blob: 7ff1050def3b55bcb1ef3ca9b7b70d8b1ab3b047 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers
#include "sandbox/linux/suid/common/sandbox.h"
#ifndef _GNU_SOURCE
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#include <asm/unistd.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <sched.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdarg.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/prctl.h>
#include <sys/resource.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/vfs.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "sandbox/linux/suid/common/suid_unsafe_environment_variables.h"
#include "sandbox/linux/suid/process_util.h"
#if !defined(CLONE_NEWPID)
#define CLONE_NEWPID 0x20000000
#if !defined(CLONE_NEWNET)
#define CLONE_NEWNET 0x40000000
static bool DropRoot();
#define HANDLE_EINTR(x) ({ \
long eintr_wrapper_result; \
do { \
eintr_wrapper_result = (x); \
} while (eintr_wrapper_result == -1L && errno == EINTR); \
eintr_wrapper_result; \
static void FatalError(const char* msg, ...)
__attribute__((noreturn, format(printf, 1, 2)));
static void FatalError(const char* msg, ...) {
va_list ap;
va_start(ap, msg);
vfprintf(stderr, msg, ap);
fprintf(stderr, ": %s\n", strerror(errno));
static void ExitWithErrorSignalHandler(int signal) {
const char msg[] = "\nThe setuid sandbox got signaled, exiting.\n";
if (-1 == write(2, msg, sizeof(msg) - 1)) {
// Do nothing.
// We will chroot() to the helper's /proc/self directory. Anything there will
// not exist anymore if we make sure to wait() for the helper.
// /proc/self/fdinfo or /proc/self/fd are especially safe and will be empty
// even if the helper survives as a zombie.
// There is very little reason to use fdinfo/ instead of fd/ but we are
// paranoid. fdinfo/ only exists since 2.6.22 so we allow fallback to fd/
#define SAFE_DIR "/proc/self/fdinfo"
#define SAFE_DIR2 "/proc/self/fd"
static bool SpawnChrootHelper() {
int sv[2];
if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sv) == -1) {
return false;
char* safedir = NULL;
struct stat sdir_stat;
if (!stat(SAFE_DIR, &sdir_stat) && S_ISDIR(sdir_stat.st_mode)) {
safedir = SAFE_DIR;
} else if (!stat(SAFE_DIR2, &sdir_stat) && S_ISDIR(sdir_stat.st_mode)) {
safedir = SAFE_DIR2;
} else {
fprintf(stderr, "Could not find %s\n", SAFE_DIR2);
return false;
const pid_t pid = syscall(__NR_clone, CLONE_FS | SIGCHLD, 0, 0, 0);
if (pid == -1) {
return false;
if (pid == 0) {
// We share our files structure with an untrusted process. As a security in
// depth measure, we make sure that we can't open anything by mistake.
const struct rlimit nofile = {0, 0};
if (setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &nofile))
FatalError("Setting RLIMIT_NOFILE");
if (close(sv[1]))
// wait for message
char msg;
ssize_t bytes;
do {
bytes = read(sv[0], &msg, 1);
} while (bytes == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (bytes == 0)
if (bytes != 1)
// do chrooting
if (msg != kMsgChrootMe)
FatalError("Unknown message from sandboxed process");
// sanity check
if (chdir(safedir))
FatalError("Cannot chdir into /proc/ directory");
if (chroot(safedir))
FatalError("Cannot chroot into /proc/ directory");
if (chdir("/"))
FatalError("Cannot chdir to / after chroot");
const char reply = kMsgChrootSuccessful;
do {
bytes = write(sv[0], &reply, 1);
} while (bytes == -1 && errno == EINTR);
if (bytes != 1)
FatalError("Writing reply");
// We now become a zombie. /proc/self/fd(info) is now an empty dir and we
// are chrooted there.
// Our (unprivileged) parent should not even be able to open "." or "/"
// since they would need to pass the ptrace() check. If our parent wait()
// for us, our root directory will completely disappear.
if (close(sv[0])) {
return false;
// In the parent process, we install an environment variable containing the
// number of the file descriptor.
char desc_str[64];
int printed = snprintf(desc_str, sizeof(desc_str), "%u", sv[1]);
if (printed < 0 || printed >= (int)sizeof(desc_str)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to snprintf\n");
return false;
if (setenv(kSandboxDescriptorEnvironmentVarName, desc_str, 1)) {
return false;
// We also install an environment variable containing the pid of the child
char helper_pid_str[64];
printed = snprintf(helper_pid_str, sizeof(helper_pid_str), "%u", pid);
if (printed < 0 || printed >= (int)sizeof(helper_pid_str)) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to snprintf\n");
return false;
if (setenv(kSandboxHelperPidEnvironmentVarName, helper_pid_str, 1)) {
return false;
return true;
// Block until child_pid exits, then exit. Try to preserve the exit code.
static void WaitForChildAndExit(pid_t child_pid) {
int exit_code = -1;
siginfo_t reaped_child_info;
// Don't "Core" on SIGABRT. SIGABRT is sent by the Chrome OS session manager
// when things are hanging.
