blob: 3fb91bcf47dbceac8cd87251396703e2df263e7b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ui/aura/native_window_occlusion_tracker_win.h"
#include <winuser.h>
#include "base/win/scoped_gdi_object.h"
#include "base/win/scoped_hdc.h"
#include "base/win/windows_version.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "ui/aura/test/aura_test_base.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/win/window_impl.h"
#include "dwmapi.h"
namespace aura {
// Test wrapper around native window HWND.
class TestNativeWindow : public gfx::WindowImpl {
TestNativeWindow() {}
TestNativeWindow(const TestNativeWindow&) = delete;
TestNativeWindow& operator=(const TestNativeWindow&) = delete;
~TestNativeWindow() override;
// Overridden from gfx::WindowImpl:
BOOL ProcessWindowMessage(HWND window,
UINT message,
WPARAM w_param,
LPARAM l_param,
LRESULT& result,
DWORD msg_map_id) override {
return FALSE; // Results in DefWindowProc().
TestNativeWindow::~TestNativeWindow() {
if (hwnd())
// Test wrapper around native window HWND.
class TestWin32Window {
TestWin32Window() {}
TestWin32Window(const TestWin32Window&) = delete;
TestWin32Window& operator=(const TestWin32Window&) = delete;
HWND Create(DWORD style);
HWND hwnd_ = NULL;
TestWin32Window::~TestWin32Window() {
if (hwnd_)
HWND TestWin32Window::Create(DWORD style) {
const wchar_t class_name[] = L"TestWin32Window";
WNDCLASSEX wcex = {sizeof(wcex)};
wcex.lpfnWndProc = DefWindowProc;
wcex.hInstance = ::GetModuleHandle(nullptr);
wcex.lpszClassName = class_name; = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW;
hwnd_ = CreateWindowEx(0, class_name, class_name, style, 0, 0, 100, 100,
nullptr, nullptr, GetModuleHandle(nullptr), nullptr);
ShowWindow(hwnd_, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
return hwnd_;
// This class currently tests the behavior of
// NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerWin::IsWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque with hwnds
// with various attributes (e.g., minimized, transparent, etc).
class NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest : public test::AuraTestBase {
NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest() {}
NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest(const NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest&) =
NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest& operator=(
const NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest&) = delete;
TestNativeWindow* native_win() { return native_win_.get(); }
HWND CreateNativeWindow(DWORD style, DWORD ex_style) {
native_win_ = std::make_unique<TestNativeWindow>();
native_win_->set_window_style(WS_OVERLAPPEDWINDOW | WS_CLIPCHILDREN |
gfx::Rect bounds(0, 0, 100, 100);
native_win_->Init(nullptr, bounds);
HWND hwnd = native_win_->hwnd();
base::win::ScopedRegion region(CreateRectRgn(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (GetWindowRgn(hwnd, region.get()) == COMPLEXREGION) {
// On Windows 7, the newly created window has a complex region, which
// means it will be ignored during the occlusion calculation. So, force
// it to have a simple region so that we get test coverage on win 7.
RECT bounding_rect;
EXPECT_TRUE(GetWindowRect(hwnd, &bounding_rect));
base::win::ScopedRegion rectangular_region(
SetWindowRgn(hwnd, rectangular_region.get(), /*redraw=*/TRUE);
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_SHOWNORMAL);
return hwnd;
// Wrapper around IsWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque so only the test class
// needs to be a friend of NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerWin.
bool CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(HWND hwnd, gfx::Rect* win_rect) {
bool ret = NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerWin::IsWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(
hwnd, win_rect);
// In general, if IsWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque returns false, the
// returned rect should not be altered.
if (!ret)
EXPECT_EQ(*win_rect, gfx::Rect(0, 0, 0, 0));
return ret;
std::unique_ptr<TestNativeWindow> native_win_;
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, VisibleOpaqueWindow) {
HWND hwnd = CreateNativeWindow(/*style=*/0, /*ex_style=*/0);
gfx::Rect returned_rect;
// Normal windows should be visible.
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &returned_rect));
// Check that the returned rect == the actual window rect of the hwnd.
