| // Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // This file contains an implementation of an H264 Annex-B video stream parser. |
| |
| #ifndef MEDIA_VIDEO_H264_PARSER_H_ |
| #define MEDIA_VIDEO_H264_PARSER_H_ |
| |
| #include <stddef.h> |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| #include <sys/types.h> |
| |
| #include <map> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "media/base/media_export.h" |
| #include "media/base/ranges.h" |
| #include "media/base/video_codecs.h" |
| #include "media/base/video_color_space.h" |
| #include "media/video/h264_bit_reader.h" |
| #include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h" |
| |
| namespace gfx { |
| class Rect; |
| class Size; |
| } // namespace gfx |
| |
| namespace media { |
| |
| struct SubsampleEntry; |
| |
| // For explanations of each struct and its members, see H.264 specification |
| // at http://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-H.264. |
| struct MEDIA_EXPORT H264NALU { |
| H264NALU(); |
| |
| enum Type { |
| kUnspecified = 0, |
| kNonIDRSlice = 1, |
| kSliceDataA = 2, |
| kSliceDataB = 3, |
| kSliceDataC = 4, |
| kIDRSlice = 5, |
| kSEIMessage = 6, |
| kSPS = 7, |
| kPPS = 8, |
| kAUD = 9, |
| kEOSeq = 10, |
| kEOStream = 11, |
| kFiller = 12, |
| kSPSExt = 13, |
| kPrefix = 14, |
| kSubsetSPS = 15, |
| kDPS = 16, |
| kReserved17 = 17, |
| kReserved18 = 18, |
| kCodedSliceAux = 19, |
| kCodedSliceExtension = 20, |
| }; |
| |
| // After (without) start code; we don't own the underlying memory |
| // and a shallow copy should be made when copying this struct. |
| const uint8_t* data; |
| off_t size; // From after start code to start code of next NALU (or EOS). |
| |
| int nal_ref_idc; |
| int nal_unit_type; |
| }; |
| |
| enum { |
| kH264ScalingList4x4Length = 16, |
| kH264ScalingList8x8Length = 64, |
| }; |
| |
| struct MEDIA_EXPORT H264SPS { |
| H264SPS(); |
| |
| enum H264ProfileIDC { |
| kProfileIDCBaseline = 66, |
| kProfileIDCConstrainedBaseline = kProfileIDCBaseline, |
| kProfileIDCMain = 77, |
| kProfileIDScalableBaseline = 83, |
| kProfileIDScalableHigh = 86, |
| kProfileIDCHigh = 100, |
| kProfileIDHigh10 = 110, |
| kProfileIDSMultiviewHigh = 118, |
| kProfileIDHigh422 = 122, |
| kProfileIDStereoHigh = 128, |
| kProfileIDHigh444Predictive = 244, |
| }; |
| |
| enum H264LevelIDC : uint8_t { |
| kLevelIDC1p0 = 10, |
| kLevelIDC1B = 9, |
| kLevelIDC1p1 = 11, |
| kLevelIDC1p2 = 12, |
| kLevelIDC1p3 = 13, |
| kLevelIDC2p0 = 20, |
| kLevelIDC2p1 = 21, |
| kLevelIDC2p2 = 22, |
| kLevelIDC3p0 = 30, |
| kLevelIDC3p1 = 31, |
| kLevelIDC3p2 = 32, |
| kLevelIDC4p0 = 40, |
| kLevelIDC4p1 = 41, |
| kLevelIDC4p2 = 42, |
| kLevelIDC5p0 = 50, |
| kLevelIDC5p1 = 51, |
| kLevelIDC5p2 = 52, |
| kLevelIDC6p0 = 60, |
| kLevelIDC6p1 = 61, |
| kLevelIDC6p2 = 62, |
| }; |
| |
| enum AspectRatioIdc { |
| kExtendedSar = 255, |
| }; |
| |
| enum { |
| // Constants for HRD parameters (spec ch. E.2.2). |
| kBitRateScaleConstantTerm = 6, // Equation E-37. |
| kCPBSizeScaleConstantTerm = 4, // Equation E-38. |
| kDefaultInitialCPBRemovalDelayLength = 24, |
| kDefaultDPBOutputDelayLength = 24, |
| kDefaultTimeOffsetLength = 24, |
| }; |
| |
| int profile_idc; |
| bool constraint_set0_flag; |
| bool constraint_set1_flag; |
| bool constraint_set2_flag; |
| bool constraint_set3_flag; |
| bool constraint_set4_flag; |
| bool constraint_set5_flag; |
| int level_idc; |
| int seq_parameter_set_id; |
| |
| int chroma_format_idc; |
| bool separate_colour_plane_flag; |
| int bit_depth_luma_minus8; |
| int bit_depth_chroma_minus8; |
| bool qpprime_y_zero_transform_bypass_flag; |
| |
| bool seq_scaling_matrix_present_flag; |
| int scaling_list4x4[6][kH264ScalingList4x4Length]; |
| int scaling_list8x8[6][kH264ScalingList8x8Length]; |
| |
| int log2_max_frame_num_minus4; |
