blob: 86536ae3f557ddacd2006277dcc40d2aac880712 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "base/auto_reset.h"
#include "base/feature_list.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "chromeos/ash/components/standalone_browser/lacros_availability.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace aura {
class Window;
} // namespace aura
namespace base {
class FilePath;
class Value;
class Version;
} // namespace base
namespace component_updater {
class ComponentUpdateService;
} // namespace component_updater
namespace version_info {
enum class Channel;
} // namespace version_info
namespace policy {
class PolicyMap;
} // namespace policy
namespace user_manager {
class User;
} // namespace user_manager
// These methods are used by ash-chrome.
namespace crosapi::browser_util {
// Enable pre-launching Lacros at login screen.
// Enable forking Zygotes at login screen when prelaunching.
// Indicates how the decision for the usage of Lacros has been made.
enum class LacrosLaunchSwitchSource {
// It is unknown yet if and how Lacros will be used.
kUnknown = 0,
// Either there were no policies, or the system had a special condition in
// which the policy got ignored and the user could have set the mode.
kPossiblySetByUser = 1,
// The Lacros usage was enforced by the user via #lacros-availability-ignore
// flag override.
kForcedByUser = 2,
// The Lacros usage was enforced using the policy. Note that in this case
// the policy might still not be used, but it is programmatically overridden
// and not by the user (e.g. special Googler user case).
kForcedByPolicy = 3
// Represents the policy indicating which Lacros browser to launch, named
// LacrosSelection. The values shall be consistent with the controlling
// policy. Unlike `LacrosSelection` representing which lacros to select,
// `LacrosSelectionPolicy` represents how to decide which lacros to select.
// Stateful option from `LacrosSelection` is omitted due to a breakage risks in
// case of version skew (e.g. when the latest stateful Lacros available in omaha
// is older than the rootfs Lacros on the device).
enum class LacrosSelectionPolicy {
// Indicates that the user decides which Lacros browser to launch: rootfs or
// stateful.
kUserChoice = 0,
// Indicates that rootfs Lacros will always be launched.
kRootfs = 1,
// Represents the different options available for lacros selection.
enum class LacrosSelection {
kRootfs = 0,
kStateful = 1,
kDeployedLocally = 2,
kMaxValue = kDeployedLocally,
// Represents the values of the LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode string enum
// policy. It controls what happens when we switch from Lacros back to Ash.
// The values shall be consistent with the policy description.
enum class LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode {
// Indicates data backward migration is not performed. The Lacros folder is
// removed and Ash uses its existing state.
// Not yet implemented.
// Not yet implemented.
// All data is migrated back from Lacros to Ash.
struct ComponentInfo {
// The client-side component name.
const char* const name;
// The CRX "extension" ID for component updater.
// Must match the Omaha console.
const char* const crx_id;
// These values are persisted to logs. Entries should not be renumbered and
// numeric values should never be reused.
// This enum corresponds to LacrosMigrationStatus* in histograms.xml
// and enums.xml.
enum class MigrationStatus {
kLacrosNotEnabled = 0, // Lacros is not enabled.
kUncompleted = 1, // Lacros is enabled but migration has not been completed.
kSkippedForNewUser = 2, // Migration is skipped for new users.
kCopyCompleted = 3, // Migration was completed with `CopyMigratior`.
kMoveCompleted = 4, // Migration was completed with `MoveMigrator`.
kMaxAttemptReached = 5, // Migration failed or skipped more than
// `kMaxMigrationAttemptCount` times.
kMaxValue = kMaxAttemptReached,
extern const ComponentInfo kLacrosDogfoodCanaryInfo;
extern const ComponentInfo kLacrosDogfoodDevInfo;
extern const ComponentInfo kLacrosDogfoodBetaInfo;
extern const ComponentInfo kLacrosDogfoodStableInfo;
// The default update channel to leverage for Lacros when the channel is
// unknown.
extern const version_info::Channel kLacrosDefaultChannel;
// A command-line switch that can also be set from chrome://flags for selecting
// the channel for Lacros updates.
extern const char kLacrosStabilitySwitch[];
extern const char kLacrosStabilityChannelCanary[];
extern const char kLacrosStabilityChannelDev[];
extern const char kLacrosStabilityChannelBeta[];
extern const char kLacrosStabilityChannelStable[];
// A command-line switch that can also be set from chrome://flags that chooses
// which selection of Lacros to use.
extern const char kLacrosSelectionSwitch[];
extern const char kLacrosSelectionRootfs[];
extern const char kLacrosSelectionStateful[];
// The internal name in for the `LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode`
// policy.
inline constexpr const char
kLacrosDataBackwardMigrationModePolicyInternalName[] =
// The commandline flag name of `LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode` policy.
