blob: 977eb4eb80a7bec9907684cf7f2cb91b5e19db0e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
namespace ui {
// ColorId contains identifiers for all input, intermediary, and output colors
// known to the core UI layer. Embedders can extend this enum with additional
// values that are understood by the ColorProvider implementation. Embedders
// define enum values from kUiColorsEnd. Values named beginning with "kColor"
// represent the actual colors; the rest are markers.
using ColorId = int;
enum ColorIds : ColorId {
kUiColorsStart = 0,
// TODO(pkasting): Define this list.
kColorX = kUiColorsStart,
// Embedders must start color IDs from this value.
// Embedders must not assign IDs larger than this value. This is used to
// verify that color IDs and color set IDs are not interchanged.
kUiColorsLast = 0xffff
// ColorSetId contains identifiers for all distinct color sets known to the core
// UI layer. As with ColorId, embedders can extend this enum with additional
// values that are understood by the ColorProvider implementation. Embedders
// define enum values from kUiColorSetsEnd. Values named beginning with
// "kColorSet" represent the actual colors; the rest are markers.
using ColorSetId = int;
enum ColorSetIds : ColorSetId {
kUiColorSetsStart = kUiColorsLast + 1,
// TODO(pkasting): Define this list.
kColorSetX = kUiColorSetsStart,
// Embedders must start color set IDs from this value.
// Verifies that |id| is a color ID, not a color set ID.
DCHECK_GE(id, kUiColorsStart); \
DCHECK_LE(id, kUiColorsLast)
// Verifies that |id| is a color set ID, not a color ID.
#define DCHECK_COLOR_SET_ID_VALID(id) DCHECK_GE(id, kUiColorSetsStart)
} // namespace ui
#endif // UI_COLOR_COLOR_ID_H_