blob: 90770b42118870c71009f568069a2e02817d3a11 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
namespace base {
class Time;
} // namespace base
namespace sync_sessions {
class SessionsSyncManager;
struct SyncedSession;
class SyncSessionsMetrics {
// Records via an UMA histogram the age of the youngest foreign tab the given
// manager is aware of. No attempt is made to aquire a more recent version of
// world. If anything goes wrong, such as the manager being null, no foreign
// session present, or a foreign tab with a timestamp in the future then no
// metric is emitted.
static void RecordYoungestForeignTabAgeOnNTP(
SessionsSyncManager* sessions_sync_manager);
friend class SyncSessionsMetricsTest;
// Returns the highest timestamp for any tab in the given sessions. Note that
// sessions should be sorted by timestamp, and session timestamps should
// always be greater or equal to children window/tab timestamps. No navigation
// timestamps are checked.
static base::Time MaxTabTimestamp(
const std::vector<const SyncedSession*>& sessions);
} // namespace sync_sessions