blob: 1da1d92ce14dd7ee17e7e82c70dba86614136f1f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chrome/renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck_provider_test.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "base/path_service.h"
#include "base/strings/string_split.h"
#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "base/strings/utf_string_conversions.h"
#include "chrome/common/spellcheck_common.h"
#include "chrome/common/spellcheck_result.h"
#include "chrome/renderer/spellchecker/spellcheck.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebString.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/platform/WebVector.h"
#include "third_party/WebKit/public/web/WebTextCheckingResult.h"
namespace {
struct SpellcheckTestCase {
// A string of text for checking.
const wchar_t* input;
// The position and the length of the first misspelled word, if any.
int expected_misspelling_start;
int expected_misspelling_length;
base::FilePath GetHunspellDirectory() {
base::FilePath hunspell_directory;
if (!PathService::Get(base::DIR_SOURCE_ROOT, &hunspell_directory))
return base::FilePath();
hunspell_directory = hunspell_directory.AppendASCII("third_party");
hunspell_directory = hunspell_directory.AppendASCII("hunspell_dictionaries");
return hunspell_directory;
} // namespace
class MultilingualSpellCheckTest : public testing::Test {
MultilingualSpellCheckTest() {}
void ReinitializeSpellCheck(const std::string& unsplit_languages) {
spellcheck_ = new SpellCheck();
provider_.reset(new TestingSpellCheckProvider(spellcheck_));
void InitializeSpellCheck(const std::string& unsplit_languages) {
base::FilePath hunspell_directory = GetHunspellDirectory();
std::vector<std::string> languages = base::SplitString(
unsplit_languages, ",", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
for (const auto& language : languages) {
base::File file(chrome::spellcheck_common::GetVersionedFileName(
language, hunspell_directory),
base::File::FLAG_OPEN | base::File::FLAG_READ);
spellcheck_->AddSpellcheckLanguage(file.Pass(), language);
~MultilingualSpellCheckTest() override {}
TestingSpellCheckProvider* provider() { return provider_.get(); }
void ExpectSpellCheckWordResults(const std::string& languages,
const SpellcheckTestCase* test_cases,
size_t num_test_cases) {
for (size_t i = 0; i < num_test_cases; ++i) {
int misspelling_start = 0;
int misspelling_length = 0;
misspelling_start, misspelling_length, nullptr);
EXPECT_EQ(test_cases[i].expected_misspelling_start, misspelling_start)
<< "Improper misspelling location found with the languages "
<< languages << " when checking \"" << test_cases[i].input << "\".";
EXPECT_EQ(test_cases[i].expected_misspelling_length, misspelling_length)
<< "Improper misspelling length found with the languages "
<< languages << " when checking \"" << test_cases[i].input << "\".";
void ExpectSpellCheckParagraphResults(
const base::string16& input,
const std::vector<SpellCheckResult>& expected) {
blink::WebVector<blink::WebTextCheckingResult> results;
spellcheck_->SpellCheckParagraph(blink::WebString(input), &results);
EXPECT_EQ(expected.size(), results.size());
size_t size = std::min(results.size(), expected.size());
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
EXPECT_EQ(blink::WebTextDecorationTypeSpelling, results[i].decoration);
EXPECT_EQ(expected[i].location, results[i].location);
EXPECT_EQ(expected[i].length, results[i].length);
// Owned by |provider_|.
SpellCheck* spellcheck_;
scoped_ptr<TestingSpellCheckProvider> provider_;
// Check that a string of different words is properly spellchecked for different
// combinations of different languages.
TEST_F(MultilingualSpellCheckTest, MultilingualSpellCheckWord) {
static const SpellcheckTestCase kTestCases[] = {
// An English, Spanish, Russian, and Greek word, all spelled correctly.
{L"rocket destruyan \x0432\x0441\x0435\x0445 \x03C4\x03B9\x03C2", 0, 0},
// A misspelled English word.
{L"rocktt destruyan \x0432\x0441\x0435\x0445 \x03C4\x03B9\x03C2", 0, 6},
// A misspelled Spanish word.
{L"rocket destruynn \x0432\x0441\x0435\x0445 \x03C4\x03B9\x03C2", 7, 9},
// A misspelled Russian word.
{L"rocket destruyan \x0430\x0430\x0430\x0430 \x03C4\x03B9\x03C2", 17, 4},
// A misspelled Greek word.
{L"rocket destruyan \x0432\x0441\x0435\x0445 \x03B1\x03B1\x03B1\x03B1",
22, 4},
// An English word, then Russian, and then a misspelled English word.