| int pic_order_cnt_type; |
| int log2_max_pic_order_cnt_lsb_minus4; |
| bool delta_pic_order_always_zero_flag; |
| int offset_for_non_ref_pic; |
| int offset_for_top_to_bottom_field; |
| int num_ref_frames_in_pic_order_cnt_cycle; |
| int expected_delta_per_pic_order_cnt_cycle; // calculated |
| int offset_for_ref_frame[255]; |
| int max_num_ref_frames; |
| bool gaps_in_frame_num_value_allowed_flag; |
| int pic_width_in_mbs_minus1; |
| int pic_height_in_map_units_minus1; |
| bool frame_mbs_only_flag; |
| bool mb_adaptive_frame_field_flag; |
| bool direct_8x8_inference_flag; |
| bool frame_cropping_flag; |
| int frame_crop_left_offset; |
| int frame_crop_right_offset; |
| int frame_crop_top_offset; |
| int frame_crop_bottom_offset; |
| |
| bool vui_parameters_present_flag; |
| int sar_width; // Set to 0 when not specified. |
| int sar_height; // Set to 0 when not specified. |
| bool bitstream_restriction_flag; |
| int max_num_reorder_frames; |
| int max_dec_frame_buffering; |
| bool timing_info_present_flag; |
| int num_units_in_tick; |
| int time_scale; |
| bool fixed_frame_rate_flag; |
| |
| bool video_signal_type_present_flag; |
| int video_format; |
| bool video_full_range_flag; |
| bool colour_description_present_flag; |
| int colour_primaries; |
| int transfer_characteristics; |
| int matrix_coefficients; |
| |
| // TODO(posciak): actually parse these instead of ParseAndIgnoreHRDParameters. |
| bool nal_hrd_parameters_present_flag; |
| int cpb_cnt_minus1; |
| int bit_rate_scale; |
| int cpb_size_scale; |
| int bit_rate_value_minus1[32]; |
| int cpb_size_value_minus1[32]; |
| bool cbr_flag[32]; |
| int initial_cpb_removal_delay_length_minus_1; |
| int cpb_removal_delay_length_minus1; |
| int dpb_output_delay_length_minus1; |
| int time_offset_length; |
| |
| bool low_delay_hrd_flag; |
| |
| int chroma_array_type; |
| |
| // Get corresponding SPS |level_idc| and |constraint_set3_flag| value from |
| // requested |profile| and |level| (see Spec A.3.1). |
| static void GetLevelConfigFromProfileLevel(VideoCodecProfile profile, |
| uint8_t level, |
| int* level_idc, |
| bool* constraint_set3_flag); |
| |
| // Helpers to compute frequently-used values. These methods return |
| // absl::nullopt if they encounter integer overflow. They do not verify that |
| // the results are in-spec for the given profile or level. |
| absl::optional<gfx::Size> GetCodedSize() const; |
| absl::optional<gfx::Rect> GetVisibleRect() const; |
| VideoColorSpace GetColorSpace() const; |
| |
| // Helper to compute indicated level from parsed SPS data. The value of |
| // indicated level would be included in H264LevelIDC enum representing the |
| // level as in name. |
| uint8_t GetIndicatedLevel() const; |
| // Helper to check if indicated level is lower than or equal to |
| // |target_level|. |
| bool CheckIndicatedLevelWithinTarget(uint8_t target_level) const; |
| }; |
| |
| struct MEDIA_EXPORT H264PPS { |
| H264PPS(); |
| |
| int pic_parameter_set_id; |
| int seq_parameter_set_id; |
| bool entropy_coding_mode_flag; |
| bool bottom_field_pic_order_in_frame_present_flag; |
| int num_slice_groups_minus1; |
| // TODO(posciak): Slice groups not implemented, could be added at some point. |
| int num_ref_idx_l0_default_active_minus1; |
| int num_ref_idx_l1_default_active_minus1; |
| bool weighted_pred_flag; |
| int weighted_bipred_idc; |
| int pic_init_qp_minus26; |
| int pic_init_qs_minus26; |
| int chroma_qp_index_offset; |
| bool deblocking_filter_control_present_flag; |
| bool constrained_intra_pred_flag; |
| bool redundant_pic_cnt_present_flag; |
| bool transform_8x8_mode_flag; |
| |
| bool pic_scaling_matrix_present_flag; |
| int scaling_list4x4[6][kH264ScalingList4x4Length]; |
| int scaling_list8x8[6][kH264ScalingList8x8Length]; |
| |
| int second_chroma_qp_index_offset; |
