| // Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| // |
| // Note that although this is not a "browser" test, it runs as part of |
| // browser_tests. This is because WebKit does not work properly if it is |
| // shutdown and re-initialized. Since browser_tests runs each test in a |
| // new process, this avoids the problem. |
| |
| #include "chrome/renderer/safe_browsing/phishing_dom_feature_extractor.h" |
| |
| #include <stdint.h> |
| #include "base/bind.h" |
| #include "base/callback.h" |
| #include "base/command_line.h" |
| #include "base/compiler_specific.h" |
| #include "base/location.h" |
| #include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/single_thread_task_runner.h" |
| #include "base/strings/string_number_conversions.h" |
| #include "base/thread_task_runner_handle.h" |
| #include "base/time/time.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/ui/browser.h" |
| #include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model.h" |
| #include "chrome/common/chrome_switches.h" |
| #include "chrome/renderer/safe_browsing/features.h" |
| #include "chrome/renderer/safe_browsing/mock_feature_extractor_clock.h" |
| #include "chrome/renderer/safe_browsing/test_utils.h" |
| #include "chrome/test/base/in_process_browser_test.h" |
| #include "chrome/test/base/ui_test_utils.h" |
| #include "content/public/browser/interstitial_page.h" |
| #include "content/public/browser/render_view_host.h" |
| #include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h" |
| #include "content/public/common/content_switches.h" |
| #include "content/public/renderer/render_view.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/browser_test_utils.h" |
| #include "content/public/test/test_utils.h" |
| #include "net/dns/mock_host_resolver.h" |
| #include "net/test/embedded_test_server/embedded_test_server.h" |
| #include "net/test/embedded_test_server/http_request.h" |
| #include "net/test/embedded_test_server/http_response.h" |
| #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" |
| #include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebString.h" |
| #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebFrame.h" |
| #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebScriptSource.h" |
| #include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebView.h" |
| |
| using ::testing::DoAll; |
| using ::testing::Invoke; |
| using ::testing::Return; |
| |
| namespace safe_browsing { |
| |
| class PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest : public InProcessBrowserTest { |
| public: |
| content::WebContents* GetWebContents() { |
| return browser()->tab_strip_model()->GetActiveWebContents(); |
| } |
| |
| // Helper for the SubframeRemoval test that posts a message to remove |
| // the iframe "frame1" from the document. |
| void ScheduleRemoveIframe() { |
| base::ThreadTaskRunnerHandle::Get()->PostTask( |
| FROM_HERE, base::Bind(&PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest::RemoveIframe, |
| weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr())); |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest() |
| : render_view_routing_id_(MSG_ROUTING_NONE), weak_factory_(this) {} |
| |
| ~PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest() override {} |
| |
| void SetUpCommandLine(base::CommandLine* command_line) override { |
| command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kSingleProcess); |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) |
| // Don't want to try to create a GPU process. |
| command_line->AppendSwitch(switches::kDisableGpu); |
| #endif |
| } |
| |
| void SetUpOnMainThread() override { |
| render_view_routing_id_ = |
| GetWebContents()->GetRenderViewHost()->GetRoutingID(); |
| extractor_.reset(new PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor(&clock_)); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(StartTestServer()); |
| host_resolver()->AddRule("*", ""); |
| } |
| |
| // Runs the DOMFeatureExtractor on the RenderView, waiting for the |
| // completion callback. Returns the success boolean from the callback. |
| bool ExtractFeatures(FeatureMap* features) { |
| success_ = false; |
| PostTaskToInProcessRendererAndWait( |
| base::Bind(&PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest::ExtractFeaturesInternal, |
| base::Unretained(this), |
| features)); |
| return success_; |
| } |
| |
| blink::WebFrame* GetWebFrame() { |
| content::RenderView* render_view = |
| content::RenderView::FromRoutingID(render_view_routing_id_); |
| return render_view->GetWebView()->mainFrame(); |
| } |
| |
| void ExtractFeaturesInternal(FeatureMap* features) { |
| scoped_refptr<content::MessageLoopRunner> message_loop = |
| new content::MessageLoopRunner; |
| |
