| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| #ifndef UI_AURA_WINDOW_H_ |
| #define UI_AURA_WINDOW_H_ |
| |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| |
| #include <map> |
| #include <memory> |
| #include <set> |
| #include <string> |
| #include <vector> |
| |
| #include "base/check.h" |
| #include "base/containers/flat_set.h" |
| #include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/observer_list.h" |
| #include "base/time/time.h" |
| #include "build/build_config.h" |
| #include "components/viz/common/surfaces/frame_sink_id.h" |
| #include "components/viz/common/surfaces/local_surface_id.h" |
| #include "components/viz/common/surfaces/scoped_surface_id_allocator.h" |
| #include "components/viz/common/surfaces/subtree_capture_id.h" |
| #include "components/viz/host/host_frame_sink_client.h" |
| #include "third_party/abseil-cpp/absl/types/optional.h" |
| #include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkRegion.h" |
| #include "ui/aura/aura_export.h" |
| #include "ui/aura/client/window_types.h" |
| #include "ui/aura/scoped_window_capture_request.h" |
| #include "ui/aura/window_observer.h" |
| #include "ui/base/class_property.h" |
| #include "ui/base/metadata/metadata_header_macros.h" |
| #include "ui/compositor/layer_delegate.h" |
| #include "ui/compositor/layer_owner.h" |
| #include "ui/compositor/layer_type.h" |
| #include "ui/events/event_constants.h" |
| #include "ui/events/event_target.h" |
| #include "ui/events/event_targeter.h" |
| #include "ui/events/gestures/gesture_types.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h" |
| |
| #error "This file must not be included on macOS; Chromium Mac doesn't use Aura." |
| #endif |
| |
| namespace cc { |
| class LayerTreeFrameSink; |
| } |
| |
| namespace display { |
| class Display; |
| } |
| |
| namespace gfx { |
| class Transform; |
| } |
| |
| namespace ui { |
| enum class DomCode; |
| class Layer; |
| } // namespace ui |
| |
| namespace viz { |
| class ParentLocalSurfaceIdAllocator; |
| class SurfaceId; |
| } |
| |
| namespace aura { |
| |
| class LayoutManager; |
| class ScopedKeyboardHook; |
| class ScopedWindowEventTargetingBlocker; |
| class WindowDelegate; |
| class WindowTargeter; |
| class WindowTreeHost; |
| |
| // Defined in class_property.h (which we do not include) |
| template <typename T> |
| using WindowProperty = ui::ClassProperty<T>; |
| |
| namespace test { |
| class WindowTestApi; |
| } |
| |
| enum class EventTargetingPolicy { |
| // The target is a valid target for events, but none of its descendants are |
| // considered. |
| kTargetOnly, |
| |
| // The target and its descendants are possible targets. This is the default. |
| kTargetAndDescendants, |
| |
| // The target is not a valid target, but its descendants are possible targets. |
| kDescendantsOnly, |
| |
| // Neither the target nor its descendants are valid targets. |
| kNone |
| }; |
| |
| // Aura window implementation. Interesting events are sent to the |
| // WindowDelegate. |
| class AURA_EXPORT Window : public ui::LayerDelegate, |
| public ui::LayerOwner, |
| public ui::EventTarget, |
| public ui::GestureConsumer, |
| public ui::PropertyHandler, |
| public ui::metadata::MetaDataProvider, |
| public viz::HostFrameSinkClient { |
| public: |
| |
| // Initial value of id() for newly created windows. |
| static constexpr int kInitialId = -1; |
| |
| // Used when stacking windows. |
| enum StackDirection { STACK_ABOVE, STACK_BELOW }; |
| |
| // These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and |
| // numeric values should never be reused. |
| enum class OcclusionState { |
| // The window's occlusion state isn't tracked (Window::TrackOcclusionState) |
| // or hasn't been computed yet. |
| UNKNOWN = 0, |
| // The window or one of its descendants IsVisible() [1] and: |
| // - Its bounds aren't completely covered by fully opaque windows [2], or, |
| // - Its transform, bounds or opacity is animated. |
| VISIBLE = 1, |
| // The window or one of its descendants IsVisible() [1], but they all: |
| // - Have bounds completely covered by fully opaque windows [2], and, |
| // - Have no transform, bounds or opacity animation. |
| OCCLUDED = 2, |
| // The window is not IsVisible() [1]. |
| HIDDEN = 3, |
| // [1] A window can only be IsVisible() if all its parent are IsVisible(). |
| // [2] A window is "fully opaque" if: |