| }; |
| |
| struct MEDIA_EXPORT H264ModificationOfPicNum { |
| int modification_of_pic_nums_idc; |
| union { |
| int abs_diff_pic_num_minus1; |
| int long_term_pic_num; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| struct MEDIA_EXPORT H264WeightingFactors { |
| bool luma_weight_flag; |
| bool chroma_weight_flag; |
| int luma_weight[32]; |
| int luma_offset[32]; |
| int chroma_weight[32][2]; |
| int chroma_offset[32][2]; |
| }; |
| |
| struct MEDIA_EXPORT H264DecRefPicMarking { |
| int memory_mgmnt_control_operation; |
| int difference_of_pic_nums_minus1; |
| int long_term_pic_num; |
| int long_term_frame_idx; |
| int max_long_term_frame_idx_plus1; |
| }; |
| |
| struct MEDIA_EXPORT H264SliceHeader { |
| H264SliceHeader(); |
| |
| enum { kRefListSize = 32, kRefListModSize = kRefListSize }; |
| |
| enum Type { |
| kPSlice = 0, |
| kBSlice = 1, |
| kISlice = 2, |
| kSPSlice = 3, |
| kSISlice = 4, |
| }; |
| |
| bool IsPSlice() const; |
| bool IsBSlice() const; |
| bool IsISlice() const; |
| bool IsSPSlice() const; |
| bool IsSISlice() const; |
| |
| bool idr_pic_flag; // from NAL header |
| int nal_ref_idc; // from NAL header |
| const uint8_t* nalu_data; // from NAL header |
| off_t nalu_size; // from NAL header |
| off_t header_bit_size; // calculated |
| |
| int first_mb_in_slice; |
| int slice_type; |
| int pic_parameter_set_id; |
| int colour_plane_id; // TODO(posciak): use this! http://crbug.com/139878 |
| int frame_num; |
| bool field_pic_flag; |
| bool bottom_field_flag; |
| int idr_pic_id; |
| int pic_order_cnt_lsb; |
| int delta_pic_order_cnt_bottom; |
| int delta_pic_order_cnt0; |
| int delta_pic_order_cnt1; |
| int redundant_pic_cnt; |
| bool direct_spatial_mv_pred_flag; |
| |
| bool num_ref_idx_active_override_flag; |
| int num_ref_idx_l0_active_minus1; |
| int num_ref_idx_l1_active_minus1; |
| bool ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l0; |
| bool ref_pic_list_modification_flag_l1; |
| H264ModificationOfPicNum ref_list_l0_modifications[kRefListModSize]; |
| H264ModificationOfPicNum ref_list_l1_modifications[kRefListModSize]; |
| |
| int luma_log2_weight_denom; |
| int chroma_log2_weight_denom; |
| |
| bool luma_weight_l0_flag; |
| bool chroma_weight_l0_flag; |
| H264WeightingFactors pred_weight_table_l0; |
| |
| bool luma_weight_l1_flag; |
| bool chroma_weight_l1_flag; |
| H264WeightingFactors pred_weight_table_l1; |
| |
| bool no_output_of_prior_pics_flag; |
| bool long_term_reference_flag; |
| |
| bool adaptive_ref_pic_marking_mode_flag; |
| H264DecRefPicMarking ref_pic_marking[kRefListSize]; |
| |
| int cabac_init_idc; |
| int slice_qp_delta; |
| bool sp_for_switch_flag; |
| int slice_qs_delta; |
| int disable_deblocking_filter_idc; |
| int slice_alpha_c0_offset_div2; |
| int slice_beta_offset_div2; |
| |
| // Calculated. |
| // Size in bits of dec_ref_pic_marking() syntax element. |
| size_t dec_ref_pic_marking_bit_size; |
| size_t pic_order_cnt_bit_size; |
| |
| // This is when we are using full sample encryption and only the portions |
| // needed for DPB management are filled in, the rest will already be known |
| // by the accelerator and we will not need to specify it. |
| bool full_sample_encryption; |
| // This is used by some accelerators to handle decoding after slice header |
| // parsing. |
| uint32_t full_sample_index; |
| }; |
| |
| struct H264SEIRecoveryPoint { |
| int recovery_frame_cnt; |
| bool exact_match_flag; |
| bool broken_link_flag; |
| int changing_slice_group_idc; |
| }; |
| |
| struct MEDIA_EXPORT H264SEIMessage { |
| H264SEIMessage(); |
| |
| enum Type { |
| kSEIRecoveryPoint = 6, |
| }; |
| |
| int type; |
| int payload_size; |
| union { |
| // Placeholder; in future more supported types will contribute to more |
| // union members here. |
