blob: 5c703e36ac62b09e82837644e677ddbae130887f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/component_export.h"
#include "chromeos/printing/cups_printer_status.h"
#include "chromeos/printing/uri.h"
#include "net/base/host_port_pair.h"
namespace net {
class IPEndPoint;
} // namespace net
namespace chromeos {
// Classes of printers tracked. See doc/ for
// details on what these mean.
COMPONENT_EXPORT(CHROMEOS_PRINTING) std::string ToString(PrinterClass pclass);
// This function checks if the given URI is a valid printer URI. |uri| is
// considered to be a valid printer URI if it has one of the scheme listed in
// the table below and meets the criteria defined there.
// scheme | userinfo | host | port | path | query | fragment
// ---------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------
// http | NO | required | optional | optional | optional | NO
// https | NO | required | optional | optional | optional | NO
// ipp | NO | required | optional | optional | optional | NO
// ipps | NO | required | optional | optional | optional | NO
// lpd | optional | required | optional | optional | optional | NO
// socket | NO | required | optional | NO | optional | NO
// ippusb | NO | required | NO | required | optional | NO
// usb | NO | required | NO | required | optional | NO
// If the given |uri| does not meet the criteria the function returns false and
// set an error message in |error_message| (if it is not nullptr). The message
// has the prefix "Malformed printer URI: ".
IsValidPrinterUri(const Uri& uri, std::string* error_message = nullptr);
// Information needed to find the PPD file for this printer.
// If you add fields to this struct, you almost certainly will
// want to update PpdResolver and PpdCache::GetCachePath.
// Exactly one of the fields below should be filled in.
// At resolution time, we look for a cached PPD that used the same
// PpdReference before.
class PpdReference {
// Returns true when this PPD reference is filled in; true whenever any of
// the members is non-empty.
bool IsFilled() const;
// If non-empty, this is the url of a specific PPD the user has specified
// for use with this printer. The ppd can be gzipped or uncompressed.
// Supported schemes for this url are file://, http:// and https://.
std::string user_supplied_ppd_url;
// String that identifies which ppd to use from the ppd server.
// Where possible, this is the same as the ipp/ldap
// printer-make-and-model field.
std::string effective_make_and_model;
// True if the printer should be auto-configured and a PPD is unnecessary.
bool autoconf = false;
template <typename T>
struct PrintOption {
std::optional<T> default_value;
std::vector<T> allowed_values;
struct Size {
bool operator==(const Size&) const = default;
int width;
int height;
// This enum can be modified (adding new values, changing the order of values,
// etc.).
enum DuplexType {
kUnknownDuplexType = 0,
kOneSided = 1,
kShortEdge = 2,
kLongEdge = 3
struct Dpi {
bool operator==(const Dpi&) const = default;
int horizontal;
int vertical;
// This enum can be modified (adding new values, changing the order of values,
// etc.).
enum QualityType {
kUnknownQualityType = 0,
kDraft = 1,
kNormal = 2,
kHigh = 3
struct ManagedPrintOptions {
ManagedPrintOptions(const ManagedPrintOptions& other);
ManagedPrintOptions& operator=(const ManagedPrintOptions& other);
PrintOption<Size> media_size;
PrintOption<std::string> media_type;
PrintOption<DuplexType> duplex;
PrintOption<bool> color;
PrintOption<Dpi> dpi;
PrintOption<QualityType> quality;
PrintOption<bool> print_as_image;
// The location where the printer is stored.
enum Source {
// An enumeration of printer protocols.
// These values are written to logs. New enum values can be added, but
// existing enums must never be renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum PrinterProtocol {
kUnknown = 0,
kUsb = 1,
kIpp = 2,
kIpps = 3,
kHttp = 4,
kHttps = 5,
kSocket = 6,
kLpd = 7,
kIppUsb = 8,
// Constructs a printer object that is completely empty.
// Constructs a printer object with the given |id|.
explicit Printer(const std::string& id);
// Copy constructor and assignment.
Printer(const Printer& printer);
Printer& operator=(const Printer& printer);
const std::string& id() const { return id_; }
void set_id(const std::string& id) { id_ = id; }
const std::string& display_name() const { return display_name_; }
void set_display_name(const std::string& display_name) {
display_name_ = display_name;
const std::string& description() const { return description_; }
void set_description(const std::string& description) {
description_ = description;
const std::string& usb_printer_manufacturer() const {
return usb_printer_manufacturer_;
void set_usb_printer_manufacturer(const std::string& manufacturer) {
usb_printer_manufacturer_ = manufacturer;
const std::string& make_and_model() const { return make_and_model_; }
void set_make_and_model(const std::string& make_and_model) {
make_and_model_ = make_and_model;
ManagedPrintOptions print_job_options() const { return print_job_options_; }
void set_print_job_options(const ManagedPrintOptions& print_job_options) {
print_job_options_ = print_job_options;
const Uri& uri() const { return uri_; }
// These methods set |uri| as a new uri. If |uri| is incorrect or does not
// pass the IsValidPrinterUri(...) function defined above, no changes are made
// to the object and false is returned. If |error_message| is not nullptr,
// the error message is written there when the methods return false.
