blob: 827669aec1f0cd1fa4f305257c30b7807b70228f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
if (android_64bit_target_cpu && skip_secondary_abi_for_cq) {
assert(current_toolchain != android_secondary_abi_toolchain)
if (enable_resource_allowlist_generation) {
system_webview_pak_allowlist =
# Having //clank present causes different flags because of how play services
# is wired up.
# The channel is required because manifest entries vary based on channel.
_verify_android_configuration =
!is_java_debug && !enable_chrome_android_internal &&
android_channel == "stable"
template("standalone_system_webview_apk_tmpl") {
system_webview_apk_or_module_tmpl(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
deps = upstream_only_webview_deps
min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
if (android_64bit_target_cpu && defined(include_32_bit_webview) &&
!include_32_bit_webview) {
android_manifest = system_webview_64_android_manifest
android_manifest_dep =
} else {
android_manifest = system_webview_android_manifest
android_manifest_dep =
# Standalone WebView APK.
if (android_64bit_target_cpu && skip_secondary_abi_for_cq) {
group("system_webview_apk") {
deps = [ ":system_webview_64_apk" ]
} else {
standalone_system_webview_apk_tmpl("system_webview_apk") {
apk_name = "SystemWebView"
# This version of the WebView APK doesn't include WebLayer java and resources.
# It's used to define the allowlist of resources to be pulled out of language
# splits. See |shared_resources_allowlist_target|.
standalone_system_webview_apk_tmpl("system_webview_no_weblayer_apk") {
exclude_weblayer_java = true
apk_name = "SystemWebViewNoWebLayer"
include_32_bit_webview = false
include_64_bit_webview = false
# Adding deps on recycler view in the base WebView APK will end up keeping the
# Java in the base APK instead of the WebLayer DFM, even though it is not
# needed in the base APK.
# If you hit this check and are adding a dep to //ui/android:ui_java, use
# //ui/android:ui_no_recycler_view instead. If you hit this check because you
# are adding //third_party/android_deps:android_support_*, use the androidx
# version of the dep instead.
# TODO(b/165810905): Use per-feature -keep rules in R8 once supported, then
# this can be removed.
assert_no_deps =
[ "//third_party/androidx:androidx_recyclerview_recyclerview_java" ]
if (android_64bit_target_cpu && skip_secondary_abi_for_cq) {
group("system_webview_bundle") {
deps = [ ":system_webview_64_bundle" ]
} else {
if (enable_webview_bundles) {
standalone_system_webview_apk_tmpl("system_webview_base_bundle_module") {
target_type = "android_app_bundle_module"
is_base_module = true
bundle_target = ":system_webview_bundle"
if (_verify_android_configuration) {
expected_android_manifest =
system_webview_bundle("system_webview_bundle") {
base_module_target = ":system_webview_base_bundle_module"
bundle_name = "SystemWebView"
min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
compress_shared_libraries = true
if (is_official_build) {
# Used for binary size monitoring.
create_app_bundle_minimal_apks("system_webview_minimal_apks") {
deps = [ ":system_webview_bundle" ]
bundle_path = "$root_build_dir/apks/SystemWebView.aab"
android_resource_sizes_test("resource_sizes_system_webview_bundle") {
file_path = "$root_build_dir/apks/SystemWebView.minimal.apks"
data_deps = [ ":system_webview_minimal_apks" ]
if (android_64bit_target_cpu) {
standalone_system_webview_apk_tmpl("system_webview_64_apk") {
apk_name = "SystemWebView64"
include_32_bit_webview = false
include_64_bit_webview = true
if (enable_webview_bundles) {
standalone_system_webview_apk_tmpl("system_webview_64_base_bundle_module") {
target_type = "android_app_bundle_module"
is_base_module = true
bundle_target = ":system_webview_64_bundle"
include_32_bit_webview = false
system_webview_bundle("system_webview_64_bundle") {
base_module_target = ":system_webview_64_base_bundle_module"
bundle_name = "SystemWebView64"