| // - It's visible (IsVisible()). |
| // - It's not transparent (transparent()). |
| // - It's transform, bounds and opacity aren't animated. |
| // - Its combined opacity is 1 (GetCombinedOpacity()). |
| // - It has content to draw. Either the type of its layer is not |
| // ui::LAYER_NOT_DRAWN, or it is a server window hosting remote client |
| // content in Window Service. |
| // |
| // TODO(fdoray): A window that clips its children shouldn't be VISIBLE just |
| // because it has an animated child. |
| kMaxValue = HIDDEN, |
| }; |
| |
| using Windows = std::vector<Window*>; |
| |
| explicit Window(WindowDelegate* delegate, |
| client::WindowType type = client::WINDOW_TYPE_UNKNOWN); |
| |
| Window(const Window&) = delete; |
| Window& operator=(const Window&) = delete; |
| |
| ~Window() override; |
| |
| // Initializes the window. This creates the window's layer. |
| void Init(ui::LayerType layer_type); |
| |
| bool is_destroying() const { return is_destroying_; } |
| void set_owned_by_parent(bool owned_by_parent) { |
| owned_by_parent_ = owned_by_parent; |
| } |
| bool owned_by_parent() const { return owned_by_parent_; } |
| |
| // A type is used to identify a class of Windows and customize behavior such |
| // as event handling and parenting. This field should only be consumed by the |
| // shell -- Aura itself shouldn't contain type-specific logic. |
| client::WindowType GetType() const; |
| void SetType(client::WindowType type); |
| |
| int GetId() const; |
| void SetId(int id); |
| |
| // ui::GestureConsumer: |
| const std::string& GetName() const override; |
| void SetName(const std::string& name); |
| |
| const std::u16string& GetTitle() const; |
| void SetTitle(const std::u16string& title); |
| |
| bool GetTransparent() const; |
| |
| // Note: Setting a window transparent has significant performance impact, |
| // especially on low-end Chrome OS devices. Please ensure you are not |
| // adding unnecessary overdraw. When in doubt, talk to the graphics team. |
| void SetTransparent(bool transparent); |
| |
| // See description in Layer::SetFillsBoundsCompletely. |
| void SetFillsBoundsCompletely(bool fills_bounds); |
| |
| WindowDelegate* delegate() { return delegate_; } |
| const WindowDelegate* delegate() const { return delegate_; } |
| |
| const gfx::Rect& bounds() const { return bounds_; } |
| |
| Window* parent() { return parent_; } |
| const Window* parent() const { return parent_; } |
| |
| // Returns the root Window that contains this Window. The root Window is |
| // defined as the Window that has a dispatcher. These functions return nullptr |
| // if the Window is contained in a hierarchy that does not have a dispatcher |
| // at its root. |
| Window* GetRootWindow(); |
| const Window* GetRootWindow() const; |
| |
| WindowTreeHost* GetHost(); |
| const WindowTreeHost* GetHost() const; |
| void set_host(WindowTreeHost* host) { host_ = host; } |
| bool IsRootWindow() const { return !!host_; } |
| |
| // Changes the visibility of the window. |
| void Show(); |
| void Hide(); |
| // Returns true if this window and all its ancestors are visible. |
| bool IsVisible() const; |
| // Returns the visibility requested by this window. IsVisible() takes into |
| // account the visibility of the layer and ancestors, where as this tracks |
| // whether Show() without a Hide() has been invoked. |
| bool TargetVisibility() const { return visible_; } |
| // Returns the occlusion state of this window. Is UNKNOWN if the occlusion |
| // state of this window isn't tracked (Window::TrackOcclusionState) or |
| // hasn't been computed yet. Is stale if called within the scope of a |
| // WindowOcclusionTracker::ScopedPause. |
| OcclusionState GetOcclusionState() const; |
| |
| // Returns the currently occluded region in the root Window coordinates. This |
| // will be empty unless the window is tracked and has a VISIBLE occlusion |
| // state. That is, this is only maintained when the window is partially |
| // occluded. Further, this region may extend outside the window bounds. For |
| // performance reasons, the actual intersection with the window is not |
| // computed. The occluded region is the set of window rectangles that may |
| // occlude this window. Note that this means that the occluded region may be |
| // updated if one of those windows moves, even if the actual intersection of |
