blob: 665d1aeb6d4be27d482a10606b91fd9f283f79f4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/cdm/aes_decryptor.h"
#include <stddef.h>
#include <list>
#include <memory>
#include <utility>
#include <vector>
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "crypto/symmetric_key.h"
#include "media/base/audio_decoder_config.h"
#include "media/base/cdm_promise.h"
#include "media/base/decoder_buffer.h"
#include "media/base/decrypt_config.h"
#include "media/base/limits.h"
#include "media/base/video_decoder_config.h"
#include "media/base/video_frame.h"
#include "media/cdm/cbcs_decryptor.h"
#include "media/cdm/cenc_decryptor.h"
#include "media/cdm/cenc_utils.h"
#include "media/cdm/json_web_key.h"
namespace media {
namespace {
// Vastly simplified ACM random class, based on media/base/test_random.h.
// base/rand_util.h doesn't work in the sandbox. This class generates
// predictable sequences of pseudorandom numbers. These are only used for
// persistent session IDs, so unpredictable sequences are not necessary.
uint32_t Rand(uint32_t seed) {
static const uint64_t A = 16807; // bits 14, 8, 7, 5, 2, 1, 0
static const uint64_t M = 2147483647L; // 2^32-1
return static_cast<uint32_t>((seed * A) % M);
// Create a random session ID. Returned value is a printable string to make
// logging the session ID easier.
std::string GenerateSessionId() {
// Create a random value. There is a slight chance that the same ID is
// generated in different processes, but session IDs are only ever saved
// by External Clear Key, which is test only.
static uint32_t seed = 0;
if (!seed) {
// If this is the first call, use the current time as the starting value.
seed = static_cast<uint32_t>(base::Time::Now().ToInternalValue());
seed = Rand(seed);
// Include an incrementing value to ensure that the session ID is unique
// in this process.
static uint32_t next_session_id_suffix = 0;
return base::HexEncode(&seed, sizeof(seed)) +
} // namespace
// Keeps track of the session IDs and DecryptionKeys. The keys are ordered by
// insertion time (last insertion is first). It takes ownership of the
// DecryptionKeys.
class AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap {
// Use a std::list to actually hold the data. Insertion is always done
// at the front, so the "latest" decryption key is always the first one
// in the list.
using KeyList =
std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::unique_ptr<DecryptionKey>>>;
SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap() = default;
SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap(const SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap&) = delete;
SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap& operator=(const SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap&) =
~SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap() = default;
// Replaces value if |session_id| is already present, or adds it if not.
// This |decryption_key| becomes the latest until another insertion or
// |session_id| is erased.
void Insert(const std::string& session_id,
std::unique_ptr<DecryptionKey> decryption_key);
// Deletes the entry for |session_id| if present.
void Erase(const std::string& session_id);
// Returns whether the list is empty
bool Empty() const { return key_list_.empty(); }
// Returns the last inserted DecryptionKey.
DecryptionKey* LatestDecryptionKey() {
return key_list_.begin()->second.get();
bool Contains(const std::string& session_id) {
return Find(session_id) != key_list_.end();
// Searches the list for an element with |session_id|.
KeyList::iterator Find(const std::string& session_id);
// Deletes the entry pointed to by |position|.
void Erase(KeyList::iterator position);
KeyList key_list_;
void AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap::Insert(
const std::string& session_id,
std::unique_ptr<DecryptionKey> decryption_key) {
auto it = Find(session_id);
if (it != key_list_.end())
key_list_.push_front(std::make_pair(session_id, std::move(decryption_key)));
void AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap::Erase(
const std::string& session_id) {
auto it = Find(session_id);
if (it == key_list_.end())
AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap::Find(const std::string& session_id) {
for (auto it = key_list_.begin(); it != key_list_.end(); ++it) {
if (it->first == session_id)
return it;
return key_list_.end();
void AesDecryptor::SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap::Erase(
KeyList::iterator position) {
// Decrypts |input| using |key|. Returns a DecoderBuffer with the decrypted
// data if decryption succeeded or NULL if decryption failed.
static scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> DecryptData(
const DecoderBuffer& input,
const crypto::SymmetricKey& key) {
if (input.decrypt_config()->encryption_scheme() == EncryptionScheme::kCenc)
return DecryptCencBuffer(input, key);
if (input.decrypt_config()->encryption_scheme() == EncryptionScheme::kCbcs)
return DecryptCbcsBuffer(input, key);
DVLOG(1) << "Only 'cenc' and 'cbcs' modes supported.";
return nullptr;
const SessionMessageCB& session_message_cb,
const SessionClosedCB& session_closed_cb,
const SessionKeysChangeCB& session_keys_change_cb,
const SessionExpirationUpdateCB& /*session_expiration_update_cb*/)
: session_message_cb_(session_message_cb),
session_keys_change_cb_(session_keys_change_cb) {
DVLOG(1) << __func__;
AesDecryptor::~AesDecryptor() {
DVLOG(1) << __func__;
void AesDecryptor::SetServerCertificate(
const std::vector<uint8_t>& certificate,
std::unique_ptr<SimpleCdmPromise> promise) {
promise->reject(CdmPromise::Exception::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, 0,
"SetServerCertificate() is not supported.");
void AesDecryptor::CreateSessionAndGenerateRequest(
CdmSessionType session_type,
EmeInitDataType init_data_type,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& init_data,
std::unique_ptr<NewSessionCdmPromise> promise) {
std::string session_id = GenerateSessionId();
bool session_added = CreateSession(session_id, session_type);
DCHECK(session_added) << "Failed to add new session " << session_id;
std::vector<uint8_t> message;
std::vector<std::vector<uint8_t>> keys;
switch (init_data_type) {
case EmeInitDataType::WEBM:
// |init_data| is simply the key needed.
if (init_data.size() < limits::kMinKeyIdLength ||
init_data.size() > limits::kMaxKeyIdLength) {
promise->reject(CdmPromise::Exception::TYPE_ERROR, 0,
"Incorrect length");
case EmeInitDataType::CENC:
// |init_data| is a set of 0 or more concatenated 'pssh' boxes.
if (!GetKeyIdsForCommonSystemId(init_data, &keys)) {
promise->reject(CdmPromise::Exception::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, 0,
"No supported PSSH box found.");
case EmeInitDataType::KEYIDS: {
std::string init_data_string(init_data.begin(), init_data.end());
std::string error_message;
if (!ExtractKeyIdsFromKeyIdsInitData(init_data_string, &keys,
&error_message)) {
promise->reject(CdmPromise::Exception::TYPE_ERROR, 0, error_message);
promise->reject(CdmPromise::Exception::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, 0,
"init_data_type not supported.");
CreateLicenseRequest(keys, session_type, &message);
session_message_cb_.Run(session_id, CdmMessageType::LICENSE_REQUEST, message);
void AesDecryptor::LoadSession(CdmSessionType session_type,
const std::string& session_id,
std::unique_ptr<NewSessionCdmPromise> promise) {
// LoadSession() is not supported directly, as there is no way to persist
// the session state. Should not be called as blink should not allow
// persistent sessions for ClearKey.
promise->reject(CdmPromise::Exception::NOT_SUPPORTED_ERROR, 0,
"LoadSession() is not supported.");
void AesDecryptor::UpdateSession(const std::string& session_id,
const std::vector<uint8_t>& response,
std::unique_ptr<SimpleCdmPromise> promise) {
// Currently the EME spec has blink check for session closed synchronously,
// but then this is called asynchronously. So it is possible that update()
// could get called on a closed session.
