blob: e68b20582e63f63cd094322b33a703da962ae31d [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/external_policy_data_updater.h"
#include <utility>
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/bind_helpers.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/location.h"
#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ptr_util.h"
#include "base/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/cloud/external_policy_data_fetcher.h"
#include "crypto/sha2.h"
#include "net/base/backoff_entry.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace policy {
namespace {
// Policies for exponential backoff of failed requests. There are 3 policies for
// different classes of errors.
// For temporary errors (HTTP 500, RST, etc).
const net::BackoffEntry::Policy kRetrySoonPolicy = {
// Number of initial errors to ignore before starting to back off.
// Initial delay in ms: 15 seconds.
1000 * 15,
// Factor by which the waiting time is multiplied.
// Fuzzing percentage; this spreads delays randomly between 80% and 100%
// of the calculated time.
// Maximum delay in ms: 12 hours.
1000 * 60 * 60 * 12,
// When to discard an entry: never.
// |always_use_initial_delay|; false means that the initial delay is
// applied after the first error, and starts backing off from there.
// For other errors (request failed, server errors).
const net::BackoffEntry::Policy kRetryLaterPolicy = {
// Number of initial errors to ignore before starting to back off.
// Initial delay in ms: 1 minute.
1000 * 60,
// Factor by which the waiting time is multiplied.
// Fuzzing percentage; this spreads delays randomly between 80% and 100%
// of the calculated time.
// Maximum delay in ms: 12 hours.
1000 * 60 * 60 * 12,
// When to discard an entry: never.
// |always_use_initial_delay|; false means that the initial delay is
// applied after the first error, and starts backing off from there.
// When the data fails validation (maybe because the policy URL and the data
// served at that URL are out of sync). This essentially retries every 12 hours,
// with some random jitter.
const net::BackoffEntry::Policy kRetryMuchLaterPolicy = {
// Number of initial errors to ignore before starting to back off.
// Initial delay in ms: 12 hours.
1000 * 60 * 60 * 12,
// Factor by which the waiting time is multiplied.
// Fuzzing percentage; this spreads delays randomly between 80% and 100%
// of the calculated time.
// Maximum delay in ms: 12 hours.
1000 * 60 * 60 * 12,
// When to discard an entry: never.
// |always_use_initial_delay|; false means that the initial delay is
// applied after the first error, and starts backing off from there.
// Maximum number of retries for requests that aren't likely to get a
// different response (e.g. HTTP 4xx replies).
const int kMaxLimitedRetries = 3;
} // namespace
class ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchJob
: public base::SupportsWeakPtr<FetchJob> {
FetchJob(ExternalPolicyDataUpdater* updater,
const std::string& key,
const ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::Request& request,
const ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchSuccessCallback& callback);
virtual ~FetchJob();
const std::string& key() const;
const ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::Request& request() const;
void Start();
void OnFetchFinished(ExternalPolicyDataFetcher::Result result,
std::unique_ptr<std::string> data);
void OnFailed(net::BackoffEntry* backoff_entry);
void Reschedule();
// Always valid as long as |this| is alive.
ExternalPolicyDataUpdater* const updater_;
const std::string key_;
const ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::Request request_;
const ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchSuccessCallback callback_;
// If the job is currently running, a corresponding |fetch_job_| exists in the
// |external_policy_data_fetcher_|. The job must eventually call back to the
// |updater_|'s OnJobSucceeded() or OnJobFailed() method in this case.
// If the job is currently not running, |fetch_job_| is NULL and no callbacks
// should be invoked.
ExternalPolicyDataFetcher::Job* fetch_job_ = nullptr; // Not owned.
// Some errors should trigger a limited number of retries, even with backoff.
// This counts down the number of such retries to stop retrying once the limit
// is reached.
int limited_retries_remaining_ = kMaxLimitedRetries;
// Various delays to retry a failed download, depending on the failure reason.
net::BackoffEntry retry_soon_entry_{&kRetrySoonPolicy};
net::BackoffEntry retry_later_entry_{&kRetryLaterPolicy};
net::BackoffEntry retry_much_later_entry_{&kRetryMuchLaterPolicy};
ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::Request::Request() {
ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::Request::Request(const std::string& url,
const std::string& hash,
int64_t max_size)
: url(url), hash(hash), max_size(max_size) {}
bool ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::Request::operator==(
const Request& other) const {
return url == other.url && hash == other.hash && max_size == other.max_size;
ExternalPolicyDataUpdater* updater,
const std::string& key,
const ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::Request& request,
const ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchSuccessCallback& callback)
: updater_(updater), key_(key), request_(request), callback_(callback) {}
ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchJob::~FetchJob() {
if (fetch_job_) {
// Cancel the fetch job in the |external_policy_data_fetcher_|.
// Inform the |updater_| that the job was canceled.
const std::string& ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchJob::key() const {
return key_;
const ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::Request&
ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchJob::request() const {
return request_;
void ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchJob::Start() {
DVLOG(1) << "Fetching data for " << key_ << " from " << request_.url << " .";
// Start a fetch job in the |external_policy_data_fetcher_|. This will
// eventually call back to OnFetchFinished() with the result.
