blob: 2cf5fe3690649cfd4659522724ab5662f60465ed [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
""" [-h] [--input INPUT] [--filter FILTER]
[--output OUTPUT]
INPUT specifies a resource whitelist file containing resource IDs that should
be whitelisted, where each line of INPUT contains a single resource ID.
FILTER specifies a resource whitelist file containing resource IDs that should
not be whitelisted, where each line of FILTER contains a single resource ID.
Filters a resource whitelist by removing resource IDs that are contained in a
another resource whitelist.
This script is used to generate Monochrome's locale paks.
import argparse
import sys
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(usage=__doc__)
'--input', type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True,
help='A resource whitelist where each line contains one resource ID. '
'These IDs, excluding the ones in FILTER, are to be included.')
'--filter', type=argparse.FileType('r'), required=True,
help='A resource whitelist where each line contains one resource ID. '
'These IDs are to be excluded.')
'--output', type=argparse.FileType('w'), default=sys.stdout,
help='The resource list path to write (default stdout)')
args = parser.parse_args()
input_resources = list(int(resource_id) for resource_id in args.input)
filter_resources = set(int(resource_id) for resource_id in args.filter)
output_resources = [resource_id for resource_id in input_resources
if resource_id not in filter_resources]
for resource_id in sorted(output_resources):
args.output.write('%d\n' % resource_id)
if __name__ == '__main__':