| extractor_->ExtractFeatures( |
| GetWebFrame()->document(), features, |
| base::Bind(&PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest::ExtractionDone, |
| base::Unretained(this), message_loop->QuitClosure())); |
| message_loop->Run(); |
| } |
| |
| // Completion callback for feature extraction. |
| void ExtractionDone(const base::Closure& quit_closure, |
| bool success) { |
| success_ = success; |
| quit_closure.Run(); |
| } |
| |
| // Does the actual work of removing the iframe "frame1" from the document. |
| void RemoveIframe() { |
| blink::WebFrame* main_frame = GetWebFrame(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(main_frame); |
| main_frame->executeScript( |
| blink::WebString( |
| "document.body.removeChild(document.getElementById('frame1'));")); |
| } |
| |
| bool StartTestServer() { |
| CHECK(!embedded_test_server_); |
| embedded_test_server_.reset(new net::test_server::EmbeddedTestServer()); |
| embedded_test_server_->RegisterRequestHandler( |
| base::Bind(&PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest::HandleRequest, |
| base::Unretained(this))); |
| return embedded_test_server_->InitializeAndWaitUntilReady(); |
| } |
| |
| scoped_ptr<net::test_server::HttpResponse> HandleRequest( |
| const net::test_server::HttpRequest& request) { |
| std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator host_it = |
| request.headers.find("Host"); |
| if (host_it == request.headers.end()) |
| return scoped_ptr<net::test_server::HttpResponse>(); |
| |
| std::string url = |
| std::string("http://") + host_it->second + request.relative_url; |
| std::map<std::string, std::string>::const_iterator it = |
| responses_.find(url); |
| if (it == responses_.end()) |
| return scoped_ptr<net::test_server::HttpResponse>(); |
| |
| scoped_ptr<net::test_server::BasicHttpResponse> http_response( |
| new net::test_server::BasicHttpResponse()); |
| http_response->set_code(net::HTTP_OK); |
| http_response->set_content_type("text/html"); |
| http_response->set_content(it->second); |
| return http_response.Pass(); |
| } |
| |
| GURL GetURL(const std::string& host, const std::string& path) { |
| GURL::Replacements replace; |
| replace.SetHostStr(host); |
| replace.SetPathStr(path); |
| return embedded_test_server_->base_url().ReplaceComponents(replace); |
| } |
| |
| // Returns the URL that was loaded. |
| GURL LoadHtml(const std::string& host, const std::string& content) { |
| GURL url(GetURL(host, "")); |
| responses_[url.spec()] = content; |
| ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), url); |
| return url; |
| } |
| |
| int32 render_view_routing_id_; |
| |
| // Map of url -> response body for network requests from the renderer. |
| // Any urls not in this map are served a 404 error. |
| std::map<std::string, std::string> responses_; |
| |
| scoped_ptr<net::test_server::EmbeddedTestServer> embedded_test_server_; |
| MockFeatureExtractorClock clock_; |
| scoped_ptr<PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor> extractor_; |
| bool success_; // holds the success value from ExtractFeatures |
| base::WeakPtrFactory<PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest> weak_factory_; |
| }; |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest, FormFeatures) { |
| // This test doesn't exercise the extraction timing. |
| EXPECT_CALL(clock_, Now()).WillRepeatedly(Return(base::TimeTicks::Now())); |
| |
| FeatureMap expected_features; |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasForms); |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageActionOtherDomainFreq, 0.25); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasTextInputs); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasCheckInputs); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageActionURL + |
| std::string("http://cgi.host.com/submit")); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageActionURL + |
| std::string("http://other.com/")); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageActionURL + |
| std::string("http://host.com:") + |
| base::UintToString(embedded_test_server_->port()) + |
| std::string("/query")); |
| |
| FeatureMap features; |
| LoadHtml( |
| "host.com", |
| "<html><head><body>" |
| "<form action=\"query\"><input type=text><input type=checkbox></form>" |
| "<form action=\"http://cgi.host.com/submit\"></form>" |
| "<form action=\"http://other.com/\"></form>" |
| "<form action=\"query\"></form>" |
| "<form></form></body></html>"); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| |
| expected_features.Clear(); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasRadioInputs); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasPswdInputs); |
| |
| features.Clear(); |
| LoadHtml( |
| "host.com", |