// Passing |this| as base::Unretained() is safe here because the |FetchJob|
// destructor cancels the fetcher job if one is still running.
fetch_job_ = updater_->external_policy_data_fetcher_->StartJob(
GURL(request_.url), request_.max_size,
void ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchJob::OnFetchFinished(
ExternalPolicyDataFetcher::Result result,
std::unique_ptr<std::string> data) {
// The fetch job in the |external_policy_data_fetcher_| is finished.
fetch_job_ = nullptr;
switch (result) {
case ExternalPolicyDataFetcher::CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED:
// The connection was interrupted. Try again soon.
DVLOG(1) << "Failed to fetch the data due to the interrupted connection.";
case ExternalPolicyDataFetcher::NETWORK_ERROR:
// Another network error occurred. Try again later.
DVLOG(1) << "Failed to fetch the data due to a network error.";
case ExternalPolicyDataFetcher::SERVER_ERROR:
// Problem at the server. Try again soon.
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to fetch the data due to a server HTTP error.";
case ExternalPolicyDataFetcher::CLIENT_ERROR:
// Client error. This is unlikely to go away. Try again later, and give up
// retrying after 3 attempts.
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to fetch the data due to a client HTTP error.";
OnFailed(limited_retries_remaining_ ? &retry_later_entry_ : nullptr);
if (limited_retries_remaining_)
case ExternalPolicyDataFetcher::HTTP_ERROR:
// Any other type of HTTP failure. Try again later.
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to fetch the data due to an HTTP error.";
case ExternalPolicyDataFetcher::MAX_SIZE_EXCEEDED:
// Received |data| exceeds maximum allowed size. This may be because the
// data being served is stale. Try again much later.
LOG(WARNING) << "Failed to fetch the data due to the excessive size (max "
<< request_.max_size << " bytes).";
case ExternalPolicyDataFetcher::SUCCESS:
if (crypto::SHA256HashString(*data) != request_.hash) {
// Received |data| does not match expected hash. This may be because the
// data being served is stale. Try again much later.
LOG(ERROR) << "The fetched data doesn't match the expected hash.";
// If the callback rejects the data, try again much later.
if (!callback_.Run(*data)) {
// Signal success.
void ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchJob::OnFailed(net::BackoffEntry* entry) {
if (entry) {
const base::TimeDelta delay = entry->GetTimeUntilRelease();
DVLOG(1) << "Rescheduling the fetch in " << delay << ".";
// This function may have been invoked because the job was obsoleted and is
// in the process of being deleted. If this is the case, the WeakPtr will
// become invalid and the delayed task will never run.
FROM_HERE, base::BindOnce(&FetchJob::Reschedule, AsWeakPtr()), delay);
void ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchJob::Reschedule() {
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner,
std::unique_ptr<ExternalPolicyDataFetcher> external_policy_data_fetcher,
size_t max_parallel_fetches)
: task_runner_(task_runner),
max_parallel_jobs_(max_parallel_fetches) {
ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::~ExternalPolicyDataUpdater() {
// No RunsTasksInCurrentSequence() check to avoid unit tests failures.
// In unit tests the browser process instance is deleted only after test ends
// and test task scheduler is shutted down. Therefore we need to delete some
// components of BrowserPolicyConnector (ResourceCache and
// CloudExternalDataManagerBase::Backend) manually when task runner doesn't
// accept new tasks (DeleteSoon in this case). This leads to the situation
// when this destructor is called not on |task_runner|.
// Raise the flag to prevent jobs from being started during the destruction of
// |job_map_|.
shutting_down_ = true;
void ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::FetchExternalData(
const std::string& key,
const Request& request,
const FetchSuccessCallback& callback) {
// Check whether a job exists for this |key| already.
FetchJob* job = job_map_[key].get();
if (job) {
// If the current |job| is handling the given |request| already, nothing
// needs to be done.
if (job->request() == request) {
DVLOG(2) << "Fetching job already scheduled for " << key
<< " with the same parameters.";
// Otherwise, the current |job| is obsolete. If the |job| is on the queue,
// its WeakPtr will be invalidated and skipped by StartNextJobs(). If |job|
// is currently running, it will call OnJobFailed() immediately.
DVLOG(2) << "Removing the old job for " << key << ".";
// Start a new job to handle |request|.
job = new FetchJob(this, key, request, callback);
job_map_[key] = base::WrapUnique(job);
void ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::CancelExternalDataFetch(
const std::string& key) {
// If a |job| exists for this |key|, delete it. If the |job| is on the queue,
// its WeakPtr will be invalidated and skipped by StartNextJobs(). If |job| is
// currently running, it will call OnJobFailed() immediately.
auto job = job_map_.find(key);
if (job != job_map_.end()) {
DVLOG(1) << "Cancelling the job for " << key << ".";
void ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::StartNextJobs() {
if (shutting_down_)
while (running_jobs_ < max_parallel_jobs_ && !job_queue_.empty()) {
FetchJob* job = job_queue_.front().get();
// Some of the jobs may have been invalidated, and have to be skipped.
if (job) {
// A started job will always call OnJobSucceeded() or OnJobFailed().
void ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::ScheduleJob(FetchJob* job) {
DCHECK_EQ(job_map_[job->key()].get(), job);
void ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::OnJobSucceeded(FetchJob* job) {
DCHECK_EQ(job_map_[job->key()].get(), job);
void ExternalPolicyDataUpdater::OnJobFailed(FetchJob* job) {
// Don't touch |job_map_|; deletion of |FetchJob|s causes a call to this
// method, so |job_map_| is possibly in an inconsistent state.
// The job is not deleted when it fails because a retry attempt may have been
// scheduled.
} // namespace policy