min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
compress_shared_libraries = true
include_32_bit_webview = false
if (!skip_secondary_abi_for_cq) {
# These targets builds a 32-bit only Webview on a 64-bit config, analogous
# to what's built on a 32-bit config. This lets all Webviews build on a
# single configuration.
standalone_system_webview_apk_tmpl("system_webview_32_apk") {
apk_name = "SystemWebView32"
include_64_bit_webview = false
if (enable_webview_bundles) {
"system_webview_32_base_bundle_module") {
target_type = "android_app_bundle_module"
include_64_bit_webview = false
is_base_module = true
bundle_target = ":system_webview_32_bundle"
system_webview_bundle("system_webview_32_bundle") {
base_module_target = ":system_webview_32_base_bundle_module"
bundle_name = "SystemWebView32"
include_64_bit_webview = false
min_sdk_version = default_min_sdk_version
compress_shared_libraries = true
# Trichrome WebView APK.
template("trichrome_webview_tmpl") {
system_webview_apk_or_module_tmpl(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
min_sdk_version = 29
deps = upstream_only_webview_deps
use_trichrome_library = true
if (android_64bit_target_cpu && skip_secondary_abi_for_cq) {
group("trichrome_webview_apk") {
deps = [ ":trichrome_webview_64_apk" ]
} else {
trichrome_webview_tmpl("trichrome_webview_apk") {
apk_name = "TrichromeWebView"
uncompress_dex = true
if (!is_java_debug) {
static_library_synchronized_proguard = trichrome_synchronized_proguard
if (android_64bit_target_cpu) {
is_64_bit_browser = false
include_64_bit_webview = true
android_manifest = trichrome_webview_android_manifest
android_manifest_dep =
static_library_provider = "//chrome/android:trichrome_library_apk"
if (android_64bit_target_cpu) {
trichrome_webview_tmpl("trichrome_webview_64_apk") {
apk_name = "TrichromeWebView64"
uncompress_dex = true
if (!is_java_debug) {
static_library_synchronized_proguard = trichrome_synchronized_proguard
is_64_bit_browser = true
include_32_bit_webview = false
android_manifest = trichrome_webview_64_android_manifest
android_manifest_dep =
static_library_provider = "//chrome/android:trichrome_library_64_apk"
if (enable_webview_bundles) {
if (android_64bit_target_cpu && skip_secondary_abi_for_cq) {
group("trichrome_webview_bundle") {
deps = [ ":trichrome_webview_64_bundle" ]
} else {
trichrome_webview_tmpl("trichrome_webview_base_bundle_module") {
target_type = "android_app_bundle_module"
is_base_module = true
bundle_target = ":trichrome_webview_bundle"
if (android_64bit_target_cpu) {
is_64_bit_browser = false
include_64_bit_webview = true
android_manifest = trichrome_webview_android_manifest
android_manifest_dep =
if (_verify_android_configuration) {
expected_android_manifest =
static_library_provider = "//chrome/android:trichrome_library_apk"
system_webview_bundle("trichrome_webview_bundle") {
base_module_target = ":trichrome_webview_base_bundle_module"
bundle_name = "TrichromeWebView"
uncompress_dex = true
min_sdk_version = 29
static_library_provider = "//chrome/android:trichrome_library_apk"
if (android_64bit_target_cpu) {
system_webview_bundle("trichrome_webview_64_bundle") {
base_module_target = ":trichrome_webview_64_base_bundle_module"
bundle_name = "TrichromeWebView64"
uncompress_dex = true
min_sdk_version = 29
static_library_provider = "//chrome/android:trichrome_library_64_apk"
trichrome_webview_tmpl("trichrome_webview_64_base_bundle_module") {
target_type = "android_app_bundle_module"
is_base_module = true
bundle_target = ":trichrome_webview_64_bundle"
is_64_bit_browser = true
include_32_bit_webview = false
android_manifest = trichrome_webview_64_android_manifest
android_manifest_dep =
static_library_provider = "//chrome/android:trichrome_library_64_apk"
