blob: 13786c896be3ecb6e4d9f8e04ea0bd2d9ff24837 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "services/resource_coordinator/memory_instrumentation/graph_processor.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/memory/shared_memory_tracker.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
namespace memory_instrumentation {
using base::CompareCase;
using base::ProcessId;
using base::trace_event::MemoryAllocatorDump;
using base::trace_event::MemoryAllocatorDumpGuid;
using base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump;
using Edge = memory_instrumentation::GlobalDumpGraph::Edge;
using Node = memory_instrumentation::GlobalDumpGraph::Node;
using Process = memory_instrumentation::GlobalDumpGraph::Process;
namespace {
const char kSizeEntryName[] = "size";
const char kEffectiveSizeEntryName[] = "effective_size";
Node::Entry::ScalarUnits EntryUnitsFromString(std::string units) {
if (units == MemoryAllocatorDump::kUnitsBytes) {
return Node::Entry::ScalarUnits::kBytes;
} else if (units == MemoryAllocatorDump::kUnitsObjects) {
return Node::Entry::ScalarUnits::kObjects;
} else {
// Invalid units so we just return a value of the correct type.
return Node::Entry::ScalarUnits::kObjects;
base::Optional<uint64_t> GetSizeEntryOfNode(Node* node) {
auto size_it = node->entries()->find(kSizeEntryName);
if (size_it == node->entries()->end())
return base::nullopt;
DCHECK(size_it->second.type == Node::Entry::Type::kUInt64);
DCHECK(size_it->second.units == Node::Entry::ScalarUnits::kBytes);
return base::Optional<uint64_t>(size_it->second.value_uint64);
} // namespace
// static
std::unique_ptr<GlobalDumpGraph> GraphProcessor::CreateMemoryGraph(
const GraphProcessor::MemoryDumpMap& process_dumps) {
auto global_graph = std::make_unique<GlobalDumpGraph>();
// First pass: collects allocator dumps into a graph and populate
// with entries.
for (const auto& pid_to_dump : process_dumps) {
// There can be null entries in the map; simply filter these out.
if (!pid_to_dump.second)
auto* graph = global_graph->CreateGraphForProcess(pid_to_dump.first);
CollectAllocatorDumps(*pid_to_dump.second, global_graph.get(), graph);
// Second pass: generate the graph of edges between the nodes.
for (const auto& pid_to_dump : process_dumps) {
// There can be null entries in the map; simply filter these out.
if (!pid_to_dump.second)
AddEdges(*pid_to_dump.second, global_graph.get());
return global_graph;
// static
void GraphProcessor::RemoveWeakNodesFromGraph(GlobalDumpGraph* global_graph) {
auto* global_root = global_graph->shared_memory_graph()->root();
// Third pass: mark recursively nodes as weak if they don't have an associated
// dump and all their children are weak.
for (const auto& pid_to_process : global_graph->process_dump_graphs()) {
// Fourth pass: recursively mark nodes as weak if they own a node which is
// weak or if they have a parent who is weak.
std::set<const Node*> visited;
MarkWeakOwnersAndChildrenRecursively(global_root, &visited);
for (const auto& pid_to_process : global_graph->process_dump_graphs()) {
// Fifth pass: remove all nodes which are weak (including their descendants)
// and clean owned by edges to match.
for (const auto& pid_to_process : global_graph->process_dump_graphs()) {
// static
void GraphProcessor::AddOverheadsAndPropogateEntries(
GlobalDumpGraph* global_graph) {
// Sixth pass: account for tracing overhead in system memory allocators.
for (auto& pid_to_process : global_graph->process_dump_graphs()) {
Process* process = pid_to_process.second.get();
if (process->FindNode("winheap")) {
AssignTracingOverhead("winheap", global_graph,
} else if (process->FindNode("malloc")) {
AssignTracingOverhead("malloc", global_graph,
// Seventh pass: aggregate non-size integer entries into parents and propogate
// string and int entries for shared graph.