RECT win_rect;
ASSERT_TRUE(GetWindowRect(hwnd, &win_rect));
EXPECT_EQ(returned_rect, gfx::Rect(win_rect));
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, MinimizedWindow) {
HWND hwnd = CreateNativeWindow(/*style=*/0, /*ex_style=*/0);
gfx::Rect win_rect;
ShowWindow(hwnd, SW_MINIMIZE);
// Minimized windows are not considered visible.
EXPECT_FALSE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &win_rect));
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, TransparentWindow) {
HWND hwnd = CreateNativeWindow(/*style=*/0, WS_EX_TRANSPARENT);
gfx::Rect win_rect;
// Transparent windows are not considered visible and opaque.
EXPECT_FALSE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &win_rect));
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, ToolWindow) {
HWND hwnd = CreateNativeWindow(/*style=*/0, WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW);
gfx::Rect win_rect;
// Tool windows are not considered visible and opaque.
EXPECT_FALSE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &win_rect));
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, LayeredAlphaWindow) {
HWND hwnd = CreateNativeWindow(/*style=*/0, WS_EX_LAYERED);
gfx::Rect win_rect;
BYTE alpha = 1;
COLORREF color_ref = RGB(1, 1, 1);
SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, color_ref, alpha, flags);
// Layered windows with alpha < 255 are not considered visible and opaque.
EXPECT_FALSE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &win_rect));
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, UpdatedLayeredAlphaWindow) {
HWND hwnd = CreateNativeWindow(/*style=*/0, WS_EX_LAYERED);
gfx::Rect win_rect;
base::win::ScopedCreateDC hdc(::CreateCompatibleDC(nullptr));
::UpdateLayeredWindow(hwnd, hdc.Get(), nullptr, nullptr, nullptr, nullptr,
RGB(0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF), &blend, ULW_OPAQUE);
// Layered windows set up with UpdateLayeredWindow instead of
// SetLayeredWindowAttributes should not be considered visible and opaque.
EXPECT_FALSE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &win_rect));
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, LayeredNonAlphaWindow) {
HWND hwnd = CreateNativeWindow(/*style=*/0, WS_EX_LAYERED);
gfx::Rect win_rect;
BYTE alpha = 1;
DWORD flags = 0;
COLORREF color_ref = RGB(1, 1, 1);
SetLayeredWindowAttributes(hwnd, color_ref, alpha, flags);
// Layered non alpha windows are considered visible and opaque.
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &win_rect));
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, ComplexRegionWindow) {
HWND hwnd = CreateNativeWindow(/*style=*/0, /*ex_style=*/0);
gfx::Rect win_rect;
// Create a region with rounded corners, which should be a complex region.
base::win::ScopedRegion region(CreateRoundRectRgn(1, 1, 100, 100, 5, 5));
SetWindowRgn(hwnd, region.get(), /*redraw=*/TRUE);
// Windows with complex regions are not considered visible and fully opaque.
EXPECT_FALSE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &win_rect));
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, PopupChromeWindow) {
HWND hwnd = CreateNativeWindow(WS_POPUP, /*ex_style=*/0);
gfx::Rect win_rect;
// Chrome Popup Windows of class Chrome_WidgetWin_ are considered visible.
EXPECT_TRUE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &win_rect));
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, PopupWindow) {
TestWin32Window test_window;
HWND hwnd = test_window.Create(WS_POPUPWINDOW);
gfx::Rect win_rect;
// Normal Popup Windows are not considered visible.
EXPECT_FALSE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &win_rect));
TEST_F(NativeWindowOcclusionTrackerTest, CloakedWindow) {
// Cloaking is only supported in Windows 8 and above.
if (base::win::GetVersion() < base::win::Version::WIN8)
HWND hwnd = CreateNativeWindow(/*style=*/0, /*ex_style=*/0);
gfx::Rect win_rect;
BOOL cloak = TRUE;
DwmSetWindowAttribute(hwnd, DWMWA_CLOAK, &cloak, sizeof(cloak));
// Cloaked Windows are not considered visible.
EXPECT_FALSE(CheckWindowVisibleAndFullyOpaque(hwnd, &win_rect));
} // namespace aura