if (open_sessions_.find(session_id) == open_sessions_.end()) {
promise->reject(CdmPromise::Exception::INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0,
"Session does not exist.");
bool key_added = false;
CdmPromise::Exception exception;
std::string error_message;
if (!UpdateSessionWithJWK(session_id,
std::string(response.begin(), response.end()),
&key_added, &exception, &error_message)) {
promise->reject(exception, 0, error_message);
FinishUpdate(session_id, key_added, std::move(promise));
bool AesDecryptor::UpdateSessionWithJWK(const std::string& session_id,
const std::string& json_web_key_set,
bool* key_added,
CdmPromise::Exception* exception,
std::string* error_message) {
auto open_session = open_sessions_.find(session_id);
DCHECK(open_session != open_sessions_.end());
CdmSessionType session_type = open_session->second;
KeyIdAndKeyPairs keys;
if (!ExtractKeysFromJWKSet(json_web_key_set, &keys, &session_type)) {
*exception = CdmPromise::Exception::TYPE_ERROR;
error_message->assign("Invalid JSON Web Key Set.");
return false;
// Make sure that at least one key was extracted.
if (keys.empty()) {
*exception = CdmPromise::Exception::TYPE_ERROR;
error_message->assign("JSON Web Key Set does not contain any keys.");
return false;
bool local_key_added = false;
for (auto it = keys.begin(); it != keys.end(); ++it) {
if (it->second.length() !=
static_cast<size_t>(DecryptConfig::kDecryptionKeySize)) {
DVLOG(1) << "Invalid key length: " << it->second.length();
*exception = CdmPromise::Exception::TYPE_ERROR;
error_message->assign("Invalid key length.");
return false;
// If this key_id doesn't currently exist in this session,
// a new key is added.
if (!HasKey(session_id, it->first))
local_key_added = true;
if (!AddDecryptionKey(session_id, it->first, it->second)) {
*exception = CdmPromise::Exception::INVALID_STATE_ERROR;
error_message->assign("Unable to add key.");
return false;
*key_added = local_key_added;
return true;
void AesDecryptor::FinishUpdate(const std::string& session_id,
bool key_added,
std::unique_ptr<SimpleCdmPromise> promise) {
session_id, key_added,
GenerateKeysInfoList(session_id, CdmKeyInformation::USABLE));
// Runs the parallel steps from
void AesDecryptor::CloseSession(const std::string& session_id,
std::unique_ptr<SimpleCdmPromise> promise) {
// Validate that this is a reference to an open session. close() shouldn't
// be called if the session is already closed. However, the operation is
// asynchronous, so there is a window where close() was called a second time
// just before the closed event arrives. As a result it is possible that the
// session is already closed, so assume that the session is closed if it
// doesn't exist.
// close() is called from a MediaKeySession object, so it is unlikely that
// this method will be called with a previously unseen |session_id|.
auto it = open_sessions_.find(session_id);
if (it == open_sessions_.end()) {
// 5.1. Let cdm be the CDM instance represented by session's cdm instance
// value.
// 5.2. Use cdm to close the session associated with session.
// 5.3. Queue a task to run the following steps:
// 5.3.1. Run the Session Closed algorithm on the session.
session_closed_cb_.Run(session_id, CdmSessionClosedReason::kClose);
// 5.3.2. Resolve promise.
// Runs the parallel steps from
void AesDecryptor::RemoveSession(const std::string& session_id,
std::unique_ptr<SimpleCdmPromise> promise) {
auto it = open_sessions_.find(session_id);
if (it == open_sessions_.end()) {
// Session doesn't exist. Since this should only be called if the session
// existed at one time, this must mean the session has been closed.
promise->reject(CdmPromise::Exception::INVALID_STATE_ERROR, 0,
"The session is already closed.");
// Create the list of all existing keys for this session. They will be
// removed, so set the status to "released".
CdmKeysInfo keys_info =
GenerateKeysInfoList(session_id, CdmKeyInformation::RELEASED);
// 4.1. Let cdm be the CDM instance represented by session's cdm instance
// value.
// 4.2 Let message be null.
// 4.3 Let message type be null.