// The value should be the policy value as defined just below.
inline constexpr const char kLacrosDataBackwardMigrationModePolicySwitch[] =
// The values for LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode, they must match the ones
// from LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode.yaml.
inline constexpr const char kLacrosDataBackwardMigrationModePolicyNone[] =
inline constexpr const char kLacrosDataBackwardMigrationModePolicyKeepNone[] =
inline constexpr const char
kLacrosDataBackwardMigrationModePolicyKeepSafeData[] = "keep_safe_data";
inline constexpr const char kLacrosDataBackwardMigrationModePolicyKeepAll[] =
// Boolean preference. Whether to launch lacros-chrome on login.
extern const char kLaunchOnLoginPref[];
// Registers user profile preferences related to the lacros-chrome binary.
void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Registers prefs used via local state PrefService.
void RegisterLocalStatePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Returns the user directory for lacros-chrome.
base::FilePath GetUserDataDir();
// Returns true if the Lacros feature is allowed to be enabled for primary user.
// This checks user type, chrome channel and enterprise policy.
bool IsLacrosAllowedToBeEnabled();
// Returns true if the Lacros feature is enabled for the primary user.
bool IsLacrosEnabled();
// Represents whether the function is being called before the Policy is
// initialized or not.
enum class PolicyInitState {
// Similar to `IsLacrosEnabled()` but does not check if profile migration has
// been completed. This is to be used inside `BrowserDataMigrator`. Unlike
// `IsLacrosEnabled()` it can be called before the primary user profile is
// created.
bool IsLacrosEnabledForMigration(const user_manager::User* user,
PolicyInitState policy_init_state);
// Returns true if Ash browser is enabled. Returns false iff Lacros is
// enabled and is the only browser.
// DEPRECATED. Please use !IsLacrosEnabled().
bool IsAshWebBrowserEnabled();
// Returns true if Lacros can be used as the only browser
// for the current session.
// Note that IsLacrosEnabled may return false, even if this returns
// true, specifically, if the feature is disabled by user/policy.
bool IsLacrosOnlyBrowserAllowed();
// Returns true if `ash::standalone_browser::features::kLacrosOnly` flag is
// allowed to be configured on about:flags page.
bool IsLacrosOnlyFlagAllowed();
// Returns true if Lacros is allowed to launch and show a window. This can
// return false if the user is using multi-signin, which is mutually exclusive
// with Lacros.
bool IsLacrosAllowedToLaunch();
// Returns true if chrome apps should be routed through Lacros instead of ash.
bool IsLacrosChromeAppsEnabled();
// Returns true if Lacros is used in the web Kiosk session.
bool IsLacrosEnabledInWebKioskSession();
// Returns true if Lacros is used in the Chrome App Kiosk session.
bool IsLacrosEnabledInChromeKioskSession();
// Returns true if |window| is an exo ShellSurface window representing a Lacros
// browser.
bool IsLacrosWindow(const aura::Window* window);
// Returns true if |metadata| is appropriately formatted, contains a lacros
// version, and that lacros versions supports the new backwards-incompatible
// account_manager logic.
bool DoesMetadataSupportNewAccountManager(base::Value* metadata);
// Gets the version of the rootfs lacros-chrome. By reading the metadata json
// file in the correct format.
base::Version GetRootfsLacrosVersionMayBlock(
const base::FilePath& version_file_path);
// To be called at primary user login, to cache the policy value for lacros
// availability.
void CacheLacrosAvailability(const policy::PolicyMap& map);
// To be called at primary user login, to cache the policy value for the
// LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode policy.
void CacheLacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode(const policy::PolicyMap& map);
// To be called at primary user login, to cache the policy value for
// LacrosSelection policy. The effective value of the policy does not
// change for the duration of the user session, so cached value shall be
// checked.
void CacheLacrosSelection(const policy::PolicyMap& map);
// Returns cached value of LacrosSelection policy. See `CacheLacrosSelection`
// for details.
LacrosSelectionPolicy GetCachedLacrosSelectionPolicy();
// Returns lacros selection option according to LarcrosSelectionPolicy and
// lacros-selection flag. Returns nullopt if there is no preference.
std::optional<LacrosSelection> DetermineLacrosSelection();
// Returns the lacros ComponentInfo for a given channel.
ComponentInfo GetLacrosComponentInfoForChannel(version_info::Channel channel);
// Returns the ComponentInfo associated with the stateful lacros instance.
ComponentInfo GetLacrosComponentInfo();
// Returns the update channel associated with the given loaded lacros selection.
version_info::Channel GetLacrosSelectionUpdateChannel(
LacrosSelection selection);
// Returns the currently installed version of lacros-chrome managed by the
// component updater. Will return an empty / invalid version if no lacros
// component is found.
base::Version GetInstalledLacrosComponentVersion(
const component_updater::ComponentUpdateService* component_update_service);
// Exposed for testing. Sets lacros-availability cache for testing.
void SetCachedLacrosAvailabilityForTesting(
ash::standalone_browser::LacrosAvailability lacros_availability);
// Exposed for testing. Returns the lacros integration suggested by the policy
// lacros-availability, modified by Finch flags and user flags as appropriate.
// GetCachedLacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode returns the cached value of the
// LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode policy.
LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode GetCachedLacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode();
// Clears the cached values for lacros availability policy.
void ClearLacrosAvailabilityCacheForTest();
// Clears the cached value for LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode.
void ClearLacrosDataBackwardMigrationModeCacheForTest();
// Clears the cached value for LacrosSelection policy.
void ClearLacrosSelectionCacheForTest();
// Returns true if profile migraiton is enabled. If profile migration is
// enabled, the completion of it is required to enable Lacros.
bool IsProfileMigrationEnabled(const user_manager::User* user,
PolicyInitState policy_init_state);
// Returns true if the profile migration is enabled, but not yet completed.
bool IsProfileMigrationAvailable();
// Returns migration status for the primary user. Returns nullopt if the primary
// user is not yet set, which should only happen in tests.
std::optional<MigrationStatus> GetMigrationStatus();
MigrationStatus GetMigrationStatusForUser(PrefService* local_state,
const user_manager::User* user);
// Sets the value of `kProfileMigrationCompletionTimeForUserPref` for the user
// identified by `user_id_hash` to the current time.
void SetProfileMigrationCompletionTimeForUser(PrefService* local_state,
const std::string& user_id_hash);
// Gets the value of `kProfileMigrationCompletionTimeForUserPref` for the user
// identified by `user_id_hash`.
std::optional<base::Time> GetProfileMigrationCompletionTimeForUser(
PrefService* local_state,
const std::string& user_id_hash);
// Clears the value of `kProfileMigrationCompletionTimeForUserPref` for the user
// identified by `user_id_hash`.
void ClearProfileMigrationCompletionTimeForUser(
PrefService* local_state,
const std::string& user_id_hash);
// Sets the value of `kProfileDataBackwardMigrationCompletedForUserPref` for the
// user identified by `user_id_hash`.
void SetProfileDataBackwardMigrationCompletedForUser(
PrefService* local_state,
const std::string& user_id_hash);
// Clears the value of `kProfileDataBackwardMigrationCompletedForUserPref` for
// the user identified by `user_id_hash`.
void ClearProfileDataBackwardMigrationCompletedForUser(
PrefService* local_state,
const std::string& user_id_hash);
// Indicate whether sync on Ash should be enabled for browser data. Sync should
// stop syncing browser items from Ash if Lacros is enabled and once browser
// data is migrated to Lacros making it safe to turn off web browser on
// Ash and sync for browser data. Only use after the primary user profile is set
// on UserManager since it calls `IsLacrosEnabled()`.
bool IsAshBrowserSyncEnabled();
// Returns who decided how Lacros should be used - or not: The User, the policy
// or another edge case.
LacrosLaunchSwitchSource GetLacrosLaunchSwitchSource();
// Allow unit tests to simulate that the readout of policies has taken place
// so that later DCHECKs do not fail.
void SetLacrosLaunchSwitchSourceForTest(
ash::standalone_browser::LacrosAvailability test_value);
// Parses the string representation of LacrosSelection policy value into the
// enum value. Returns nullopt on unknown value.
std::optional<LacrosSelectionPolicy> ParseLacrosSelectionPolicy(
std::string_view value);
// Parses the string representation of LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode policy
// value into the enum value. Returns nullopt on unknown value.
ParseLacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode(std::string_view value);
// Returns the policy string representation from the given enum value.
std::string_view GetLacrosDataBackwardMigrationModeName(
LacrosDataBackwardMigrationMode value);
// Returns the LacrosSelection policy value name from the given value. Returned
// std::string_view is guaranteed to never be invalidated.
std::string_view GetLacrosSelectionPolicyName(LacrosSelectionPolicy value);
// Stores that "Go to files button" on the migration error screen is clicked.
void SetGotoFilesClicked(PrefService* local_state,
const std::string& user_id_hash);
// Forgets that "Go to files button" on the migration error screen was clicked.
void ClearGotoFilesClicked(PrefService* local_state,
const std::string& user_id_hash);
// Returns true if "Go to files button" on the migration error screen was
// clicked.
bool WasGotoFilesClicked(PrefService* local_state,
const std::string& user_id_hash);
// Returns true if ash 1st party extension keep list should be enforced.
bool ShouldEnforceAshExtensionKeepList();
// Indicates whether user can open DevTools in Ash.
bool IsAshDevToolEnabled();
} // namespace crosapi::browser_util