auto* global_root = global_graph->shared_memory_graph()->root();
for (auto& pid_to_process : global_graph->process_dump_graphs()) {
// static
void GraphProcessor::CalculateSizesForGraph(GlobalDumpGraph* global_graph) {
// Eighth pass: calculate the size field for nodes by considering the sizes
// of their children and owners.
auto it = global_graph->VisitInDepthFirstPostOrder();
while (Node* node = {
// Ninth pass: Calculate not-owned and not-owning sub-sizes of all nodes.
auto it = global_graph->VisitInDepthFirstPostOrder();
while (Node* node = {
// Tenth pass: Calculate owned and owning coefficients of owned and owner
// nodes.
auto it = global_graph->VisitInDepthFirstPostOrder();
while (Node* node = {
// Eleventh pass: Calculate cumulative owned and owning coefficients of all
// nodes.
auto it = global_graph->VisitInDepthFirstPreOrder();
while (Node* node = {
// Twelfth pass: Calculate the effective sizes of all nodes.
auto it = global_graph->VisitInDepthFirstPostOrder();
while (Node* node = {
// static
std::map<base::ProcessId, uint64_t>
const GlobalDumpGraph& global_graph) {
// Go through all nodes associated with global dumps and find if they are
// owned by shared memory nodes.
Node* global_root =
// If there are no global dumps then just return an empty map with no data.
if (!global_root) {
return std::map<base::ProcessId, uint64_t>();
struct GlobalNodeOwners {
std::list<Edge*> edges;
int max_priority = 0;
std::map<Node*, GlobalNodeOwners> global_node_to_shared_owners;
for (const auto& path_to_child : *global_root->children()) {
// The path of this node is something like "global/foo".
Node* global_node = path_to_child.second;
// If there's no size to attribute, there's no point in propogating
// anything.
if (global_node->entries()->count("size") == 0)
for (auto* edge : *global_node->owned_by_edges()) {
// Find if the source node's path starts with "shared_memory/" which
// indcates shared memory.
Node* source_root = edge->source()->dump_graph()->root();
const Node* current = edge->source();
DCHECK_NE(current, source_root);
// Traverse up until we hit the point where |current| holds a node which
// is the child of |source_root|.
while (current->parent() != source_root)
current = current->parent();
// If the source is indeed a shared memory node, add the edge to the map.
if (source_root->GetChild(base::SharedMemoryTracker::kDumpRootName) ==
current) {
GlobalNodeOwners* owners = &global_node_to_shared_owners[global_node];
owners->max_priority = std::max(owners->max_priority, edge->priority());
// Go through the map and leave only the edges which have the maximum
// priority.
for (auto& global_to_shared_edges : global_node_to_shared_owners) {
int max_priority = global_to_shared_edges.second.max_priority;
[max_priority](Edge* edge) { return edge->priority() < max_priority; });
// Compute the footprints by distributing the memory of the nodes
// among the processes which have edges left.
std::map<base::ProcessId, uint64_t> pid_to_shared_footprint;
for (const auto& global_to_shared_edges : global_node_to_shared_owners) {
Node* node = global_to_shared_edges.first;
const auto& edges = global_to_shared_edges.second.edges;
const Node::Entry& size_entry =
DCHECK_EQ(size_entry.type, Node::Entry::kUInt64);
uint64_t size_per_process = size_entry.value_uint64 / edges.size();
for (auto* edge : edges) {
base::ProcessId pid = edge->source()->dump_graph()->pid();
pid_to_shared_footprint[pid] += size_per_process;
return pid_to_shared_footprint;
// static
void GraphProcessor::CollectAllocatorDumps(
const base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump& source,
GlobalDumpGraph* global_graph,
Process* process_graph) {
// Turn each dump into a node in the graph of dumps in the appropriate
// process dump or global dump.
for (const auto& path_to_dump : source.allocator_dumps()) {
const std::string& path = path_to_dump.first;
const MemoryAllocatorDump& dump = *path_to_dump.second;
// All global dumps (i.e. those starting with global/) should be redirected
// to the shared graph.