| // the occluded region with this window does not change. Clients may compute |
| // the actual intersection region if necessary. |
| const SkRegion& occluded_region_in_root() const { |
| return occluded_region_in_root_; |
| } |
| |
| // Makes this *non-root* window individually capturable by the |
| // |FrameSinkVideoCapturer| by tagging its layer with a unique |
| // |viz::SubtreeCaptureId| which will force the layer tree root at this |
| // window's layer to a render surface that draws into a render pass that is |
| // identifiable by the capturer using that ID. |
| // |
| // Note that this should only be called for non-root windows. Root windows are |
| // already capturable by the capturer as they're identifiable by their |
| // |viz::FrameSinkId| and thei associated root render pass, so there's no need |
| // to call this. |
| // |
| // This returns a scoped object associated with this request to make the |
| // window capturable, since multiple capturers can capture the same window at |
| // the same time. Once all requests are destroyed, this window will no longer |
| // be individually capturable, and its layer won't be tagged with a valid |
| // |viz::SubtreeCaptureId|. |
| // See https://crbug.com/1143930 for more details. |
| [[nodiscard]] ScopedWindowCaptureRequest MakeWindowCapturable(); |
| const viz::SubtreeCaptureId& subtree_capture_id() const { |
| return subtree_capture_id_; |
| } |
| |
| // Returns the window's bounds in root window's coordinates. The returned |
| // value is calculated using the target transform. The target transform is the |
| // end value of a transform animation. If there is no animation ongoing, the |
| // target transform is the same as the current transform. |
| gfx::Rect GetBoundsInRootWindow() const; |
| |
| // Similar to `GetBoundsInRootWindow()` except that the returned value is |
| // calculated using the current transform. If there is no animation ongoing, |
| // this function returns the same value as `GetBoundsInRootWindow()`. |
| gfx::Rect GetActualBoundsInRootWindow() const; |
| |
| // Returns the window's bounds in screen coordinates. The returned |
| // value is calculated using the target transform. The target transform is the |
| // end value of a transform animation. If there is no animation ongoing, the |
| // target transform is the same as the current transform. |
| // How the root window's coordinates is mapped to screen's coordinates |
| // is platform dependent and defined in the implementation of the |
| // |aura::client::ScreenPositionClient| interface. |
| gfx::Rect GetBoundsInScreen() const; |
| |
| // Similar to `GetBoundsInScreen()` except that the returned value is |
| // calculated using the current transform. If there is no animation ongoing, |
| // this function returns the same value as `GetBoundsInScreen()`. |
| gfx::Rect GetActualBoundsInScreen() const; |
| |
| void SetTransform(const gfx::Transform& transform); |
| const gfx::Transform& transform() const; |
| |
| // Assigns a LayoutManager to size and place child windows. |
| // The Window takes ownership of the LayoutManager. |
| void SetLayoutManager(LayoutManager* layout_manager); |
| LayoutManager* layout_manager() { return layout_manager_.get(); } |
| |
| // Sets a new event-targeter for the window, and returns the previous |
| // event-targeter. |
| std::unique_ptr<WindowTargeter> SetEventTargeter( |
| std::unique_ptr<WindowTargeter> targeter); |
| WindowTargeter* targeter() { return targeter_.get(); } |
| const WindowTargeter* targeter() const { return targeter_.get(); } |
| |
| // Changes the bounds of the window. If present, the window's parent's |
| // LayoutManager may adjust the bounds. |
| void SetBounds(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds); |
| |
| // Changes the bounds of the window in the screen coordinates. |
| // If present, the window's parent's LayoutManager may adjust the bounds. |
| void SetBoundsInScreen(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds_in_screen_coords, |
| const display::Display& dst_display); |
| |
| // Returns the target bounds of the window. If the window's layer is |
| // not animating, it simply returns the current bounds. |
| gfx::Rect GetTargetBounds() const; |
| |
| // Forwards directly to the layer. See Layer::ScheduleDraw() for details. |
| void ScheduleDraw(); |
| |