bool SetUri(const Uri& uri, std::string* error_message = nullptr);
bool SetUri(const std::string& uri, std::string* error_message = nullptr);
const PpdReference& ppd_reference() const { return ppd_reference_; }
PpdReference* mutable_ppd_reference() { return &ppd_reference_; }
bool supports_ippusb() const { return supports_ippusb_; }
void set_supports_ippusb(bool supports_ippusb) {
supports_ippusb_ = supports_ippusb;
const std::string& print_server_uri() const { return print_server_uri_; }
void set_print_server_uri(const std::string& print_server_uri) {
print_server_uri_ = print_server_uri;
const std::string& uuid() const { return uuid_; }
void set_uuid(const std::string& uuid) { uuid_ = uuid; }
// Returns true if the printer should be automatically configured using IPP
// Everywhere. Computed using information from |ppd_reference_| and |uri_|.
bool IsIppEverywhere() const;
// Returns true if the printer should use driverless autoconfiguration through
// IPP-USB instead of the USB printer class.
bool RequiresDriverlessUsb() const;
// Returns the hostname and port for |uri_|. Assumes that the uri is
// well formed. Returns an empty string if |uri_| is not set.
net::HostPortPair GetHostAndPort() const;
// Returns the |uri_| with the host and port replaced with |ip|. Returns an
// empty Uri if |uri_| is empty.
Uri ReplaceHostAndPort(const net::IPEndPoint& ip) const;
// Returns the printer protocol the printer is configured with.
Printer::PrinterProtocol GetProtocol() const;
// Returns true if the current protocol of the printer is one of the following
// "network protocols": [kIpp, kIpps, kHttp, kHttps, kSocket, kLpd]
bool HasNetworkProtocol() const;
// Returns true if the current protocol of the printer is either kUSb or
// kIppUsb.
bool IsUsbProtocol() const;
// Returns true if the current protocol is either local (kUsb or kIppUsb) or
// secure (kIpps or kHttps).
bool HasSecureProtocol() const;
// Returns true if the host component of the printer's URI ends with
// ".local"
// This method is meaningless to call without a URI set.
bool IsZeroconf() const;
// Returns true if the printer uri is set and false when the uri is empty.
bool HasUri() const { return !uri_.GetScheme().empty(); }
Source source() const { return source_; }
void set_source(const Source source) { source_ = source; }
const CupsPrinterStatus& printer_status() const { return printer_status_; }
void set_printer_status(const chromeos::CupsPrinterStatus& printer_status) {
printer_status_ = printer_status;
// Setter and getter for flag marking that the printer is used in the finch
// experiment created for b:184293121.
bool AffectedByIppUsbMigration() const {
return experimental_setup_of_usb_printer_with_ipp_and_ppd_;
void SetAffectedByIppUsbMigration(bool flag) {
experimental_setup_of_usb_printer_with_ipp_and_ppd_ = flag;
// Globally unique identifier. Empty indicates a new printer.
std::string id_;
// User defined string for printer identification.
std::string display_name_;
// User defined string for additional printer information.
std::string description_;
// Holds manufacturer name read from USB printer.
std::string usb_printer_manufacturer_;
// The manufactuer and model of the printer in one string. e.g. HP OfficeJet
// 415. This is either read from or derived from printer information and is
// not necessarily suitable for display.
std::string make_and_model_;
// The full path for the printer. Suitable for configuration in CUPS.
// Contains protocol, hostname, port, and queue.
Uri uri_;
// Holds allowed/default values of print job options set by policy.
ManagedPrintOptions print_job_options_;
// How to find the associated postscript printer description.
PpdReference ppd_reference_;
// Represents whether or not the printer supports printing using ipp-over-usb.
bool supports_ippusb_ = false;
// When non-empty, the uri of the print server the printer was added from. We
// use this to determine if a printer is a print server printer.
std::string print_server_uri_;
// The UUID from an autoconf protocol for deduplication. Could be empty.
std::string uuid_;
// The datastore which holds this printer.
Source source_;
// The current status of the printer
chromeos::CupsPrinterStatus printer_status_;
// This flag is set for printers that take part in the finch experiment
// created for b/184293121.
bool experimental_setup_of_usb_printer_with_ipp_and_ppd_ = false;
} // namespace chromeos