blob: 96c1f0f3bf1a267703b07fd221bc59b5e6993e26 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <vector>
#include "base/gtest_prod_util.h"
#include "base/macros.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "media/audio/audio_io.h"
namespace media {
class AudioBus;
class AudioBusRefCounted;
namespace copresence {
// The AudioPlayer class will play a set of samples till it is told to stop.
class AudioPlayer : public media::AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback {
// Initializes the object. Do not use this object before calling this method.
virtual void Initialize();
// Play the given samples. These samples will keep on being played in a loop
// till we explicitly tell the player to stop playing.
virtual void Play(const scoped_refptr<media::AudioBusRefCounted>& samples);
// Stop playing.
virtual void Stop();
// Cleans up and deletes this object. Do not use object after this call.
virtual void Finalize();
bool IsPlaying();
// Takes ownership of the stream.
void set_output_stream_for_testing(
media::AudioOutputStream* output_stream_for_testing) {
virtual ~AudioPlayer();
void set_is_playing(bool is_playing) { is_playing_ = is_playing; }
friend class AudioPlayerTest;
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AudioPlayerTest, BasicPlayAndStop);
FRIEND_TEST_ALL_PREFIXES(AudioPlayerTest, OutOfOrderPlayAndStopMultiple);
// Methods to do our various operations; all of these need to be run on the
// audio thread.
void InitializeOnAudioThread();
void PlayOnAudioThread(
const scoped_refptr<media::AudioBusRefCounted>& samples);
void StopOnAudioThread();
void StopAndCloseOnAudioThread();
void FinalizeOnAudioThread();
// AudioOutputStream::AudioSourceCallback overrides:
// Following methods could be called from *ANY* thread.
virtual int OnMoreData(media::AudioBus* dest,
uint32 total_bytes_delay) override;
virtual void OnError(media::AudioOutputStream* stream) override;
// Flushes the audio loop, making sure that any queued operations are
// performed.
void FlushAudioLoopForTesting();
bool is_playing_;
// Self-deleting object.
media::AudioOutputStream* stream_;
scoped_ptr<media::AudioOutputStream> output_stream_for_testing_;
// All fields below here are protected by this lock.
base::Lock state_lock_;
scoped_refptr<media::AudioBusRefCounted> samples_;
// Index to the frame in the samples that we need to play next.
int frame_index_;
} // namespace copresence