| // Marks the a portion of window as needing to be painted. |
| void SchedulePaintInRect(const gfx::Rect& rect); |
| |
| // Stacks the specified child of this Window at the front of the z-order. |
| void StackChildAtTop(Window* child); |
| |
| // Stacks |child| above |target|. Does nothing if |child| is already above |
| // |target|. Does not stack on top of windows with nullptr layer delegates, |
| // see WindowTest.StackingMadrigal for details. |
| void StackChildAbove(Window* child, Window* target); |
| |
| // Stacks the specified child of this window at the bottom of the z-order. |
| void StackChildAtBottom(Window* child); |
| |
| // Stacks |child| below |target|. Does nothing if |child| is already below |
| // |target|. |
| void StackChildBelow(Window* child, Window* target); |
| |
| // Tree operations. |
| void AddChild(Window* child); |
| void RemoveChild(Window* child); |
| |
| const Windows& children() const { return children_; } |
| |
| // Returns true if this Window contains |other| somewhere in its children. |
| bool Contains(const Window* other) const; |
| |
| // Retrieves the first-level child with the specified id, or nullptr if no |
| // first- level child is found matching |id|. |
| Window* GetChildById(int id); |
| const Window* GetChildById(int id) const; |
| |
| // Converts |point| from |source|'s coordinates to |target|'s. If |source| is |
| // nullptr, the function returns without modifying |point|. |target| cannot be |
| // nullptr. Use layers' target transform in coordinate conversions. The target |
| // transform is the end value of a transform animation. If there is no |
| // animation ongoing, the target transform is the same as the current |
| // transform. |
| static void ConvertPointToTarget(const Window* source, |
| const Window* target, |
| gfx::PointF* point); |
| static void ConvertPointToTarget(const Window* source, |
| const Window* target, |
| gfx::Point* point); |
| static void ConvertRectToTarget(const Window* source, |
| const Window* target, |
| gfx::Rect* rect); |
| |
| // Convert the native |point| in pixels to the target's host's coordiantes if |
| // source and target have different hosts. |
| static void ConvertNativePointToTargetHost(const Window* source, |
| const Window* target, |
| gfx::PointF* point); |
| static void ConvertNativePointToTargetHost(const Window* source, |
| const Window* target, |
| gfx::Point* point); |
| |
| // Moves the cursor to the specified location relative to the window. |
| void MoveCursorTo(const gfx::Point& point_in_window); |
| |
| // Returns the cursor for the specified point, in window coordinates. |
| gfx::NativeCursor GetCursor(const gfx::Point& point) const; |
| |
| // Add/remove observer. |
| void AddObserver(WindowObserver* observer); |
| void RemoveObserver(WindowObserver* observer); |
| bool HasObserver(const WindowObserver* observer) const; |
| |
| void SetEventTargetingPolicy(EventTargetingPolicy policy); |
| EventTargetingPolicy event_targeting_policy() const { |
| return event_targeting_policy_; |
| } |
| |
| // Returns true if the |point_in_root| in root window's coordinate falls |
| // within this window's bounds. Returns false if the window is detached |
| // from root window. |
| bool ContainsPointInRoot(const gfx::Point& point_in_root) const; |
| |
| // Returns true if relative-to-this-Window's-origin |local_point| falls |
| // within this Window's bounds. |
| bool ContainsPoint(const gfx::Point& local_point) const; |
| |
| // Returns the Window that most closely encloses |local_point| for the |
| // purposes of event targeting. |
| Window* GetEventHandlerForPoint(const gfx::Point& local_point); |
| |
| // Returns this window's toplevel window (the highest-up-the-tree ancestor |
| // that has a delegate set). The toplevel window may be |this|. |
| Window* GetToplevelWindow(); |
| |
| // Claims focus. |
| void Focus(); |
| |
| // Returns true if the Window is currently the focused window. |
| bool HasFocus() const; |
| |
| // Returns true if the Window can be focused. |
| bool CanFocus() const; |
| |
| // Does a capture on the window. This does nothing if the window isn't showing |
| // (VISIBILITY_SHOWN) or isn't contained in a valid window hierarchy. |
| void SetCapture(); |
| |
| // Releases a capture. |
| void ReleaseCapture(); |
| |
| // Returns true if this window has capture. |
| bool HasCapture(); |
| |
