blob: 265d1b4fef4cb1d2f00e08407d167e6f9f2b667b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/tracing_lifecycle_unit_observer.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "base/trace_event/trace_event.h"
#include "chrome/browser/resource_coordinator/lifecycle_unit.h"
namespace resource_coordinator {
namespace {
bool IsPendingState(LifecycleUnitState state) {
return state == LifecycleUnitState::PENDING_FREEZE ||
state == LifecycleUnitState::PENDING_DISCARD ||
state == LifecycleUnitState::PENDING_UNFREEZE;
// An event name must be a string that is never destroyed.
const char* GetTabStateEventName(LifecycleUnitState state) {
switch (state) {
case LifecycleUnitState::PENDING_FREEZE:
return kPendingFreezeTracingEventName;
case LifecycleUnitState::PENDING_DISCARD:
return kPendingDiscardTracingEventName;
case LifecycleUnitState::PENDING_UNFREEZE:
return kPendingUnfreezeTracingEventName;
return nullptr;
} // namespace
const char kPendingFreezeTracingEventName[] = "Tab State: Pending Freeze";
const char kPendingDiscardTracingEventName[] = "Tab State: Pending Discard";
const char kPendingUnfreezeTracingEventName[] = "Tab State: Pending Unfreeze";
TracingLifecycleUnitObserver::TracingLifecycleUnitObserver() = default;
TracingLifecycleUnitObserver::~TracingLifecycleUnitObserver() = default;
void TracingLifecycleUnitObserver::OnLifecycleUnitStateChanged(
LifecycleUnit* lifecycle_unit,
LifecycleUnitState last_state,
LifecycleUnitStateChangeReason reason) {
const LifecycleUnitState current_state = lifecycle_unit->GetState();
if (IsPendingState(current_state)) {
// Emit a state begin event if the current state is a pending state.
} else {
// Emit a state end event if the previous state is a pending state.
void TracingLifecycleUnitObserver::OnLifecycleUnitDestroyed(
LifecycleUnit* lifecycle_unit) {
// Emit a state end event if the final state is a pending state.
// This is a self-owned object that destroys itself with the LifecycleUnit
// that it observes.
delete this;
void TracingLifecycleUnitObserver::MaybeEmitStateEndEvent(
LifecycleUnitState state) {
if (IsPendingState(state))
void TracingLifecycleUnitObserver::EmitStateBeginEvent(const char* event_name,
const char* title) {
TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_BEGIN1("browser", event_name, this, "Title", title);
void TracingLifecycleUnitObserver::EmitStateEndEvent(const char* event_name) {
TRACE_EVENT_ASYNC_END0("browser", event_name, this);
} // namespace resource_coordinator