// 4.4 Use the cdm to execute the following steps:
// Destroy the license(s) and/or key(s) associated with the session.
// Follow the steps for the value of this object's session type
// from the following list:
// "temporary"
// Continue with the following steps.
// "persistent-license"
// Let message be a message containing or reflecting the record
// of license destruction.
std::vector<uint8_t> message;
if (it->second == CdmSessionType::kPersistentLicense) {
// The license release message is specified in the spec:
// TODO( Move session message for persistent-license
// session from AesDecryptor to ClearKeyPersistentSessionCdm.
KeyIdList key_ids;
for (const auto& key_info : keys_info)
message = CreateLicenseReleaseMessage(key_ids);
// 4.5. Queue a task to run the following steps:
// 4.5.1 Run the Update Key Statuses algorithm on the session, providing
// all key ID(s) in the session along with the "released"
// MediaKeyStatus value for each.
session_keys_change_cb_.Run(session_id, false, std::move(keys_info));
// 4.5.2 Run the Update Expiration algorithm on the session, providing NaN.
// But for Clear Key, the keys never expire. So do nothing here.
// 4.5.3 If any of the preceding steps failed, reject promise with a new
// DOMException whose name is the appropriate error name.
// 4.5.4 Let message type be "license-release".
// 4.5.5 If message is not null, run the Queue a "message" Event algorithm
// on the session, providing message type and message.
if (!message.empty())
session_message_cb_.Run(session_id, CdmMessageType::LICENSE_RELEASE,
// 4.5.6. Resolve promise.
CdmContext* AesDecryptor::GetCdmContext() {
return this;
std::unique_ptr<CallbackRegistration> AesDecryptor::RegisterEventCB(
EventCB event_cb) {
return event_callbacks_.Register(std::move(event_cb));
Decryptor* AesDecryptor::GetDecryptor() {
return this;
void AesDecryptor::Decrypt(StreamType stream_type,
scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> encrypted,
DecryptCB decrypt_cb) {
DVLOG(3) << __func__ << ": "
<< encrypted->AsHumanReadableString(/*verbose=*/true);
if (!encrypted->decrypt_config()) {
// If there is no DecryptConfig, then the data is unencrypted so return it
// immediately.
std::move(decrypt_cb).Run(kSuccess, encrypted);
const std::string& key_id = encrypted->decrypt_config()->key_id();
base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_);
DecryptionKey* key = GetKey_Locked(key_id);
if (!key) {
DVLOG(1) << "Could not find a matching key for the given key ID.";
std::move(decrypt_cb).Run(kNoKey, nullptr);
scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> decrypted =
DecryptData(*encrypted.get(), *key->decryption_key());
if (!decrypted) {
DVLOG(1) << "Decryption failed.";
std::move(decrypt_cb).Run(kError, nullptr);
DCHECK_EQ(decrypted->timestamp(), encrypted->timestamp());
DCHECK_EQ(decrypted->duration(), encrypted->duration());
std::move(decrypt_cb).Run(kSuccess, std::move(decrypted));
void AesDecryptor::CancelDecrypt(StreamType stream_type) {
// Decrypt() calls the DecryptCB synchronously so there's nothing to cancel.
void AesDecryptor::InitializeAudioDecoder(const AudioDecoderConfig& config,
DecoderInitCB init_cb) {
// AesDecryptor does not support audio decoding.
void AesDecryptor::InitializeVideoDecoder(const VideoDecoderConfig& config,
DecoderInitCB init_cb) {
// AesDecryptor does not support video decoding.
void AesDecryptor::DecryptAndDecodeAudio(scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> encrypted,
AudioDecodeCB audio_decode_cb) {
NOTREACHED() << "AesDecryptor does not support audio decoding";
void AesDecryptor::DecryptAndDecodeVideo(scoped_refptr<DecoderBuffer> encrypted,
VideoDecodeCB video_decode_cb) {
NOTREACHED() << "AesDecryptor does not support video decoding";
void AesDecryptor::ResetDecoder(StreamType stream_type) {
NOTREACHED() << "AesDecryptor does not support audio/video decoding";
void AesDecryptor::DeinitializeDecoder(StreamType stream_type) {
// AesDecryptor does not support audio/video decoding, but since this can be
// called any time after InitializeAudioDecoder/InitializeVideoDecoder,
// nothing to be done here.