| // Requests that |keys| be intercepted at the platform level and routed |
| // directly to the web content. If |codes| has no value, all keys will be |
| // intercepted. Returns a ScopedKeyboardHook instance which stops capturing |
| // system key events when destroyed. |
| std::unique_ptr<ScopedKeyboardHook> CaptureSystemKeyEvents( |
| absl::optional<base::flat_set<ui::DomCode>> codes); |
| |
| // NativeWidget::[GS]etNativeWindowProperty use strings as keys, and this is |
| // difficult to change while retaining compatibility with other platforms. |
| // TODO(benrg): Find a better solution. |
| void SetNativeWindowProperty(const char* key, void* value); |
| void* GetNativeWindowProperty(const char* key) const; |
| |
| // Type of a function to delete a property that this window owns. |
| // typedef void (*PropertyDeallocator)(int64_t value); |
| |
| // Overridden from ui::LayerDelegate: |
| void OnDeviceScaleFactorChanged(float old_device_scale_factor, |
| float new_device_scale_factor) override; |
| void UpdateVisualState() override; |
| |
| // ui::LayerOwner: |
| std::unique_ptr<ui::Layer> ReleaseLayer() override; |
| std::unique_ptr<ui::Layer> RecreateLayer() override; |
| void SetLayer(std::unique_ptr<ui::Layer> layer) override; |
| |
| #if DCHECK_IS_ON() |
| // These methods are useful when debugging. |
| std::string GetDebugInfo() const; |
| std::string GetWindowHierarchy(int depth) const; |
| void PrintWindowHierarchy(int depth) const; |
| #endif |
| |
| // Returns true if there was state needing to be cleaned up. |
| bool CleanupGestureState(); |
| |
| // Create a LayerTreeFrameSink for the aura::Window. |
| std::unique_ptr<cc::LayerTreeFrameSink> CreateLayerTreeFrameSink(); |
| |
| // Gets the current viz::SurfaceId. |
| viz::SurfaceId GetSurfaceId(); |
| |
| // Forces the window to allocate a new viz::LocalSurfaceId for the next |
| // CompositorFrame submission in anticipation of a synchronization operation |
| // that does not involve a resize or a device scale factor change. |
| void AllocateLocalSurfaceId(); |
| |
| viz::ScopedSurfaceIdAllocator GetSurfaceIdAllocator( |
| base::OnceCallback<void()> allocation_task); |
| |
| const viz::LocalSurfaceId& GetLocalSurfaceId(); |
| |
| // Marks the current viz::LocalSurfaceId as invalid. AllocateLocalSurfaceId |
| // must be called before submitting new CompositorFrames. |
| void InvalidateLocalSurfaceId(); |
| |
| // Sets the current viz::LocalSurfaceId, in cases where the embedded client |
| // has allocated one. Also sets child sequence number component of the |
| // viz::LocalSurfaceId allocator. |
| void UpdateLocalSurfaceIdFromEmbeddedClient( |
| const absl::optional<viz::LocalSurfaceId>& local_surface_id); |
| |
| // Returns the FrameSinkId. In LOCAL mode, this returns a valid FrameSinkId |
| // only if a LayerTreeFrameSink has been created. In MUS mode, this always |
| // return a valid FrameSinkId. |
| const viz::FrameSinkId& GetFrameSinkId() const; |
| |
| // Use SetEmbedFrameSinkId() when this window is embedding another client. |
| // See comment for |frame_sink_id_| below for more details. |
| void SetEmbedFrameSinkId(const viz::FrameSinkId& embed_frame_sink_id); |
| |
| // Starts occlusion state tracking. |
| void TrackOcclusionState(); |
| |
| // Notifies observers of the state of a resize loop. |
| void NotifyResizeLoopStarted(); |
| void NotifyResizeLoopEnded(); |
| |
| // ui::GestureConsumer: |
| bool RequiresDoubleTapGestureEvents() const override; |
| |
| // Returns |state| as a string. This is generally only useful for debugging. |
| static const std::u16string OcclusionStateToString(OcclusionState state); |
| |
| // Sets the regions of this window to consider opaque when computing the |
| // occlusion of underneath windows. Opaque regions can only be set for a |
| // transparent() window, and cannot extend outside of the window bounds. |
| // Opaque regions are relative to the window, i.e. the top-left corner of the |
| // window is considered to be the point (0, 0). If |
| // |opaque_regions_for_occlusion| is empty, the window is considered fully |
| // transparent. Opaque regions do not affect what parts of the window are |
| // visible; they only affect occlusion tracking of underneath windows. An |
| // example use case for this is when a window is made transparent because of |