| H264SEIRecoveryPoint recovery_point; |
| }; |
| }; |
| |
| // Class to parse an Annex-B H.264 stream, |
| // as specified in chapters 7 and Annex B of the H.264 spec. |
| class MEDIA_EXPORT H264Parser { |
| public: |
| enum Result { |
| kOk, |
| kInvalidStream, // error in stream |
| kUnsupportedStream, // stream not supported by the parser |
| kEOStream, // end of stream |
| }; |
| |
| // Find offset from start of data to next NALU start code |
| // and size of found start code (3 or 4 bytes). |
| // If no start code is found, offset is pointing to the first unprocessed byte |
| // (i.e. the first byte that was not considered as a possible start of a start |
| // code) and |*start_code_size| is set to 0. |
| // Preconditions: |
| // - |data_size| >= 0 |
| // Postconditions: |
| // - |*offset| is between 0 and |data_size| included. |
| // It is strictly less than |data_size| if |data_size| > 0. |
| // - |*start_code_size| is either 0, 3 or 4. |
| static bool FindStartCode(const uint8_t* data, |
| off_t data_size, |
| off_t* offset, |
| off_t* start_code_size); |
| |
| // Wrapper for FindStartCode() that skips over start codes that |
| // may appear inside of |encrypted_ranges_|. |
| // Returns true if a start code was found. Otherwise returns false. |
| static bool FindStartCodeInClearRanges(const uint8_t* data, |
| off_t data_size, |
| const Ranges<const uint8_t*>& ranges, |
| off_t* offset, |
| off_t* start_code_size); |
| |
| static VideoCodecProfile ProfileIDCToVideoCodecProfile(int profile_idc); |
| |
| // Parses the input stream and returns all the NALUs through |nalus|. Returns |
| // false if the stream is invalid. |
| static bool ParseNALUs(const uint8_t* stream, |
| size_t stream_size, |
| std::vector<H264NALU>* nalus); |
| |
| H264Parser(); |
| |
| H264Parser(const H264Parser&) = delete; |
| H264Parser& operator=(const H264Parser&) = delete; |
| |
| ~H264Parser(); |
| |
| void Reset(); |
| // Set current stream pointer to |stream| of |stream_size| in bytes, |
| // |stream| owned by caller. |
| // |subsamples| contains information about what parts of |stream| are |
| // encrypted. |
| void SetStream(const uint8_t* stream, off_t stream_size); |
| void SetEncryptedStream(const uint8_t* stream, |
| off_t stream_size, |
| const std::vector<SubsampleEntry>& subsamples); |
| |
| // Read the stream to find the next NALU, identify it and return |
| // that information in |*nalu|. This advances the stream to the beginning |
| // of this NALU, but not past it, so subsequent calls to NALU-specific |
| // parsing functions (ParseSPS, etc.) will parse this NALU. |
| // If the caller wishes to skip the current NALU, it can call this function |
| // again, instead of any NALU-type specific parse functions below. |
| Result AdvanceToNextNALU(H264NALU* nalu); |
| |
| // NALU-specific parsing functions. |
| // These should be called after AdvanceToNextNALU(). |
| |
| // SPSes and PPSes are owned by the parser class and the memory for their |
| // structures is managed here, not by the caller, as they are reused |
| // across NALUs. |
| // |
| // Parse an SPS/PPS NALU and save their data in the parser, returning id |
| // of the parsed structure in |*pps_id|/|*sps_id|. |
| // To get a pointer to a given SPS/PPS structure, use GetSPS()/GetPPS(), |
| // passing the returned |*sps_id|/|*pps_id| as parameter. |
| // TODO(posciak,fischman): consider replacing returning Result from Parse*() |
| // methods with a scoped_ptr and adding an AtEOS() function to check for EOS |
| // if Parse*() return NULL. |
| Result ParseSPS(int* sps_id); |
| Result ParsePPS(int* pps_id); |
| |
| // Parses the SPS ID from the SPSExt, but otherwise does nothing. |
| Result ParseSPSExt(int* sps_id); |
| |
| // Return a pointer to SPS/PPS with given |sps_id|/|pps_id| or NULL if not |
| // present. |
