blob: 8732ade48c0157889866ba35e6c89803aee350a4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "ios/web/public/favicon_url.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace web {
class NavigationContext;
class WebFrame;
class WebState;
// Arguments passed to |WasShown|.
struct TestWasShownInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
// Arguments passed to |WasHidden|.
struct TestWasHiddenInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
// Arguments passed to |DidStartNavigation|.
struct TestDidStartNavigationInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContext> context;
// Arguments passed to |DidFinishNavigation|.
struct TestDidFinishNavigationInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<web::NavigationContext> context;
// Arguments passed to |PageLoaded|.
struct TestLoadPageInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
bool success;
// Arguments passed to |LoadProgressChanged|.
struct TestChangeLoadingProgressInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
double progress;
// Arguments passed to |NavigationItemsPruned|.
struct TestNavigationItemsPrunedInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
int count;
// Arguments passed to |TitleWasSet|.
struct TestTitleWasSetInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
// Arguments passed to |DidChangeVisibleSecurityState|.
struct TestDidChangeVisibleSecurityStateInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
// Arguments passed to |FaviconUrlUpdated|.
struct TestUpdateFaviconUrlCandidatesInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
std::vector<web::FaviconURL> candidates;
// Arguments passed to |WebFrameDidBecomeAvailable| or
// |WebFrameWillBecomeUnavailable|.
struct TestWebFrameAvailabilityInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
WebFrame* web_frame = nullptr;
// Arguments passed to |RenderProcessGone|.
struct TestRenderProcessGoneInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
// Arguments passed to |WebStateDestroyed|.
struct TestWebStateDestroyedInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
// Arguments passed to |DidStartLoading|.
struct TestStartLoadingInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
// Arguments passed to |DidStopLoading|.
struct TestStopLoadingInfo {
WebState* web_state = nullptr;
} // namespace web