| // rounded corners, and therefore does not contribute to occlusion. But, |
| // almost all of that window could be opaque and we would want it to |
| // contribute to occlusion. Occlusion tracking can affect rendering, page |
| // behaviour, and triggering for Picture-in-picture, for example. Clients |
| // should set the opaque regions for occlusion if they have transparent |
| // regions, but want to specify that certain areas of them are completely |
| // opaque. Clients that use the window shape API should also specify their |
| // shape region as a region for occlusion, if it is opaque. The opaque regions |
| // for occlusion for a window do not affect occlusion for that window itself, |
| // only what parts of other windows that window occludes. |
| // TODO: Currently, we only support one Rect in |
| // |opaque_regions_for_occlusion|. Supporting multiple Rects will |
| // enable window shape based occlusion. |
| void SetOpaqueRegionsForOcclusion( |
| const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& opaque_regions_for_occlusion); |
| |
| const std::vector<gfx::Rect>& opaque_regions_for_occlusion() const { |
| return opaque_regions_for_occlusion_; |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| // Deletes (or removes if not owned by parent) all child windows. Intended for |
| // use from the destructor. |
| void RemoveOrDestroyChildren(); |
| |
| // Overrides from ui::PropertyHandler |
| void AfterPropertyChange(const void* key, int64_t old_value) override; |
| |
| private: |
| friend class DefaultWindowOcclusionChangeBuilder; |
| friend class HitTestDataProviderAura; |
| friend class LayoutManager; |
| friend class PropertyConverter; |
| friend class ScopedWindowCaptureRequest; |
| friend class ScopedWindowEventTargetingBlocker; |
| friend class WindowTargeter; |
| friend class test::WindowTestApi; |
| |
| // Handles registering FrameSinkId hierarchy for SetEmbedFrameSinkId() and |
| // CreateLayerTreeFrameSink(). |
| void SetEmbedFrameSinkIdImpl(const viz::FrameSinkId& frame_sink_id); |
| |
| // Returns true if the mouse pointer at relative-to-this-Window's-origin |
| // |local_point| can trigger an event for this Window. |
| // TODO(beng): A Window can supply a hit-test mask to cause some portions of |
| // itself to not trigger events, causing the events to fall through to the |
| // Window behind. |
| bool HitTest(const gfx::Point& local_point); |
| |
| // Changes the bounds of the window without condition. |
| void SetBoundsInternal(const gfx::Rect& new_bounds); |
| |
| // Updates the visible state of the layer and the Window, but does not make |
| // visible-state specific changes. Called from Show()/Hide(). |
| void SetVisibleInternal(bool visible); |
| |
| // Updates the occlusion info of the window. |
| void SetOcclusionInfo(OcclusionState occlusion_state, |
| const SkRegion& occluded_region); |
| |
| // Schedules a paint for the Window's entire bounds. |
| void SchedulePaint(); |
| |
| // Asks the delegate to paint the window. |
| void Paint(const ui::PaintContext& context); |
| |
| // Implementation of RemoveChild(). If |child| is being removed as the result |
| // of an add, |new_parent| is the new parent |child| is going to be parented |
| // to. |
| void RemoveChildImpl(Window* child, Window* new_parent); |
| |
| // Called when this window's parent has changed. |
| void OnParentChanged(); |
| |
| // The various stacking functions call into this to do the actual stacking. |
| void StackChildRelativeTo(Window* child, |
| Window* target, |
| StackDirection direction); |
| |
| // Invoked from StackChildRelativeTo() to stack the layers appropriately |
| // when stacking |child| relative to |target|. |
| void StackChildLayerRelativeTo(Window* child, |
| Window* target, |
| StackDirection direction); |
| |
| // Called when this window's stacking order among its siblings is changed. |
| void OnStackingChanged(); |
| |
| // Notifies observers registered with this Window (and its subtree) when the |
| // Window has been added or is about to be removed from a RootWindow. |
| void NotifyRemovingFromRootWindow(Window* new_root); |
| void NotifyAddedToRootWindow(); |
| |
| // Methods implementing hierarchy change notifications. See WindowObserver for |
| // more details. |
| void NotifyWindowHierarchyChange( |
| const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params); |
