blob: 2149fe86b091ba8fa2aa26a00d5a4d63b1161ad9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "ui/aura/aura_export.h"
#include "ui/events/event_targeter.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/insets.h"
namespace gfx {
class Point;
class Rect;
namespace ui {
class LocatedEvent;
} // namespace ui
namespace aura {
class Window;
class AURA_EXPORT WindowTargeter : public ui::EventTargeter {
WindowTargeter(const WindowTargeter&) = delete;
WindowTargeter& operator=(const WindowTargeter&) = delete;
~WindowTargeter() override;
using HitTestRects = std::vector<gfx::Rect>;
// Returns true if |window| or one of its descendants can be a target of
// |event|. This requires that |window| and its descendants are not
// prohibited from accepting the event, and that the event is within an
// actionable region of the target's bounds. Note that the location etc. of
// |event| is in |window|'s parent's coordinate system.
virtual bool SubtreeShouldBeExploredForEvent(Window* window,
const ui::LocatedEvent& event);
// Returns true if the |target| is accepting LocatedEvents, false otherwise.
// |hit_test_rect_mouse| and |hit_test_rect_touch| must be not null and return
// the bounds that can be used for hit testing. The default implementation
// extends the |target|'s |bounds()| by insets provided with SetInsets().
// This can be used to extend the hit-test area for touch events and make
// targeting windows with imprecise input devices easier.
// Returned rectangles are in |target|'s parent's coordinates.
virtual bool GetHitTestRects(Window* target,
gfx::Rect* hit_test_rect_mouse,
gfx::Rect* hit_test_rect_touch) const;
// Returns additional hit-test areas or nullptr when there are none. Used when
// a window needs a complex shape hit-test area. This additional area is
// clipped to |hit_test_rect_mouse| returned by GetHitTestRects or the window
// bounds when GetHitTestRects is not overridden.
// Returned rectangles are in |target|'s coordinates.
virtual std::unique_ptr<HitTestRects> GetExtraHitTestShapeRects(
Window* target) const;
// Sets additional mouse and touch insets that are factored into the hit-test
// regions returned by GetHitTestRects.
void SetInsets(const gfx::Insets& mouse_and_touch_extend);
void SetInsets(const gfx::Insets& mouse_extend,
const gfx::Insets& touch_extend);
// If there is a target that takes priority over normal WindowTargeter (such
// as a capture window) this returns it.
Window* GetPriorityTargetInRootWindow(Window* root_window,
const ui::LocatedEvent& event);
Window* FindTargetInRootWindow(Window* root_window,
const ui::LocatedEvent& event);
// If |target| is not a child of |root_window|, then converts |event| to
// be relative to |root_window| and dispatches the event to |root_window|.
// Returns false if the |target| is a child of |root_window|.
bool ProcessEventIfTargetsDifferentRootWindow(Window* root_window,
Window* target,
ui::Event* event);
// ui::EventTargeter:
ui::EventTarget* FindTargetForEvent(ui::EventTarget* root,
ui::Event* event) override;
ui::EventTarget* FindNextBestTarget(ui::EventTarget* previous_target,
ui::Event* event) override;
Window* FindTargetForKeyEvent(Window* root_window);
aura::Window* window() { return window_; }
const aura::Window* window() const { return window_; }
// This is called by Window when the targeter is set on a window.
virtual void OnInstalled(Window* window);
// Same as FindTargetForEvent(), but used for positional events. The location
// etc. of |event| are in |window|'s coordinate system. When finding the
// target for the event, the targeter can mutate the |event| (e.g. change the
// coordinate to be in the returned target's coordinate system) so that it can
// be dispatched to the target without any further modification.
virtual Window* FindTargetForLocatedEvent(Window* window,
ui::LocatedEvent* event);
// Returns false if neither |window| nor any of its descendants are allowed
// to accept |event| for reasons unrelated to the event's location or the
// target's bounds. For example, overrides of this function may consider
// attributes such as the visibility or enabledness of |window|. Note that
// the location etc. of |event| is in |window|'s parent's coordinate system.
virtual bool SubtreeCanAcceptEvent(Window* window,
const ui::LocatedEvent& event) const;
// Returns whether the location of the event is in an actionable region of the
// target. Note that the location etc. of |event| is in the |window|'s
// parent's coordinate system.
virtual bool EventLocationInsideBounds(Window* target,
const ui::LocatedEvent& event) const;
// Returns true if the hit testing (GetHitTestRects()) should use the
// extended bounds.
virtual bool ShouldUseExtendedBounds(const aura::Window* w) const;
const gfx::Insets& mouse_extend() const { return mouse_extend_; }
const gfx::Insets& touch_extend() const { return touch_extend_; }
static gfx::Point ConvertEventLocationToWindowCoordinates(
Window* window,
const ui::LocatedEvent& event);
// To call OnInstalled().
friend class Window;
enum class BoundsType {
Window* FindTargetForNonKeyEvent(Window* root_window, ui::Event* event);
Window* FindTargetForLocatedEventRecursively(Window* root_window,
ui::LocatedEvent* event);
// Whether |point| is inside |window| or its descendents using |bounds_type|
// as a rect source. |point| should be relative to |window|.
bool PointInsideBounds(Window* window,
BoundsType bounds_type,
const gfx::Point& point) const;
// The Window this WindowTargeter is installed on. Null if not attached to a
// Window.
raw_ptr<aura::Window> window_ = nullptr;
gfx::Insets mouse_extend_;
gfx::Insets touch_extend_;
} // namespace aura