blob: caec9307b43b228999141e1d99314fe471fa0c83 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package chrome_browser_safety_tips;
message FlaggedPage {
enum FlagType {
BAD_REP = 1;
// |pattern| is a full URL, without scheme/username/password/port, such as
// example.test/test-path-for-safety-tips/test.html.
optional string pattern = 1;
optional FlagType type = 2;
message UrlPattern {
// |pattern| is a full URL, without scheme/username/password/port, such as
// example.test/test-path-for-safety-tips/test.html.
optional string pattern = 1;
// Configuration for the safety tips component. A binary version of this proto
// will be distributed to Chrome clients via component updater. The binary will
// contain a single instance of this message.
message SafetyTipsConfig {
optional uint32 version_id = 1;
// List of pages on which to show the Safety Tip UX. This must be sorted and
// may contain duplicate patterns (when flagged with multiple FlagTypes).
repeated FlaggedPage flagged_page = 2;
// List of patterns that are explicitly allowed. This must be sorted. Used to
// mitigate false positives.
repeated UrlPattern allowed_pattern = 3;