| "<html><head><body>" |
| "<input type=\"radio\"><input type=password></body></html>"); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| |
| expected_features.Clear(); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasTextInputs); |
| |
| features.Clear(); |
| LoadHtml( |
| "host.com", |
| "<html><head><body><input></body></html>"); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| |
| expected_features.Clear(); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasTextInputs); |
| |
| features.Clear(); |
| LoadHtml( |
| "host.com", |
| "<html><head><body><input type=\"invalid\"></body></html>"); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest, LinkFeatures) { |
| // This test doesn't exercise the extraction timing. |
| EXPECT_CALL(clock_, Now()).WillRepeatedly(Return(base::TimeTicks::Now())); |
| |
| FeatureMap expected_features; |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageExternalLinksFreq, 0.5); |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageSecureLinksFreq, 0.0); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageLinkDomain + |
| std::string("chromium.org")); |
| |
| FeatureMap features; |
| LoadHtml( |
| "www.host.com", |
| "<html><head><body>" |
| "<a href=\"http://www2.host.com/abc\">link</a>" |
| "<a name=page_anchor></a>" |
| "<a href=\"http://www.chromium.org/\">chromium</a>" |
| "</body></html"); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| |
| expected_features.Clear(); |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageExternalLinksFreq, 0.25); |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageSecureLinksFreq, 0.5); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageLinkDomain + |
| std::string("chromium.org")); |
| |
| net::SpawnedTestServer https_server( |
| net::SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTPS, |
| net::SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost, |
| base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("chrome/test/data"))); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.Start()); |
| |
| // The PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor depends on URLs being domains and not IPs, |
| // so use a domain. |
| std::string url_str = "https://host.com:"; |
| url_str += base::UintToString(https_server.host_port_pair().port()); |
| url_str += "/files/safe_browsing/secure_link_features.html"; |
| ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), GURL(url_str)); |
| |
| // Click through the certificate error interstitial. |
| content::InterstitialPage* interstitial_page = |
| GetWebContents()->GetInterstitialPage(); |
| interstitial_page->Proceed(); |
| content::WaitForLoadStop(GetWebContents()); |
| |
| features.Clear(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| } |
| |
| // Flaky on Win/Linux. https://crbug.com/373155. |
| #if defined(OS_WIN) || defined(OS_LINUX) |
| #define MAYBE_ScriptAndImageFeatures DISABLED_ScriptAndImageFeatures |
| #else |
| #define MAYBE_ScriptAndImageFeatures ScriptAndImageFeatures |
| #endif |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest, |
| MAYBE_ScriptAndImageFeatures) { |
| // This test doesn't exercise the extraction timing. |
| EXPECT_CALL(clock_, Now()).WillRepeatedly(Return(base::TimeTicks::Now())); |
| |
| FeatureMap expected_features; |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageNumScriptTagsGTOne); |
| |
| FeatureMap features; |
| LoadHtml( |
| "host.com", |
| "<html><head><script></script><script></script></head></html>"); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| |
| expected_features.Clear(); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageNumScriptTagsGTOne); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageNumScriptTagsGTSix); |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageImgOtherDomainFreq, 0.5); |
| |
| features.Clear(); |
| net::SpawnedTestServer https_server( |
| net::SpawnedTestServer::TYPE_HTTPS, |
| net::SpawnedTestServer::kLocalhost, |
| base::FilePath(FILE_PATH_LITERAL("chrome/test/data"))); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(https_server.Start()); |
| |
| // The PhishingDOMFeatureExtractor depends on URLs being domains and not IPs, |
| // so use a domain. |
| std::string url_str = "https://host.com:"; |
| url_str += base::UintToString(https_server.host_port_pair().port()); |
| url_str += "/files/safe_browsing/secure_script_and_image.html"; |
| ui_test_utils::NavigateToURL(browser(), GURL(url_str)); |
| |
| // Click through the certificate error interstitial. |
| content::InterstitialPage* interstitial_page = |
| GetWebContents()->GetInterstitialPage(); |
| interstitial_page->Proceed(); |
| content::WaitForLoadStop(GetWebContents()); |