bool is_global = base::StartsWith(path, "global/", CompareCase::SENSITIVE);
Process* process =
is_global ? global_graph->shared_memory_graph() : process_graph;
Node* node;
auto node_iterator = global_graph->nodes_by_guid().find(dump.guid());
if (node_iterator == global_graph->nodes_by_guid().end()) {
// Storing whether the process is weak here will allow for later
// computations on whether or not the node should be removed.
bool is_weak = dump.flags() & MemoryAllocatorDump::Flags::WEAK;
node = process->CreateNode(dump.guid(), path, is_weak);
} else {
node = node_iterator->second;
DCHECK_EQ(node, process->FindNode(path))
<< "Nodes have different paths but same GUIDs";
DCHECK(is_global) << "Multiple nodes have same GUID without being global";
// Copy any entries not already present into the node.
for (auto& entry : dump.entries()) {
switch (entry.entry_type) {
case MemoryAllocatorDump::Entry::EntryType::kUint64:
node->AddEntry(, EntryUnitsFromString(entry.units),
case MemoryAllocatorDump::Entry::EntryType::kString:
node->AddEntry(, entry.value_string);
// static
void GraphProcessor::AddEdges(
const base::trace_event::ProcessMemoryDump& source,
GlobalDumpGraph* global_graph) {
const auto& nodes_by_guid = global_graph->nodes_by_guid();
for (const auto& guid_to_edge : source.allocator_dumps_edges()) {
auto& edge = guid_to_edge.second;
// Find the source and target nodes in the global map by guid.
auto source_it = nodes_by_guid.find(edge.source);
auto target_it = nodes_by_guid.find(;
if (source_it == nodes_by_guid.end()) {
// If the source is missing then simply pretend the edge never existed
// leading to the memory being allocated to the target (if it exists).
} else if (target_it == nodes_by_guid.end()) {
// If the target is lost but the source is present, then also ignore
// this edge for now.
// TODO(lalitm): see for the permanent fix for this
// issue.
} else {
// Add an edge indicating the source node owns the memory of the
// target node with the given importance of the edge.
global_graph->AddNodeOwnershipEdge(source_it->second, target_it->second,
// static
void GraphProcessor::MarkImplicitWeakParentsRecursively(Node* node) {
// Ensure that we aren't in a bad state where we have an implicit node
// which doesn't have any children (which is not the root node).
DCHECK(node->is_explicit() || !node->children()->empty() || !node->parent());
// Check that at this stage, any node which is weak is only so because
// it was explicitly created as such.
DCHECK(!node->is_weak() || node->is_explicit());
// If a node is already weak then all children will be marked weak at a
// later stage.
if (node->is_weak())
// Recurse into each child and find out if all the children of this node are
// weak.
bool all_children_weak = true;
for (const auto& path_to_child : *node->children()) {
all_children_weak = all_children_weak && path_to_child.second->is_weak();
// If all the children are weak and the parent is only an implicit one then we
// consider the parent as weak as well and we will later remove it.
node->set_weak(!node->is_explicit() && all_children_weak);
// static
void GraphProcessor::MarkWeakOwnersAndChildrenRecursively(
Node* node,
std::set<const Node*>* visited) {
// If we've already visited this node then nothing to do.
if (visited->count(node) != 0)
// If we haven't visited the node which this node owns then wait for that.
if (node->owns_edge() && visited->count(node->owns_edge()->target()) == 0)
// If we haven't visited the node's parent then wait for that.
if (node->parent() && visited->count(node->parent()) == 0)
// If either the node we own or our parent is weak, then mark this node
// as weak.
if ((node->owns_edge() && node->owns_edge()->target()->is_weak()) ||
(node->parent() && node->parent()->is_weak())) {
// Recurse into each owner node to mark any other nodes.
for (auto* owned_by_edge : *node->owned_by_edges()) {
MarkWeakOwnersAndChildrenRecursively(owned_by_edge->source(), visited);
// Recurse into each child and find out if all the children of this node are
// weak.
