns the state for the given selection;
SelectionState& GetSelectionState(x11::Atom selection);
// Queries the current clipboard owner for what mime types are available by
// sending XConvertSelection with target=TARGETS. After sending this, we
// will receive a SelectionNotify event with which
// is processed in |OnSelectionNotify|.
void QueryTargets(x11::Atom selection);
// Reads the contents of the remote clipboard by sending XConvertSelection
// with target=<mime-type>. After sending this, we will receive a
// SelectionNotify event with<mime-type> which is processed
// in |OnSelectionNotify|.
void ReadRemoteClipboard(x11::Atom selection);
// Local cache of atoms.
const x11::Atom atom_clipboard_;
const x11::Atom atom_targets_;
const x11::Atom atom_timestamp_;
// The property on |x_window_| which will receive remote clipboard contents.
const x11::Atom x_property_;
// Our X11 state.
x11::Connection* connection_;
// Input-only window used as a selection owner.
const x11::Window x_window_;
// If XFixes is unavailable, this clipboard window will not register to
// receive events and no processing will take place.
// TODO(joelhockey): Make clipboard work without xfixes.
bool using_xfixes_ = false;
// Notifies whenever clipboard sequence number is changed.
PlatformClipboard::SequenceNumberUpdateCb update_sequence_cb_;
// State of selections served by this instance.
base::flat_map<x11::Atom, std::unique_ptr<SelectionState>> selection_state_;
} // namespace ui