if (is_official_build) {
# Used for binary size monitoring.
create_app_bundle_minimal_apks("trichrome_webview_minimal_apks") {
deps = [ ":trichrome_webview_bundle" ]
bundle_path = "$root_build_dir/apks/TrichromeWebView.aab"
android_resource_sizes_test("resource_sizes_trichrome_webview_bundle") {
file_path = "$root_build_dir/apks/TrichromeWebView.minimal.apks"
data_deps = [ ":trichrome_webview_minimal_apks" ]
# Trichrome WebView APK for a 64-bit Chrome.
if (android_64bit_target_cpu && !skip_secondary_abi_for_cq) {
template("trichrome_webview_64_32_tmpl") {
system_webview_apk_or_module_tmpl(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
android_manifest = trichrome_webview_64_32_android_manifest
android_manifest_dep =
use_trichrome_library = true
is_64_bit_browser = true
include_32_bit_webview = true
min_sdk_version = 29
deps = upstream_only_webview_deps
static_library_provider = "//chrome/android:trichrome_library_64_32_apk"
trichrome_webview_64_32_tmpl("trichrome_webview_64_32_apk") {
apk_name = "TrichromeWebView6432"
uncompress_dex = true
if (enable_webview_bundles) {
trichrome_webview_64_32_tmpl("trichrome_webview_64_32_base_bundle_module") {
target_type = "android_app_bundle_module"
is_base_module = true
bundle_target = ":trichrome_webview_64_32_bundle"
system_webview_bundle("trichrome_webview_64_32_bundle") {
base_module_target = ":trichrome_webview_64_32_base_bundle_module"
bundle_name = "TrichromeWebView6432"
uncompress_dex = true
min_sdk_version = 29
static_library_provider = "//chrome/android:trichrome_library_64_32_apk"
template("trichrome_webview_32_tmpl") {
system_webview_apk_or_module_tmpl(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
android_manifest = trichrome_webview_32_android_manifest
android_manifest_dep =
use_trichrome_library = true
is_64_bit_browser = false
include_64_bit_webview = false
min_sdk_version = 29
deps = upstream_only_webview_deps
static_library_provider = "//chrome/android:trichrome_library_32_apk"
trichrome_webview_32_tmpl("trichrome_webview_32_apk") {
apk_name = "TrichromeWebView32"
uncompress_dex = true
if (enable_webview_bundles) {
trichrome_webview_32_tmpl("trichrome_webview_32_base_bundle_module") {
target_type = "android_app_bundle_module"
is_base_module = true
bundle_target = ":trichrome_webview_32_bundle"
system_webview_bundle("trichrome_webview_32_bundle") {
base_module_target = ":trichrome_webview_32_base_bundle_module"
bundle_name = "TrichromeWebView32"
uncompress_dex = true
min_sdk_version = 29
static_library_provider = "//chrome/android:trichrome_library_32_apk"
# The shared library used by standalone WebView.
template("libwebviewchromium_tmpl") {
shared_library(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
deps = [
configs -= [ "//build/config/android:hide_all_but_jni_onload" ]
