blob: 03a3b1fbe0ab6d245dde60597a6fa73ef9ed5532 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "chrome/browser/password_manager/password_generation_controller.h"
#include "components/autofill/core/common/password_generation_util.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents_user_data.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
class ManualFillingController;
class PasswordGenerationDialogViewInterface;
namespace password_manager {
class PasswordManagerDriver;
} // namespace password_manager
// In its current state, this class is not involved in the editing flow for
// a generated password.
// Use either PasswordGenerationController::GetOrCreate or
// PasswordGenerationController::GetIfExisting to obtain instances of this
// class.
class PasswordGenerationControllerImpl
: public PasswordGenerationController,
public content::WebContentsUserData<PasswordGenerationControllerImpl> {
using CreateDialogFactory = base::RepeatingCallback<std::unique_ptr<
~PasswordGenerationControllerImpl() override;
// PasswordGenerationController:
base::WeakPtr<password_manager::PasswordManagerDriver> GetActiveFrameDriver()
const override;
void FocusedInputChanged(
autofill::mojom::FocusedFieldType focused_field_type,
base::WeakPtr<password_manager::PasswordManagerDriver> driver) override;
void OnAutomaticGenerationAvailable(
const password_manager::PasswordManagerDriver* target_frame_driver,
const autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationUIData& ui_data,
gfx::RectF element_bounds_in_screen_space) override;
void ShowManualGenerationDialog(
const password_manager::PasswordManagerDriver* target_frame_driver,
const autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationUIData& ui_data)
void OnGenerationRequested(
autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationType type) override;
void GeneratedPasswordAccepted(
const base::string16& password,
base::WeakPtr<password_manager::PasswordManagerDriver> driver,
autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationType type) override;
void GeneratedPasswordRejected(
autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationType type) override;
gfx::NativeWindow top_level_native_window() const override;
// Like |CreateForWebContents|, it creates the controller and attaches it to
// the given |web_contents|. Additionally, it allows injecting mocks for
// testing.
static void CreateForWebContentsForTesting(
content::WebContents* web_contents,
base::WeakPtr<ManualFillingController> manual_filling_controller,
CreateDialogFactory create_dialog_callback);
// Callable in tests.
explicit PasswordGenerationControllerImpl(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// Data including the form and field for which generation was requested,
// their signatures and the maximum password size.
struct GenerationElementData;
friend class content::WebContentsUserData<PasswordGenerationControllerImpl>;
// Constructor that allows to inject a mock or fake view.
content::WebContents* web_contents,
base::WeakPtr<ManualFillingController> manual_filling_controller,
CreateDialogFactory create_dialog_callback);
// Checks if the given PasswordManagerDriver is the same as the one
// belonging to the currently considered active frame for generation.
// The active frame is the latest focused frame that received a field focus
// event.
bool IsActiveFrameDriver(
const password_manager::PasswordManagerDriver* driver) const;
// Called to show the generation modal dialog. |manual| - whether the
// dialog was shown for a manual or automatic generation flow. This is used
// for metrics.
void ShowDialog(autofill::password_generation::PasswordGenerationType type);
// Resets the current active frame driver, as well as the dialog if shown
// and the generation element data.
void ResetState();
// The tab for which this class is scoped.
content::WebContents* web_contents_;
// Data for the generation element used to generate the password.
std::unique_ptr<GenerationElementData> generation_element_data_;
// Password manager driver for the currently active frame. This is set
// when a password field focus event arrives from the renderer and unset
// whenever a focus event for a non-password field is received.
base::WeakPtr<password_manager::PasswordManagerDriver> active_frame_driver_;
// The manual filling controller object to forward client requests to.
base::WeakPtr<ManualFillingController> manual_filling_controller_;
// Modal dialog view meant to display the generated password.
std::unique_ptr<PasswordGenerationDialogViewInterface> dialog_view_;
// Creation callback for the modal dialog view meant to facilitate testing.
CreateDialogFactory create_dialog_factory_;
// Whether manual generation was requested from the UI. Used to filter out
// unexpected or delayed manual generation responses from the renderer.
bool manual_generation_requested_ = false;