for (const auto& path_to_child : *node->children()) {
MarkWeakOwnersAndChildrenRecursively(path_to_child.second, visited);
// static
void GraphProcessor::RemoveWeakNodesRecursively(Node* node) {
auto* children = node->children();
for (auto child_it = children->begin(); child_it != children->end();) {
Node* child = child_it->second;
// If the node is weak, remove it. This automatically makes all
// descendents unreachable from the parents. If this node owned
// by another, it will have been marked earlier in
// |MarkWeakOwnersAndChildrenRecursively| and so will be removed
// by this method at some point.
if (child->is_weak()) {
child_it = children->erase(child_it);
// We should never be in a situation where we're about to
// keep a node which owns a weak node (which will be/has been
// removed).
DCHECK(!child->owns_edge() || !child->owns_edge()->target()->is_weak());
// Descend and remove all weak child nodes.
// Remove all edges with owner nodes which are weak.
std::vector<Edge*>* owned_by_edges = child->owned_by_edges();
auto new_end =
std::remove_if(owned_by_edges->begin(), owned_by_edges->end(),
[](Edge* edge) { return edge->source()->is_weak(); });
owned_by_edges->erase(new_end, owned_by_edges->end());
// static
void GraphProcessor::AssignTracingOverhead(base::StringPiece allocator,
GlobalDumpGraph* global_graph,
Process* process) {
// This method should only be called if the allocator node exists.
// Check that the tracing dump exists and isn't already owning another node.
Node* tracing_node = process->FindNode("tracing");
if (!tracing_node)
// This should be first edge associated with the tracing node.
// Create the node under the allocator to which tracing overhead can be
// assigned.
std::string child_name =
allocator.as_string() + "/allocated_objects/tracing_overhead";
Node* child_node = process->CreateNode(MemoryAllocatorDumpGuid(), child_name,
false /* weak */);
// Assign the overhead of tracing to the tracing node.
global_graph->AddNodeOwnershipEdge(tracing_node, child_node,
0 /* importance */);
// static
Node::Entry GraphProcessor::AggregateNumericWithNameForNode(
Node* node,
base::StringPiece name) {
bool first = true;
Node::Entry::ScalarUnits units = Node::Entry::ScalarUnits::kObjects;
uint64_t aggregated = 0;
for (auto& path_to_child : *node->children()) {
auto* entries = path_to_child.second->entries();
// Retrieve the entry with the given column name.
auto name_to_entry_it = entries->find(name.as_string());
if (name_to_entry_it == entries->end())
// Extract the entry from the iterator.
const Node::Entry& entry = name_to_entry_it->second;
// Ensure that the entry is numeric.
DCHECK_EQ(entry.type, Node::Entry::Type::kUInt64);
// Check that the units of every child's entry with the given name is the
// same (i.e. we don't get a number for one child and size for another
// child). We do this by having a DCHECK that the units match the first
// child's units.
DCHECK(first || units == entry.units);
units = entry.units;
aggregated += entry.value_uint64;
first = false;
return Node::Entry(units, aggregated);
// static
void GraphProcessor::AggregateNumericsRecursively(Node* node) {
std::set<std::string> numeric_names;
for (const auto& path_to_child : *node->children()) {
for (const auto& name_to_entry : *path_to_child.second->entries()) {
const std::string& name = name_to_entry.first;
if (name_to_entry.second.type == Node::Entry::Type::kUInt64 &&
name != kSizeEntryName && name != kEffectiveSizeEntryName) {
for (auto& name : numeric_names) {
node->entries()->emplace(name, AggregateNumericWithNameForNode(node, name));
// static
void GraphProcessor::PropagateNumericsAndDiagnosticsRecursively(Node* node) {
for (const auto& name_to_entry : *node->entries()) {
for (auto* edge : *node->owned_by_edges()) {
for (const auto& path_to_child : *node->children()) {
// static
base::Optional<uint64_t> GraphProcessor::AggregateSizeForDescendantNode(
Node* root,
Node* descendant) {
Edge* owns_edge = descendant->owns_edge();
if (owns_edge && owns_edge->target()->IsDescendentOf(*root))
return 0;
if (descendant->children()->size() == 0)
return GetSizeEntryOfNode(descendant).value_or(0ul);
base::Optional<uint64_t> size;
for (auto path_to_child : *descendant->children()) {
auto c_size = AggregateSizeForDescendantNode(root, path_to_child.second);
if (size)
*size += c_size.value_or(0);
size = std::move(c_size);
return size;
// Assumes that this function has been called on all children and owner nodes.
