blob: 8cb98979831f2019e9f25c7970329d9a87ebbedc [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/basictypes.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebMediaStreamTrack.h"
namespace base {
class BinaryValue;
class DictionaryValue;
class CastAudioSink;
class CastSession;
class CastVideoSink;
// A key value pair structure for codec specific parameters.
struct CastCodecSpecificParams {
std::string key;
std::string value;
// Defines the basic properties of a payload supported by cast transport.
struct CastRtpPayloadParams {
// RTP specific field that identifies the content type.
int payload_type;
// Maximum latency in milliseconds. Implemetation tries to keep latency
// under this threshold.
int max_latency_ms;
// Minimum latency.
// Default value (0) means use max_latency_ms.
int min_latency_ms;
// RTP specific field to identify a stream.
int ssrc;
// RTP specific field to idenfity the feedback stream.
int feedback_ssrc;
// Update frequency of payload sample.
int clock_rate;
// Maximum bitrate in kilobits per second.
int max_bitrate;
// Minimum bitrate in kilobits per second.
int min_bitrate;
// Number of audio channels.
int channels;
// The maximum frame rate.
double max_frame_rate;
// Name of the codec used.
std::string codec_name;
// AES encryption key.
std::string aes_key;
// AES encryption IV mask.
std::string aes_iv_mask;
// List of codec specific parameters.
std::vector<CastCodecSpecificParams> codec_specific_params;
// Defines the parameters of a RTP stream.
struct CastRtpParams {
explicit CastRtpParams(const CastRtpPayloadParams& payload_params);
// Payload parameters.
CastRtpPayloadParams payload;
// Names of supported RTCP features.
std::vector<std::string> rtcp_features;
// This object represents a RTP stream that encodes and optionally
// encrypt audio or video data from a WebMediaStreamTrack.
// Note that this object does not actually output packets. It allows
// configuration of encoding and RTP parameters and control such a logical
// stream.
class CastRtpStream {
typedef base::Callback<void(const std::string&)> ErrorCallback;
CastRtpStream(const blink::WebMediaStreamTrack& track,
const scoped_refptr<CastSession>& session);
// Return parameters currently supported by this stream.
std::vector<CastRtpParams> GetSupportedParams();
// Return parameters set to this stream.
CastRtpParams GetParams();
// Begin encoding of media stream and then submit the encoded streams
// to underlying transport.
// When the stream is started |start_callback| is called.
// When the stream is stopped |stop_callback| is called.
// When there is an error |error_callback| is called with a message.
void Start(const CastRtpParams& params,
const base::Closure& start_callback,
const base::Closure& stop_callback,
const ErrorCallback& error_callback);
// Stop encoding.
void Stop();
// Enables or disables logging for this stream.
void ToggleLogging(bool enable);
// Get serialized raw events for this stream with |extra_data| attached,
// and invokes |callback| with the result.
void GetRawEvents(
const base::Callback<void(scoped_ptr<base::BinaryValue>)>& callback,
const std::string& extra_data);
// Get stats in DictionaryValue format and invokves |callback| with
// the result.
void GetStats(const base::Callback<void(
scoped_ptr<base::DictionaryValue>)>& callback);
// Return true if this track is an audio track. Return false if this
// track is a video track.
bool IsAudio() const;
void DidEncounterError(const std::string& message);
blink::WebMediaStreamTrack track_;
const scoped_refptr<CastSession> cast_session_;
scoped_ptr<CastAudioSink> audio_sink_;
scoped_ptr<CastVideoSink> video_sink_;
CastRtpParams params_;
base::Closure stop_callback_;
ErrorCallback error_callback_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<CastRtpStream> weak_factory_;