blob: 44488da7fa222eda503cf929cbb3333bbb324a57 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef UI_AURA_ENV_H_
#define UI_AURA_ENV_H_
#include <memory>
#include <set>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/supports_user_data.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/system/buffer.h"
#include "ui/aura/aura_export.h"
#include "ui/events/event_target.h"
#include "ui/events/types/event_type.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
namespace ui {
class ContextFactory;
class EventObserver;
class GestureRecognizer;
class PlatformEventSource;
class WinCursorFactory;
} // namespace ui
namespace aura {
namespace test {
class EnvTestHelper;
class EnvInputStateController;
class EnvObserver;
class EventObserverAdapter;
class InputStateLookup;
class Window;
class WindowEventDispatcherObserver;
class WindowOcclusionTracker;
class WindowTreeHost;
// A singleton object that tracks general state within Aura.
class AURA_EXPORT Env : public ui::EventTarget,
public base::SupportsUserData {
Env(const Env&) = delete;
Env& operator=(const Env&) = delete;
~Env() override;
// Creates a new Env instance.
static std::unique_ptr<Env> CreateInstance();
// Returns the instance created by CreateInstance(). This DCHECKs that
// CreateInstance() has been called. Use HasInstance() to determine if
// CreateInstance() was called.
static Env* GetInstance();
static bool HasInstance();
void AddObserver(EnvObserver* observer);
void RemoveObserver(EnvObserver* observer);
void AddWindowEventDispatcherObserver(
WindowEventDispatcherObserver* observer);
void RemoveWindowEventDispatcherObserver(
WindowEventDispatcherObserver* observer);
window_event_dispatcher_observers() {
return window_event_dispatcher_observers_;
EnvInputStateController* env_controller() const {
return env_controller_.get();
int mouse_button_flags() const { return mouse_button_flags_; }
void set_mouse_button_flags(int mouse_button_flags) {
mouse_button_flags_ = mouse_button_flags;
// Returns true if a mouse button is down. This may query the native OS,
// otherwise it uses |mouse_button_flags_|.
bool IsMouseButtonDown() const;
// Gets/sets the last mouse location seen in a mouse event in the screen
// coordinates.
const gfx::Point& last_mouse_location() const { return last_mouse_location_; }
void SetLastMouseLocation(const gfx::Point& last_mouse_location);
// Whether any touch device is currently down.
bool is_touch_down() const { return is_touch_down_; }
void set_touch_down(bool value) { is_touch_down_ = value; }
void set_context_factory(ui::ContextFactory* context_factory) {
context_factory_ = context_factory;
ui::ContextFactory* context_factory() { return context_factory_; }
// Sets |initial_throttle_input_on_resize| the next time Env is created. This
// is only useful in tests that need to disable input resize.
static void set_initial_throttle_input_on_resize_for_testing(
bool throttle_input) {
initial_throttle_input_on_resize_ = throttle_input;
void set_throttle_input_on_resize_for_testing(bool throttle_input) {
throttle_input_on_resize_ = throttle_input;
bool throttle_input_on_resize() const { return throttle_input_on_resize_; }
ui::GestureRecognizer* gesture_recognizer() {
return gesture_recognizer_.get();
void SetGestureRecognizer(
std::unique_ptr<ui::GestureRecognizer> gesture_recognizer);
// Get WindowOcclusionTracker instance. Create one if not yet created.
WindowOcclusionTracker* GetWindowOcclusionTracker();
// Pause/unpause window occlusion tracking.
void PauseWindowOcclusionTracking();
void UnpauseWindowOcclusionTracking();
// Add, remove, or notify EventObservers. EventObservers are essentially
// pre-target EventHandlers that can not modify the events nor alter dispatch.
// On Chrome OS, observers receive system-wide events if |target| is this Env.
// On desktop platforms, observers may only receive events targeting Chrome.
// Observers must be removed before their target is destroyed.
void AddEventObserver(ui::EventObserver* observer,
ui::EventTarget* target,
const std::set<ui::EventType>& types);
void RemoveEventObserver(ui::EventObserver* observer);
void NotifyEventObservers(const ui::Event& event);
const std::vector<aura::WindowTreeHost*>& window_tree_hosts() const {
return window_tree_hosts_;
friend class test::EnvTestHelper;
friend class EventInjector;
friend class Window;
friend class WindowTreeHost;
// Returns whether the initialisation was successful. If it was not,
// CreateInstance will return nullptr, and the process will eventually exit.
bool Init();
// Called by the Window when it is initialized. Notifies observers.
void NotifyWindowInitialized(Window* window);
// Called by the WindowTreeHost when it is initialized. Notifies observers.
void NotifyHostInitialized(WindowTreeHost* host);
// Called by the WindowTreeHost before it is destroyed. Notifies observers.
void NotifyHostDestroyed(WindowTreeHost* host);
// Overridden from ui::EventTarget:
bool CanAcceptEvent(const ui::Event& event) override;
ui::EventTarget* GetParentTarget() override;
std::unique_ptr<ui::EventTargetIterator> GetChildIterator() const override;
ui::EventTargeter* GetEventTargeter() override;
base::ObserverList<EnvObserver>::Unchecked observers_;
// Code wanting to observe WindowEventDispatcher typically wants to observe
// all WindowEventDispatchers. This is made easier by having Env own all the
// observers.
// The ObserverList and set of owned EventObserver adapters.
base::ObserverList<EventObserverAdapter> event_observer_adapter_list_;
std::set<std::unique_ptr<EventObserverAdapter>> event_observer_adapters_;
std::unique_ptr<EnvInputStateController> env_controller_;
int mouse_button_flags_ = 0;
// Location of last mouse event, in screen coordinates.
mutable gfx::Point last_mouse_location_;
bool is_touch_down_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<ui::GestureRecognizer> gesture_recognizer_;
std::unique_ptr<ui::WinCursorFactory> cursor_factory_;
std::unique_ptr<InputStateLookup> input_state_lookup_;
std::unique_ptr<ui::PlatformEventSource> event_source_;
raw_ptr<ui::ContextFactory> context_factory_ = nullptr;
static bool initial_throttle_input_on_resize_;
bool throttle_input_on_resize_ = initial_throttle_input_on_resize_;
std::unique_ptr<WindowOcclusionTracker> window_occlusion_tracker_;
std::vector<aura::WindowTreeHost*> window_tree_hosts_;
} // namespace aura
#endif // UI_AURA_ENV_H_