// static
void GraphProcessor::CalculateSizeForNode(Node* node) {
// Get the size at the root node if it exists.
base::Optional<uint64_t> node_size = GetSizeEntryOfNode(node);
// Aggregate the size of all the child nodes.
base::Optional<uint64_t> aggregated_size;
for (auto path_to_child : *node->children()) {
auto c_size = AggregateSizeForDescendantNode(node, path_to_child.second);
if (aggregated_size)
*aggregated_size += c_size.value_or(0ul);
aggregated_size = std::move(c_size);
// Check that if both aggregated and node sizes exist that the node size
// is bigger than the aggregated.
// TODO(lalitm): the following condition is triggered very often even though
// it is a warning in JS code. Find a way to add the warning to display in UI
// or to fix all instances where this is violated and then enable this check.
// DCHECK(!node_size || !aggregated_size || *node_size >= *aggregated_size);
// Calculate the maximal size of an owner node.
base::Optional<uint64_t> max_owner_size;
for (auto* edge : *node->owned_by_edges()) {
auto o_size = GetSizeEntryOfNode(edge->source());
if (max_owner_size)
*max_owner_size = std::max(o_size.value_or(0ul), *max_owner_size);
max_owner_size = std::move(o_size);
// Check that if both owner and node sizes exist that the node size
// is bigger than the owner.
// TODO(lalitm): the following condition is triggered very often even though
// it is a warning in JS code. Find a way to add the warning to display in UI
// or to fix all instances where this is violated and then enable this check.
// DCHECK(!node_size || !max_owner_size || *node_size >= *max_owner_size);
// Clear out any existing size entry which may exist.
// If no inference about size can be made then simply return.
if (!node_size && !aggregated_size && !max_owner_size)
// Update the node with the new size entry.
uint64_t aggregated_size_value = aggregated_size.value_or(0ul);
uint64_t process_size =
std::max({node_size.value_or(0ul), aggregated_size_value,
node->AddEntry(kSizeEntryName, Node::Entry::ScalarUnits::kBytes,
// If this is an intermediate node then add a ghost node which stores
// all sizes not accounted for by the children.
uint64_t unaccounted = process_size - aggregated_size_value;
if (unaccounted > 0 && !node->children()->empty()) {
Node* unspecified = node->CreateChild("<unspecified>");
unspecified->AddEntry(kSizeEntryName, Node::Entry::ScalarUnits::kBytes,
// Assumes that this function has been called on all children and owner nodes.
// static
void GraphProcessor::CalculateDumpSubSizes(Node* node) {
// Completely skip dumps with undefined size.
base::Optional<uint64_t> size_opt = GetSizeEntryOfNode(node);
if (!size_opt)
// If the dump is a leaf node, then both sub-sizes are equal to the size.
if (node->children()->empty()) {
// Calculate this node's not-owning sub-size by summing up the not-owning
// sub-sizes of children which do not own another node.
for (const auto& path_to_child : *node->children()) {
if (path_to_child.second->owns_edge())
// Calculate this dump's not-owned sub-size.
for (const auto& path_to_child : *node->children()) {
Node* child = path_to_child.second;
// If the child dump is not owned, then add its not-owned sub-size.
if (child->owned_by_edges()->empty()) {
// If the child dump is owned, then add the difference between its size
// and the largest owner.