| |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest, SubFrames) { |
| // This test doesn't exercise the extraction timing. |
| EXPECT_CALL(clock_, Now()).WillRepeatedly(Return(base::TimeTicks::Now())); |
| |
| // Test that features are aggregated across all frames. |
| |
| std::string port = base::UintToString(embedded_test_server_->port()); |
| responses_[GetURL("host2.com", "").spec()] = |
| "<html><head><script></script><body>" |
| "<form action=\"http://host4.com/\"><input type=checkbox></form>" |
| "<form action=\"http://host2.com/submit\"></form>" |
| "<a href=\"http://www.host2.com/home\">link</a>" |
| "<iframe src=\"nested.html\"></iframe>" |
| "<body></html>"; |
| |
| responses_[GetURL("host2.com", "nested.html").spec()] = |
| "<html><body><input type=password>" |
| "<a href=\"https://host4.com/\">link</a>" |
| "<a href=\"relative\">another</a>" |
| "</body></html>"; |
| |
| responses_[GetURL("host3.com", "").spec()] = |
| "<html><head><script></script><body>" |
| "<img src=\"http://host.com/123.png\">" |
| "</body></html>"; |
| |
| FeatureMap expected_features; |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasForms); |
| // Form action domains are compared to the URL of the document they're in, |
| // not the URL of the toplevel page. So http://host2.com/ has two form |
| // actions, one of which is external. |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageActionOtherDomainFreq, 0.5); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasTextInputs); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasPswdInputs); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasCheckInputs); |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageExternalLinksFreq, 0.25); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageLinkDomain + |
| std::string("host4.com")); |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageSecureLinksFreq, 0.25); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageNumScriptTagsGTOne); |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageImgOtherDomainFreq, 1.0); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageActionURL + |
| std::string("http://host2.com/submit")); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageActionURL + |
| std::string("http://host4.com/")); |
| |
| FeatureMap features; |
| std::string html( |
| "<html><body><input type=text><a href=\"info.html\">link</a>" |
| "<iframe src=\"http://host2.com:"); |
| html += port; |
| html += std::string( |
| "/\"></iframe>" |
| "<iframe src=\"http://host3.com:"); |
| html += port; |
| html += std::string("/\"></iframe></body></html>"); |
| |
| LoadHtml("host.com", html); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| } |
| |
| // Test flakes with LSAN enabled. See http://crbug.com/373155. |
| #if defined(LEAK_SANITIZER) |
| #define MAYBE_Continuation DISABLED_Continuation |
| #else |
| #define MAYBE_Continuation Continuation |
| #endif |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest, MAYBE_Continuation) { |
| // For this test, we'll cause the feature extraction to run multiple |
| // iterations by incrementing the clock. |
| |
| // This page has a total of 50 elements. For the external forms feature to |
| // be computed correctly, the extractor has to examine the whole document. |
| // Note: the empty HEAD is important -- WebKit will synthesize a HEAD if |
| // there isn't one present, which can be confusing for the element counts. |
| std::string response = "<html><head></head><body>" |
| "<form action=\"ondomain\"></form>"; |
| for (int i = 0; i < 45; ++i) { |
| response.append("<p>"); |
| } |
| response.append("<form action=\"http://host2.com/\"></form></body></html>"); |
| |
| // Advance the clock 6 ms every 10 elements processed, 10 ms between chunks. |
| // Note that this assumes kClockCheckGranularity = 10 and |
| // kMaxTimePerChunkMs = 10. |
| base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(clock_, Now()) |
| // Time check at the start of extraction. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now)) |
| // Time check at the start of the first chunk of work. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now)) |
| // Time check after the first 10 elements. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(6))) |
| // Time check after the next 10 elements. This is over the chunk |
| // time limit, so a continuation task will be posted. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(12))) |
| // Time check at the start of the second chunk of work. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(22))) |
| // Time check after resuming iteration for the second chunk. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(24))) |
| // Time check after the next 10 elements. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(30))) |