| // Notifies this window and its child hierarchy. |
| void NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeDown( |
| const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params); |
| // Notifies this window and its parent hierarchy. |
| void NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeUp( |
| const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params); |
| // Notifies this window's observers. |
| void NotifyWindowHierarchyChangeAtReceiver( |
| const WindowObserver::HierarchyChangeParams& params); |
| |
| // Methods implementing visibility change notifications. See WindowObserver |
| // for more details. |
| void NotifyWindowVisibilityChanged(aura::Window* target, bool visible); |
| // Notifies this window's observers. Returns false if |this| was deleted |
| // during the call (by an observer), otherwise true. |
| bool NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedAtReceiver(aura::Window* target, |
| bool visible); |
| // Notifies this window and its child hierarchy. Returns false if |
| // |this| was deleted during the call (by an observer), otherwise |
| // true. |
| bool NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedDown(aura::Window* target, bool visible); |
| // Notifies this window and its parent hierarchy. |
| void NotifyWindowVisibilityChangedUp(aura::Window* target, bool visible); |
| |
| // Overridden from ui::LayerDelegate: |
| void OnPaintLayer(const ui::PaintContext& context) override; |
| void OnLayerBoundsChanged(const gfx::Rect& old_bounds, |
| ui::PropertyChangeReason reason) override; |
| void OnLayerTransformed(const gfx::Transform& old_transform, |
| ui::PropertyChangeReason reason) override; |
| void OnLayerOpacityChanged(ui::PropertyChangeReason reason) override; |
| void OnLayerAlphaShapeChanged() override; |
| void OnLayerFillsBoundsOpaquelyChanged( |
| ui::PropertyChangeReason reason) override; |
| |
| // Overridden from ui::EventTarget: |
| bool CanAcceptEvent(const ui::Event& event) override; |
| EventTarget* GetParentTarget() override; |
| std::unique_ptr<ui::EventTargetIterator> GetChildIterator() const override; |
| ui::EventTargeter* GetEventTargeter() override; |
| void ConvertEventToTarget(const ui::EventTarget* target, |
| ui::LocatedEvent* event) const override; |
| gfx::PointF GetScreenLocationF(const ui::LocatedEvent& event) const override; |
| |
| // viz::HostFrameSinkClient: |
| void OnFirstSurfaceActivation(const viz::SurfaceInfo& surface_info) override; |
| void OnFrameTokenChanged(uint32_t frame_token, |
| base::TimeTicks activation_time) override; |
| |
| // Updates the layer name based on the window's name and id. |
| void UpdateLayerName(); |
| |
| void RegisterFrameSinkId(); |
| void UnregisterFrameSinkId(); |
| void UpdateLocalSurfaceId(); |
| const viz::LocalSurfaceId& GetCurrentLocalSurfaceId() const; |
| bool IsEmbeddingExternalContent() const; |
| |
| // Called by the constructor of ScopedWindowCaptureRequest to add a request to |
| // make this non-root window capturable by the FrameSinkVideoCapturer. |
| void OnScopedWindowCaptureRequestAdded(); |
| |
| // Called by the destructor of ScopedWindowCaptureRequest to remove a request |
| // to make this non-root window capturable by the FrameSinkVideoCapturer. |
| void OnScopedWindowCaptureRequestRemoved(); |
| |
| // The following are intended for use by the metadata to access the internals |
| // of instances of this class. At some point they should be moved to the |
| // public section and code refactored to use them. |
| |
| // Break out the separate elements of the Window bounds. |
| int GetHeight() const; |
| int GetWidth() const; |
| int GetX() const; |
| int GetY() const; |
| void SetHeight(int height); |
| void SetWidth(int width); |
| void SetX(int x); |
| void SetY(int y); |
| |
| bool GetCapture() const; |
| |
| viz::SurfaceId GetSurfaceId() const; |
| |
| bool GetVisible() const; |
| void SetVisible(bool visible); |
| |
| // Bounds of this window relative to the parent. This is cached as the bounds |
| // of the Layer and Window are not necessarily the same. In particular bounds |
| // of the Layer are relative to the first ancestor with a Layer, where as this |
| // is relative to the parent Window. |
| gfx::Rect bounds_; |
| |
| raw_ptr<WindowTreeHost> host_ = nullptr; |
| |
| client::WindowType type_; |
| |
| // True if this window is being destroyed. |