bool AesDecryptor::CanAlwaysDecrypt() {
return true;
bool AesDecryptor::CreateSession(const std::string& session_id,
CdmSessionType session_type) {
auto it = open_sessions_.find(session_id);
if (it != open_sessions_.end())
return false;
auto result = open_sessions_.emplace(session_id, session_type);
return result.second;
std::string AesDecryptor::GetSessionStateAsJWK(const std::string& session_id) {
// Create the list of all available keys for this session.
KeyIdAndKeyPairs keys;
base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_);
for (const auto& item : key_map_) {
if (item.second->Contains(session_id)) {
std::string key_id = item.first;
// |key| is the value used to create the decryption key.
std::string key = item.second->LatestDecryptionKey()->secret();
keys.push_back(std::make_pair(key_id, key));
return GenerateJWKSet(keys, CdmSessionType::kPersistentLicense);
bool AesDecryptor::AddDecryptionKey(const std::string& session_id,
const std::string& key_id,
const std::string& key_string) {
std::unique_ptr<DecryptionKey> decryption_key(new DecryptionKey(key_string));
if (!decryption_key->Init()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Could not initialize decryption key.";
return false;
base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_);
auto key_id_entry = key_map_.find(key_id);
if (key_id_entry != key_map_.end()) {
key_id_entry->second->Insert(session_id, std::move(decryption_key));
return true;
// |key_id| not found, so need to create new entry.
std::unique_ptr<SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap> inner_map(
new SessionIdDecryptionKeyMap());
inner_map->Insert(session_id, std::move(decryption_key));
key_map_[key_id] = std::move(inner_map);
return true;
AesDecryptor::DecryptionKey* AesDecryptor::GetKey_Locked(
const std::string& key_id) const {
auto key_id_found = key_map_.find(key_id);
if (key_id_found == key_map_.end())
return NULL;
// Return the key from the "latest" session_id entry.
return key_id_found->second->LatestDecryptionKey();
bool AesDecryptor::HasKey(const std::string& session_id,
const std::string& key_id) {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_);
KeyIdToSessionKeysMap::const_iterator key_id_found = key_map_.find(key_id);
if (key_id_found == key_map_.end())
return false;
return key_id_found->second->Contains(session_id);
void AesDecryptor::DeleteKeysForSession(const std::string& session_id) {
base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_);
// Remove all keys associated with |session_id|. Since the data is
// optimized for access in GetKey_Locked(), we need to look at each entry in
// |key_map_|.
auto it = key_map_.begin();
while (it != key_map_.end()) {
if (it->second->Empty()) {
// Need to get rid of the entry for this key_id. This will mess up the
// iterator, so we need to increment it first.
auto current = it;
} else {
CdmKeysInfo AesDecryptor::GenerateKeysInfoList(
const std::string& session_id,
CdmKeyInformation::KeyStatus status) {
// Create the list of all available keys for this session.
CdmKeysInfo keys_info;
base::AutoLock auto_lock(key_map_lock_);
for (const auto& item : key_map_) {
if (item.second->Contains(session_id)) {
std::make_unique<CdmKeyInformation>(item.first, status, 0));
return keys_info;
AesDecryptor::DecryptionKey::DecryptionKey(const std::string& secret)
: secret_(secret) {}
AesDecryptor::DecryptionKey::~DecryptionKey() = default;
bool AesDecryptor::DecryptionKey::Init() {
decryption_key_ =
crypto::SymmetricKey::Import(crypto::SymmetricKey::AES, secret_);
if (!decryption_key_)
return false;
return true;
} // namespace media