{L"rocket \x0432\x0441\x0435\x0445 rocktt", 12, 6},
// A sorted list of languages. This must start sorted to get all possible
// permutations.
std::string languages = "el-GR,en-US,es-ES,ru-RU";
std::vector<std::string> permuted_languages = base::SplitString(
languages, ",", base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
do {
languages = base::JoinString(permuted_languages, ",");
ExpectSpellCheckWordResults(languages, kTestCases, arraysize(kTestCases));
} while (std::next_permutation(permuted_languages.begin(),
TEST_F(MultilingualSpellCheckTest, MultilingualSpellCheckWordEnglishSpanish) {
static const SpellcheckTestCase kTestCases[] = {
{L"", 0, 0},
{L"head hand foot legs arms", 0, 0},
{L"head hand foot legs arms zzzz", 25, 4},
{L"head hand zzzz foot legs arms", 10, 4},
{L"zzzz head hand foot legs arms", 0, 4},
{L"zzzz head zzzz foot zzzz arms", 0, 4},
{L"head hand foot arms zzzz zzzz", 20, 4},
{L"I do not want a monstrous snake near me.", 0, 0},
{L"zz do not want a monstrous snake near me.", 0, 2},
{L"I do not want zz monstrous snake near me.", 14, 2},
{L"I do not want a monstrous zz near me.", 26, 2},
{L"I do not want a monstrou snake near me.", 16, 8},
{L"I do not want a monstrous snake near zz.", 37, 2},
{L"Partially Spanish is very bueno.", 0, 0},
{L"Sleeping in the biblioteca is good.", 0, 0},
{L"Hermano is my favorite name.", 0, 0},
{L"hola hola hola hola hola hola", 0, 0},
{L"sand hola hola hola hola hola", 0, 0},
{L"hola sand sand sand sand sand", 0, 0},
{L"sand sand sand sand sand hola", 0, 0},
{L"sand hola sand hola sand hola", 0, 0},
{L"hola sand hola sand hola sand", 0, 0},
{L"hola:legs", 0, 9},
{L"legs:hola", 0, 9}};
ExpectSpellCheckWordResults("en-US,es-ES", kTestCases, arraysize(kTestCases));
// If there are no spellcheck languages, no text should be marked as misspelled.
TEST_F(MultilingualSpellCheckTest, MultilingualSpellCheckParagraphBlank) {
// English, German, Spanish, and a misspelled word.
base::UTF8ToUTF16("rocket Schwarzkommando destruyan pcnyhon"),
// Make sure nothing is considered misspelled when at least one of the selected
// languages determines that a word is correctly spelled.
TEST_F(MultilingualSpellCheckTest, MultilingualSpellCheckParagraphCorrect) {
// English, German, and Spanish words, all spelled correctly.
base::UTF8ToUTF16("rocket Schwarzkommando destruyan"),
// Make sure that all the misspellings in the text are found.
TEST_F(MultilingualSpellCheckTest, MultilingualSpellCheckParagraph) {
std::vector<SpellCheckResult> expected;
expected.push_back(SpellCheckResult(SpellCheckResult::SPELLING, 7, 15));
expected.push_back(SpellCheckResult(SpellCheckResult::SPELLING, 33, 7));
// English, German, Spanish, and a misspelled word.
base::UTF8ToUTF16("rocket Schwarzkommando destruyan pcnyhon"), expected);
// Ensure that suggestions are handled properly for multiple languages.
TEST_F(MultilingualSpellCheckTest, MultilingualSpellCheckSuggestions) {
static const struct {
// A string of text for checking.
const wchar_t* input;
// The position and the length of the first invalid word.
int expected_misspelling_start;
int expected_misspelling_length;
// A comma separated string of suggested words that should occur, in their
// expected order.
const wchar_t* expected_suggestions;
} kTestCases[] = {
{L"rocket", 0, 0},
{L"destruyan", 0, 0},
{L"rocet", 0, 5, L"rocket,roce,crochet,troce,rocen"},
{L"jum", 0, 3, L"hum,jun,ju,um,juma"},
{L"asdne", 0, 5, L"sadness,desasne"},
for (size_t i = 0; i < arraysize(kTestCases); ++i) {
blink::WebVector<blink::WebString> suggestions;
int misspelling_start;
int misspelling_length;
misspelling_start, misspelling_length, &suggestions);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestCases[i].expected_misspelling_start, misspelling_start);
EXPECT_EQ(kTestCases[i].expected_misspelling_length, misspelling_length);
if (!kTestCases[i].expected_suggestions) {
EXPECT_EQ(0UL, suggestions.size());
std::vector<base::string16> expected_suggestions = base::SplitString(
base::string16(1, ','), base::TRIM_WHITESPACE, base::SPLIT_WANT_ALL);
EXPECT_EQ(expected_suggestions.size(), suggestions.size());
for (size_t j = 0;
j < std::min(expected_suggestions.size(), suggestions.size()); j++) {
EXPECT_EQ(expected_suggestions[j], base::string16(suggestions[j]));