| const H264SPS* GetSPS(int sps_id) const; |
| const H264PPS* GetPPS(int pps_id) const; |
| |
| // Slice headers and SEI messages are not used across NALUs by the parser |
| // and can be discarded after current NALU, so the parser does not store |
| // them, nor does it manage their memory. |
| // The caller has to provide and manage it instead. |
| |
| // Parse a slice header, returning it in |*shdr|. |*nalu| must be set to |
| // the NALU returned from AdvanceToNextNALU() and corresponding to |*shdr|. |
| Result ParseSliceHeader(const H264NALU& nalu, H264SliceHeader* shdr); |
| |
| // Parse a SEI message, returning it in |*sei_msg|, provided and managed |
| // by the caller. |
| Result ParseSEI(H264SEIMessage* sei_msg); |
| |
| // The return value of this method changes for every successful call to |
| // AdvanceToNextNALU(). |
| // This returns the subsample information for the last NALU that was output |
| // from AdvanceToNextNALU(). |
| std::vector<SubsampleEntry> GetCurrentSubsamples(); |
| |
| private: |
| // Move the stream pointer to the beginning of the next NALU, |
| // i.e. pointing at the next start code. |
| // Return true if a NALU has been found. |
| // If a NALU is found: |
| // - its size in bytes is returned in |*nalu_size| and includes |
| // the start code as well as the trailing zero bits. |
| // - the size in bytes of the start code is returned in |*start_code_size|. |
| bool LocateNALU(off_t* nalu_size, off_t* start_code_size); |
| |
| // Exp-Golomb code parsing as specified in chapter 9.1 of the spec. |
| // Read one unsigned exp-Golomb code from the stream and return in |*val|. |
| Result ReadUE(int* val); |
| |
| // Read one signed exp-Golomb code from the stream and return in |*val|. |
| Result ReadSE(int* val); |
| |
| // Parse scaling lists (see spec). |
| Result ParseScalingList(int size, int* scaling_list, bool* use_default); |
| Result ParseSPSScalingLists(H264SPS* sps); |
| Result ParsePPSScalingLists(const H264SPS& sps, H264PPS* pps); |
| |
| // Parse optional VUI parameters in SPS (see spec). |
| Result ParseVUIParameters(H264SPS* sps); |
| // Set |hrd_parameters_present| to true only if they are present. |
| Result ParseAndIgnoreHRDParameters(bool* hrd_parameters_present); |
| |
| // Parse reference picture lists' modifications (see spec). |
| Result ParseRefPicListModifications(H264SliceHeader* shdr); |
| Result ParseRefPicListModification(int num_ref_idx_active_minus1, |
| H264ModificationOfPicNum* ref_list_mods); |
| |
| // Parse prediction weight table (see spec). |
| Result ParsePredWeightTable(const H264SPS& sps, H264SliceHeader* shdr); |
| |
| // Parse weighting factors (see spec). |
| Result ParseWeightingFactors(int num_ref_idx_active_minus1, |
| int chroma_array_type, |
| int luma_log2_weight_denom, |
| int chroma_log2_weight_denom, |
| H264WeightingFactors* w_facts); |
| |
| // Parse decoded reference picture marking information (see spec). |
| Result ParseDecRefPicMarking(H264SliceHeader* shdr); |
| |
| // Pointer to the current NALU in the stream. |
| const uint8_t* stream_; |
| |
| // Bytes left in the stream after the current NALU. |
| off_t bytes_left_; |
| |
| H264BitReader br_; |
| |
| // PPSes and SPSes stored for future reference. |
| std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<H264SPS>> active_SPSes_; |
| std::map<int, std::unique_ptr<H264PPS>> active_PPSes_; |
| |
| // Ranges of encrypted bytes in the buffer passed to |
| // SetEncryptedStream(). |
| Ranges<const uint8_t*> encrypted_ranges_; |
| |
| // This contains the range of the previous NALU found in |
| // AdvanceToNextNalu(). Holds exactly one range. |
| Ranges<const uint8_t*> previous_nalu_range_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace media |
| |
| #endif // MEDIA_VIDEO_H264_PARSER_H_ |