uint64_t largest_owner_size = 0;
for (Edge* edge : *child->owned_by_edges()) {
uint64_t source_size = GetSizeEntryOfNode(edge->source()).value_or(0);
largest_owner_size = std::max(largest_owner_size, source_size);
uint64_t child_size = GetSizeEntryOfNode(child).value_or(0);
node->add_not_owned_sub_size(child_size - largest_owner_size);
// static
void GraphProcessor::CalculateDumpOwnershipCoefficient(Node* node) {
// Completely skip dumps with undefined size.
base::Optional<uint64_t> size_opt = GetSizeEntryOfNode(node);
if (!size_opt)
// We only need to consider owned dumps.
if (node->owned_by_edges()->empty())
// Sort the owners in decreasing order of ownership priority and
// increasing order of not-owning sub-size (in case of equal priority).
std::vector<Edge*> owners = *node->owned_by_edges();
std::sort(owners.begin(), owners.end(), [](Edge* a, Edge* b) {
if (a->priority() == b->priority()) {
return a->source()->not_owning_sub_size() <
return b->priority() < a->priority();
// Loop over the list of owners and distribute the owned dump's not-owned
// sub-size among them according to their ownership priority and
// not-owning sub-size.
uint64_t already_attributed_sub_size = 0;
for (auto current_it = owners.begin(); current_it != owners.end();) {
// Find the position of the first owner with lower priority.
int current_priority = (*current_it)->priority();
auto next_it =
std::find_if(current_it, owners.end(), [current_priority](Edge* edge) {
return edge->priority() < current_priority;
// Compute the number of nodes which have the same priority as current.
size_t difference = std::distance(current_it, next_it);
// Visit the owners with the same priority in increasing order of
// not-owned sub-size, split the owned memory among them appropriately,
// and calculate their owning coefficients.
double attributed_not_owning_sub_size = 0;
for (; current_it != next_it; current_it++) {
uint64_t not_owning_sub_size =
if (not_owning_sub_size > already_attributed_sub_size) {
attributed_not_owning_sub_size +=
(not_owning_sub_size - already_attributed_sub_size) / difference;
already_attributed_sub_size = not_owning_sub_size;
if (not_owning_sub_size != 0) {
double coeff = attributed_not_owning_sub_size / not_owning_sub_size;
// At the end of this loop, we should move to a node with a lower priority.
DCHECK(current_it == next_it);
// Attribute the remainder of the owned dump's not-owned sub-size to
// the dump itself and calculate its owned coefficient.
uint64_t not_owned_sub_size = node->not_owned_sub_size();
if (not_owned_sub_size != 0) {
double remainder_sub_size =
not_owned_sub_size - already_attributed_sub_size;
node->set_owned_coefficient(remainder_sub_size / not_owned_sub_size);
// static
void GraphProcessor::CalculateDumpCumulativeOwnershipCoefficient(Node* node) {
// Completely skip nodes with undefined size.
base::Optional<uint64_t> size_opt = GetSizeEntryOfNode(node);
if (!size_opt)
double cumulative_owned_coefficient = node->owned_coefficient();
if (node->parent()) {
cumulative_owned_coefficient *=
if (node->owns_edge()) {
node->owning_coefficient() *
} else if (node->parent()) {
} else {
// static
void GraphProcessor::CalculateDumpEffectiveSize(Node* node) {
// Completely skip nodes with undefined size. As a result, each node will
// have defined effective size if and only if it has defined size.
base::Optional<uint64_t> size_opt = GetSizeEntryOfNode(node);
if (!size_opt) {
uint64_t effective_size = 0;
if (node->children()->empty()) {
// Leaf node.
effective_size = *size_opt * node->cumulative_owning_coefficient() *
} else {
// Non-leaf node.
for (const auto& path_to_child : *node->children()) {
Node* child = path_to_child.second;
if (!GetSizeEntryOfNode(child))
effective_size +=
node->AddEntry(kEffectiveSizeEntryName, Node::Entry::ScalarUnits::kBytes,
} // namespace memory_instrumentation