blob: 85e3e3d7d65fd6da3e040c9413b9fc4b0d757a93 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <map>
#include <memory>
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/timer/timer.h"
#include "storage/browser/quota/storage_observer.h"
namespace content {
class StorageMonitorTestBase;
namespace storage {
class QuotaManager;
// This class dispatches storage events to observers of a common
// StorageObserver::Filter.
class STORAGE_EXPORT StorageObserverList {
virtual ~StorageObserverList();
// Adds/removes an observer.
void AddObserver(StorageObserver* observer,
const StorageObserver::MonitorParams& params);
void RemoveObserver(StorageObserver* observer);
// Returns the number of observers.
int ObserverCount() const;
// Forwards a storage change to observers. The event may be dispatched
// immediately to an observer or after a delay, depending on the desired event
// rate of the observer.
void OnStorageChange(const StorageObserver::Event& event);
// Dispatch an event to observers that require it.
void MaybeDispatchEvent(const StorageObserver::Event& event);
// Ensure the specified observer receives the next dispatched event.
void ScheduleUpdateForObserver(StorageObserver* observer);
struct STORAGE_EXPORT ObserverState {
GURL origin;
base::TimeTicks last_notification_time;
base::TimeDelta rate;
bool requires_update;
typedef std::map<StorageObserver*, ObserverState> StorageObserverStateMap;
void DispatchPendingEvent();
StorageObserverStateMap observers_;
base::OneShotTimer notification_timer_;
StorageObserver::Event pending_event_;
friend class content::StorageMonitorTestBase;
// Manages the storage observers of a common host. Caches the usage and quota of
// the host to avoid accumulating for every change.
class STORAGE_EXPORT HostStorageObservers {
explicit HostStorageObservers(QuotaManager* quota_manager);
virtual ~HostStorageObservers();
bool is_initialized() const { return initialized_; }
// Adds/removes an observer.
void AddObserver(
StorageObserver* observer,
const StorageObserver::MonitorParams& params);
void RemoveObserver(StorageObserver* observer);
bool ContainsObservers() const;
// Handles a usage change.
void NotifyUsageChange(const StorageObserver::Filter& filter, int64_t delta);
void StartInitialization(const StorageObserver::Filter& filter);
void GotHostUsageAndQuota(const StorageObserver::Filter& filter,
QuotaStatusCode status,
int64_t usage,
int64_t quota);
void DispatchEvent(const StorageObserver::Filter& filter, bool is_update);
QuotaManager* quota_manager_;
StorageObserverList observers_;
// Flags used during initialization of the cached properties.
bool initialized_;
bool initializing_;
bool event_occurred_before_init_;
int64_t usage_deltas_during_init_;
// Cached accumulated usage and quota for the host.
int64_t cached_usage_;
int64_t cached_quota_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<HostStorageObservers> weak_factory_;
friend class content::StorageMonitorTestBase;
// Manages the observers of a common storage type.
class STORAGE_EXPORT StorageTypeObservers {
explicit StorageTypeObservers(QuotaManager* quota_manager);
virtual ~StorageTypeObservers();
// Adds and removes an observer.
void AddObserver(StorageObserver* observer,
const StorageObserver::MonitorParams& params);
void RemoveObserver(StorageObserver* observer);
// Returns the observers of a specific host.
const HostStorageObservers* GetHostObservers(const std::string& host) const;
// Handles a usage change.
void NotifyUsageChange(const StorageObserver::Filter& filter, int64_t delta);
QuotaManager* quota_manager_;
std::map<std::string, std::unique_ptr<HostStorageObservers>>
// Storage monitor manages observers and dispatches storage events to them.
class STORAGE_EXPORT StorageMonitor {
explicit StorageMonitor(QuotaManager* quota_manager);
virtual ~StorageMonitor();
// Adds and removes an observer.
void AddObserver(StorageObserver* observer,
const StorageObserver::MonitorParams& params);
void RemoveObserver(StorageObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserverForFilter(StorageObserver* observer,
const StorageObserver::Filter& filter);
// Returns the observers of a specific storage type.
const StorageTypeObservers* GetStorageTypeObservers(
StorageType storage_type) const;
// Handles a usage change.
void NotifyUsageChange(const StorageObserver::Filter& filter, int64_t delta);
QuotaManager* quota_manager_;
std::map<StorageType, std::unique_ptr<StorageTypeObservers>>
} // namespace storage