configs += [
libwebviewchromium_tmpl("libwebviewchromium") {
# This template is used to define WebView's alternate-ABI libraries, which are
# used by Monochrome and Trichrome on 64-bit devices which support both 32 and
# 64-bit ABIs. WebView's browser process must use the same ABI as the embedding
# app (renderer processes used the ABI defined in the WebView APK manifest),
# which requires us to have two copies of the library available, one for each
# ABI. The primary library is the one shared with Chrome, and the alternate is
# a WebView-specific library defined here for whichever ABI isn't used by
# Chrome.
# Note that this library does also include code needed for the embedded usecase,
# because even though it's not used in normal circumstances, it is required on
# a 64-bit-only device where the nonembedded process will also be 64-bit.
template("webview_alternate_library") {
chrome_common_shared_library(target_name) {
forward_variables_from(invoker, "*")
deps = [
is_webview = true
if (defined(android_secondary_abi_toolchain)) {
# Note here that on a given system, the webview-only library needs the same
# library name as the browser library, since the system webview factory will
# differentiate only by ABI.
if (current_toolchain == android_secondary_abi_toolchain) {
# This target is the 32-bit WebView library that pairs with a 64-bit
# browser. It is suffixed with _64 because its name must match the 64-bit
# browser library.
webview_alternate_library("monochrome_64") {
} else {
# Inverse of above, for the original 32-bit case.
webview_alternate_library("monochrome") {
} else {
# 32-bit WebView library used in 32-bit only builds of 64/32 targets.
webview_alternate_library("monochrome_64") {
java_group("android_webview_no_weblayer_java") {
deps = [
# This includes AwResource, which may be called via JNI. We're including it
# here because there's currently no good way to enforce that it gets included
# when it's depended on via JNI.
# If the T SDK isn't public yet, include the downstream code to support T.
if (!public_android_sdk && android_sdk_release == "t") {
deps += [ "//clank/android_webview/next:t_sdk_java" ]
# Contains all Java dependencies used by WebView.
java_group("android_webview_java") {
deps = [ ":android_webview_no_weblayer_java" ]
if (webview_includes_weblayer) {
deps += [ "//weblayer/browser/java" ]
# An empty group included in // to make this and other WebView build
# files reachable by GN.
group("empty_group") {
generate_jni("common_jni_headers") {
sources = [
generate_jni("browser_jni_headers") {
sources = [
deps = [ ":cancellation_signal_android_jar_jni_headers" ]
generate_jar_jni("cancellation_signal_android_jar_jni_headers") {
classes = [ "android/os/CancellationSignal.class" ]
android_library("browser_java") {
sources = [
deps = [
annotation_processor_deps = [ "//base/android/jni_generator:jni_processor" ]
if (enable_spellcheck) {
deps += [ "//components/spellcheck/browser/android:java" ]
srcjar_deps = [
resources_package = "org.chromium.android_webview"
android_library("common_variations_java") {
sources = [
deps = [
# Separate target to allow for a dependency on GmsCore without pulling in all of
# android_webview_java. It compiles the abstract class; implementations are
# compiled separately.
android_library("common_platform_services_java") {
sources = [
deps = [
# The appropriate .class file will be loaded via a dependency to a library
# like :platform_service_bridge_upstream_implementation_java below. We only include the
# .java file because other files in the target depend on it.
jar_excluded_patterns = [ "*/PlatformServiceBridgeImpl.class" ]
# This target compiles the implementation of PlatformServiceBridge for AOSP targets.
android_library("platform_service_bridge_upstream_implementation_java") {
sources = [ "java/src/org/chromium/android_webview/common/" ]
deps = [ ":common_platform_services_java" ]
android_library("common_crash_java") {
sources = [
deps = [
annotation_processor_deps = [ "//base/android/jni_generator:jni_processor" ]
java_cpp_strings("common_java_switches_srcjar") {
# External code should depend on "common_java" instead.
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [ "common/" ]
template = "java/src/org/chromium/android_webview/common/"
java_cpp_features("common_java_features_srcjar") {
# External code should depend on "common_java" instead.
visibility = [ ":*" ]
sources = [ "common/" ]
template = "java/src/org/chromium/android_webview/common/"
android_library("common_java") {
sources = [
deps = [
srcjar_deps = [
android_aidl("common_aidl") {
import_include = [ "java/src" ]
sources = [
android_library("common_aidl_java") {
srcjar_deps = [ ":common_aidl" ]