| bool is_destroying_ = false; |
| |
| // True if the Window is owned by its parent - i.e. it will be deleted by its |
| // parent during its parents destruction. |
| bool owned_by_parent_ = true; |
| |
| raw_ptr<WindowDelegate> delegate_; |
| |
| // The Window's parent. |
| raw_ptr<Window> parent_ = nullptr; |
| |
| // Child windows. Topmost is last. |
| Windows children_; |
| |
| // The visibility state of the window as set by Show()/Hide(). This may differ |
| // from the visibility of the underlying layer, which may remain visible after |
| // the window is hidden (e.g. to animate its disappearance). |
| bool visible_ = false; |
| |
| // Occlusion state of the window. |
| OcclusionState occlusion_state_ = OcclusionState::UNKNOWN; |
| |
| // Occluded region of the window in the root window coordiantes. |
| SkRegion occluded_region_in_root_; |
| |
| int id_ = kInitialId; |
| |
| // Whether layer is initialized as non-opaque. Defaults to false. |
| bool transparent_ = false; |
| |
| // Whether it's in a process of CleanupGestureState() or not. |
| bool cleaning_up_gesture_state_ = false; |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<LayoutManager> layout_manager_; |
| std::unique_ptr<WindowTargeter> targeter_; |
| |
| // The opaque regions for occlusion for this window. See comment on |
| // |SetOpaqueRegionsForOcclusion| for documentation. |
| std::vector<gfx::Rect> opaque_regions_for_occlusion_; |
| |
| // Makes the window pass all events through to any windows behind it. |
| EventTargetingPolicy event_targeting_policy_; |
| // Used to restore to the original event targeting policy after all event |
| // targeting blockers on this window are removed. |
| EventTargetingPolicy restore_event_targeting_policy_; |
| int event_targeting_blocker_count_ = 0; |
| |
| base::ReentrantObserverList<WindowObserver, true> observers_; |
| |
| // Video capturing support --------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| // A non-root window must be marked with a viz::SubtreeCaptureId so that it |
| // can be captured by a FrameSinkVideoCapturer. Multiple clients can request |
| // to capture the same window at the same time. This is the number of those |
| // requests, which once it goes to zero, we well clear the |
| // viz::SubtreeCaptureId from the layer associated with this window. |
| int number_of_capture_requests_ = 0; |
| |
| // The ID allocated for the layer tree rooted at this window's layer, so that |
| // it can be uniquely identified by the FrameSinkVideoCapturer. This can only |
| // be set for non-root windows. Root windows can be captured normally by the |
| // capturer using their frame sink ID, since those root windows are already |
| // associated with a root compositor render pass. |
| viz::SubtreeCaptureId subtree_capture_id_; |
| |
| // Embedding support --------------------------------------------------------- |
| |
| // Used to detect changes in device scale factor that require generating a |
| // new LocalSurfaceId. |
| float last_device_scale_factor_ = 1.0f; |
| |
| // The FrameSinkId associated with this window. If this window is embedding |
| // another client, then this should be set to the FrameSinkId of that client, |
| // and |embeds_external_client_| is turned on. However, a window can still |
| // have a valid FrameSinkId without embedding another client, to facilitate |
| // hit-testing. |
| viz::FrameSinkId frame_sink_id_; |
| |
| // Set to true if |frame_sink_id_| has been registered in the Compositor |
| // associated this this. |
| bool registered_frame_sink_id_ = false; |
| |
| // Used by tests to disable registering the FrameSinkId with the Compositor. |
| bool disable_frame_sink_id_registration_ = false; |
| |
| // Set to true if SetEmbedFrameSinkId() has been called. |
| bool embeds_external_client_ = false; |
| |
| // Used to allocate LocalSurfaceIds when this is embedding external content. |
| std::unique_ptr<viz::ParentLocalSurfaceIdAllocator> |
| parent_local_surface_id_allocator_; |
| |
| #if DCHECK_IS_ON() |
| // Set to true if CreateLayerTreeFrameSink() was called. |
| bool created_layer_tree_frame_sink_ = false; |
| #endif |
| |
| // Used when this is embedding external content. |
| base::WeakPtr<cc::LayerTreeFrameSink> frame_sink_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace aura |
| |
| #endif // UI_AURA_WINDOW_H_ |