| // Time check after the next 10 elements. This will trigger another |
| // continuation task. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(36))) |
| // Time check at the start of the third chunk of work. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(46))) |
| // Time check after resuming iteration for the third chunk. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(48))) |
| // Time check after the last 10 elements. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(54))) |
| // A final time check for the histograms. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(56))); |
| |
| FeatureMap expected_features; |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasForms); |
| expected_features.AddRealFeature(features::kPageActionOtherDomainFreq, 0.5); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageActionURL + |
| std::string("http://host.com:") + |
| base::UintToString(embedded_test_server_->port()) + |
| std::string("/ondomain")); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageActionURL + |
| std::string("http://host2.com/")); |
| |
| FeatureMap features; |
| LoadHtml("host.com", response); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| // Make sure none of the mock expectations carry over to the next test. |
| ::testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&clock_); |
| |
| // Now repeat the test with the same page, but advance the clock faster so |
| // that the extraction time exceeds the maximum total time for the feature |
| // extractor. Extraction should fail. Note that this assumes |
| // kMaxTotalTimeMs = 500. |
| EXPECT_CALL(clock_, Now()) |
| // Time check at the start of extraction. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now)) |
| // Time check at the start of the first chunk of work. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now)) |
| // Time check after the first 10 elements. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(300))) |
| // Time check at the start of the second chunk of work. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(350))) |
| // Time check after resuming iteration for the second chunk. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(360))) |
| // Time check after the next 10 elements. This is over the limit. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(600))) |
| // A final time check for the histograms. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(620))); |
| |
| features.Clear(); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| } |
| |
| IN_PROC_BROWSER_TEST_F(PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest, SubframeRemoval) { |
| // In this test, we'll advance the feature extractor so that it is positioned |
| // inside an iframe, and have it pause due to exceeding the chunk time limit. |
| // Then, prior to continuation, the iframe is removed from the document. |
| // As currently implemented, this should finish extraction from the removed |
| // iframe document. |
| responses_[GetURL("host.com", "frame.html").spec()] = |
| "<html><body><p><p><p><input type=password></body></html>"; |
| |
| base::TimeTicks now = base::TimeTicks::Now(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(clock_, Now()) |
| // Time check at the start of extraction. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now)) |
| // Time check at the start of the first chunk of work. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now)) |
| // Time check after the first 10 elements. Enough time has passed |
| // to stop extraction. Schedule the iframe removal to happen as soon as |
| // the feature extractor returns control to the message loop. |
| .WillOnce(DoAll( |
| Invoke(this, &PhishingDOMFeatureExtractorTest::ScheduleRemoveIframe), |
| Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(21)))) |
| // Time check at the start of the second chunk of work. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(25))) |
| // Time check after resuming iteration for the second chunk. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(27))) |
| // A final time check for the histograms. |
| .WillOnce(Return(now + base::TimeDelta::FromMilliseconds(33))); |
| |
| FeatureMap expected_features; |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasForms); |
| expected_features.AddBooleanFeature(features::kPageHasPswdInputs); |
| |
| FeatureMap features; |
| LoadHtml( |
| "host.com", |
| "<html><head></head><body>" |
| "<iframe src=\"frame.html\" id=\"frame1\"></iframe>" |
| "<form></form></body></html>"); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(ExtractFeatures(&features)); |
| ExpectFeatureMapsAreEqual(features, expected_features); |
| } |
| |
| } // namespace safe_browsing |