# Generate so that android_webview_product_config_java's
# compile step works.
generate_product_config_srcjar("webview_product_config") {
java_package = webview_product_config_java_package
# is excluded from the generated .jar
# (via. jar_excluded_patterns) and the final version is inserted at the APK
# level - with the list of pak locales populated by looking at the assets that
# are listed in the final APK's .build_config.json.
android_library("android_webview_product_config_java") {
sources = [ "java/src/org/chromium/android_webview/" ]
srcjar_deps = [ ":webview_product_config" ]
jar_excluded_patterns = [ "*/ProductConfig.class" ]
if (enable_resource_allowlist_generation) {
libwebviewchromium_tmpl("system_webview_pak_allowlist_inputs") {
ldflags = [ "--collect-inputs-only" ]
generate_resource_allowlist("system_webview_pak_allowlist") {
deps = [ ":system_webview_pak_allowlist_inputs" ]
inputs = [ "$root_out_dir/lib.unstripped/libsystem_webview_pak_allowlist_inputs$shlib_extension" ]
output = system_webview_pak_allowlist
webview_repack_locales("repack_locales") {
input_locales = platform_pak_locales
output_locales = platform_pak_locales
if (enable_resource_allowlist_generation) {
repack_allowlist = system_webview_pak_allowlist
deps = [ ":system_webview_pak_allowlist" ]
android_assets("locale_pak_assets") {
disable_compression = true
renaming_sources = []
renaming_destinations = []
foreach(_locale, platform_pak_locales) {
renaming_sources += [ "$root_out_dir/android_webview/locales/$_locale.pak" ]
renaming_destinations += [ "stored-locales/$_locale.pak" ]
treat_as_locale_paks = true
deps = [ ":repack_locales" ]
repack("repack_pack") {
sources = [
deps = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/resources.pak"
if (enable_resource_allowlist_generation) {
repack_allowlist = system_webview_pak_allowlist
deps += [ ":system_webview_pak_allowlist" ]
if (webview_includes_weblayer) {
sources += [ "$root_gen_dir/weblayer/weblayer_resources.pak" ]
deps += [ "//weblayer:resources" ]
# These resources are primarily useful for developers. To avoid increasing
# the size of WebView they are only included in non-stable channels.
if (android_channel != "stable") {
sources += [ "$root_gen_dir/content/dev_ui_content_resources.pak" ]
deps += [ "//content:dev_ui_content_resources" ]
repack("repack_100_percent") {
sources = [
deps = [
output = "$target_gen_dir/chrome_100_percent.pak"
if (enable_resource_allowlist_generation) {
repack_allowlist = system_webview_pak_allowlist
deps += [ ":system_webview_pak_allowlist" ]
if (webview_includes_weblayer) {
sources += [ "$target_gen_dir/components_resources_100_percent.pak" ]
deps += [ ":generate_components_scaled_resources" ]
android_assets("pak_file_assets") {
sources = [
deps = [
disable_compression = true
if (android_64bit_target_cpu && !skip_secondary_abi_for_cq) {
android_assets("v8_snapshot_secondary_abi_assets") {
"32-bit targets shouldn't have secondary abi")
arch_suffix = "32"
renaming_sources = []
renaming_destinations = []
if (use_v8_context_snapshot) {
renaming_sources += [ "$root_out_dir/v8_context_snapshot_32.bin" ]
renaming_destinations += [ "v8_context_snapshot_$arch_suffix.bin" ]
} else {
_secondary_abi_out_dir =
renaming_sources = [ "$_secondary_abi_out_dir/snapshot_blob.bin" ]
renaming_destinations = [ "snapshot_blob_$arch_suffix.bin" ]
disable_compression = true
deps = [
android_assets("webview_primary_abi_assets") {
deps = []
if (use_v8_context_snapshot) {
deps += [ "//tools/v8_context_snapshot:v8_context_snapshot_assets" ]
} else {
deps += [ "//v8:v8_external_startup_data_assets" ]
android_assets("monochrome_webview_primary_abi_assets") {
deps = [ "//third_party/icu:icu_assets" ]
if (use_v8_context_snapshot) {
deps += [ "//tools/v8_context_snapshot:v8_context_snapshot_assets" ]
} else {
deps += [ "//v8:v8_external_startup_data_assets" ]
if (android_64bit_target_cpu && !skip_secondary_abi_for_cq) {
android_assets("webview_secondary_abi_assets") {
deps = [ ":v8_snapshot_secondary_abi_assets" ]
android_assets("monochrome_webview_secondary_abi_assets") {
deps = [ "//third_party/icu:icu_assets" ]
deps += [ ":v8_snapshot_secondary_abi_assets" ]
android_assets("weblayer_webview_assets") {
deps = [
if (android_64bit_target_cpu && !skip_secondary_abi_for_cq) {
deps += [ ":webview_secondary_abi_assets" ]
android_assets("stub_assets") {
renaming_sources = [ "$root_gen_dir/components/resources/about_credits.html" ]
renaming_destinations = [ "webview_licenses.notice" ]
deps = [ "//components/resources:about_credits" ]
android_resources("resources") {
sources = [
deps = [ ":strings_grd" ]
grit("generate_aw_resources") {
source = "ui/aw_resources.grd"
outputs = [
grit("generate_aw_strings") {
source = "ui/aw_strings.grd"
outputs = [ "grit/aw_strings.h" ]
foreach(_locale, all_chrome_locales) {
outputs += [ "aw_strings_${_locale}.pak" ]
grit("generate_webui_resources") {
enable_input_discovery_for_gn_analyze = false
defines =
[ "SHARED_INTERMEDIATE_DIR=" + rebase_path(root_gen_dir, root_build_dir) ]
source = "$root_gen_dir/ui/webui/resources/webui_generated_resources.grd"
deps = [ "//ui/webui/resources:build_grd" ]
outputs = [
# webui/resources has way too many resources. The allowlist is trim this down
# to a reasonable size
_allowlist = "ui/grit_resources_allowlist.txt"
inputs = [ _allowlist ]
grit_flags = [
rebase_path(_allowlist, root_build_dir),
"root_gen_dir=" + rebase_path(root_gen_dir, root_build_dir),
"root_src_dir=" + rebase_path("//", root_build_dir),
grit("generate_mojo_resources") {
source = "../mojo/public/js/mojo_bindings_resources.grd"
# See :generate_webui_resources for an explanation of the allowlist
_allowlist = "ui/grit_resources_allowlist.txt"
inputs = [ _allowlist ]
grit_flags = [
rebase_path(_allowlist, root_build_dir),
outputs = [
deps = [
action("concatenate_resources_allowlists") {
script = "//mojo/public/tools/bindings/"
inputs = [ "//android_webview/ui/grit_resources_allowlist.txt" ]
if (webview_includes_weblayer) {
inputs += [ "//weblayer/grit_resources_allowlist.txt" ]
outputs = [ "$target_gen_dir/grit_resources_allowlist.txt" ]
args =
rebase_path(inputs, root_build_dir) + rebase_path(outputs, root_build_dir)
grit("generate_components_resources") {
# Note that dev_ui_components_resources.grd is Chrome-only, so excluded.
source = "../components/resources/components_resources.grd"
use_brotli = true
# See :generate_webui_resources for an explanation of the allowlist
_allowlist = rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/grit_resources_allowlist.txt",
_about_credits_file = get_label_info("//components/resources",
"target_gen_dir") + "/about_credits.html"
grit_flags = [
"about_credits_file=" + rebase_path(_about_credits_file, root_build_dir),
outputs = [
deps = [
grit("generate_components_scaled_resources") {
source = "../components/resources/components_scaled_resources.grd"
# See :generate_webui_resources for an explanation of the allowlist
_allowlist = rebase_path("$target_gen_dir/grit_resources_allowlist.txt",
grit_flags = [
outputs = [
deps = [ ":concatenate_resources_allowlists" ]
grit("generate_components_strings") {
source = "../components/components_strings.grd"
# components_strings contains strings from all components. WebView
# will never display most of them, so we try to limit the included
# strings. This allowlist trims about 50% more than the compile-based
# allowlist generated by :system_webview_pak_allowlist.
_allowlist = rebase_path("ui/grit_strings_allowlist.txt", root_build_dir)
inputs = [ "//android_webview/ui/grit_strings_allowlist.txt" ]
grit_flags = [
outputs =
] +
[ "java/res/values-{{source_name_part}}/components_strings.xml" ]) +
[ "components_strings_{{source_name_part}}.pak" ])
java_strings_grd("strings_grd") {
grd_file = "java/strings/android_webview_strings.grd"
outputs = [ "values/android_webview_strings.xml" ] +
[ "values-{{source_name_part}}/android_webview_strings.xml" ])