// Here, the current process is going to waitid() and _exit(), so there is no
// point in generating a crash report. The child process is the one
// blocking us.
if (signal(SIGABRT, ExitWithErrorSignalHandler) == SIG_ERR) {
FatalError("Failed to change signal handler");
int wait_ret =
HANDLE_EINTR(waitid(P_PID, child_pid, &reaped_child_info, WEXITED));
if (!wait_ret && reaped_child_info.si_pid == child_pid) {
if (reaped_child_info.si_code == CLD_EXITED) {
exit_code = reaped_child_info.si_status;
} else {
// Exit with code 0 if the child got signaled.
exit_code = 0;
static bool MoveToNewNamespaces() {
// These are the sets of flags which we'll try, in order.
const int kCloneExtraFlags[] = {CLONE_NEWPID | CLONE_NEWNET, CLONE_NEWPID, };
// We need to close kZygoteIdFd before the child can continue. We use this
// socketpair to tell the child when to continue;
int sync_fds[2];
if (socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, sync_fds)) {
FatalError("Failed to create a socketpair");
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(kCloneExtraFlags) / sizeof(kCloneExtraFlags[0]);
i++) {
pid_t pid = syscall(__NR_clone, SIGCHLD | kCloneExtraFlags[i], 0, 0, 0);
const int clone_errno = errno;
if (pid > 0) {
if (!DropRoot()) {
FatalError("Could not drop privileges");
} else {
if (close(sync_fds[0]) || shutdown(sync_fds[1], SHUT_RD))
FatalError("Could not close socketpair");
// The kZygoteIdFd needs to be closed in the parent before
// Zygote gets started.
if (close(kZygoteIdFd))
// Tell our child to continue
if (HANDLE_EINTR(send(sync_fds[1], "C", 1, MSG_NOSIGNAL)) != 1)
if (close(sync_fds[1]))
// We want to keep a full process tree and we don't want our childs to
// be reparented to (the outer PID namespace) init. So we wait for it.
FatalError("Not reached");
if (pid == 0) {
if (close(sync_fds[1]) || shutdown(sync_fds[0], SHUT_WR))
FatalError("Could not close socketpair");
// Wait for the parent to confirm it closed kZygoteIdFd before we
// continue
char should_continue;
if (HANDLE_EINTR(read(sync_fds[0], &should_continue, 1)) != 1)
FatalError("Read on socketpair");
if (close(sync_fds[0]))
if (kCloneExtraFlags[i] & CLONE_NEWPID) {
setenv(kSandboxPIDNSEnvironmentVarName, "", 1 /* overwrite */);
} else {
if (kCloneExtraFlags[i] & CLONE_NEWNET) {
setenv(kSandboxNETNSEnvironmentVarName, "", 1 /* overwrite */);
} else {
// If EINVAL then the system doesn't support the requested flags, so
// continue to try a different set.
// On any other errno value the system *does* support these flags but
// something went wrong, hence we bail with an error message rather then
// provide less security.
if (errno != EINVAL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Failed to move to new namespace:");
if (kCloneExtraFlags[i] & CLONE_NEWPID) {
fprintf(stderr, " PID namespaces supported,");
if (kCloneExtraFlags[i] & CLONE_NEWNET) {
fprintf(stderr, " Network namespace supported,");
fprintf(stderr, " but failed: errno = %s\n", strerror(clone_errno));
return false;
// If the system doesn't support NEWPID then we carry on anyway.
return true;
static bool DropRoot() {
if (prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0)) {
return false;
if (prctl(PR_GET_DUMPABLE, 0, 0, 0, 0)) {
perror("Still dumpable after prctl(PR_SET_DUMPABLE)");
return false;
gid_t rgid, egid, sgid;
if (getresgid(&rgid, &egid, &sgid)) {
return false;
if (setresgid(rgid, rgid, rgid)) {
return false;
uid_t ruid, euid, suid;
if (getresuid(&ruid, &euid, &suid)) {
return false;
if (setresuid(ruid, ruid, ruid)) {
return false;
return true;
static bool SetupChildEnvironment() {
unsigned i;
// may have cleared several environment variables because we are SUID.
// However, the child process might need them so
// saves a copy in SANDBOX_$x. This is safe because we have dropped root by
// this point, so we can only exec a binary with the permissions of the user
// who ran us in the first place.
for (i = 0; kSUIDUnsafeEnvironmentVariables[i]; ++i) {
const char* const envvar = kSUIDUnsafeEnvironmentVariables[i];
char* const saved_envvar = SandboxSavedEnvironmentVariable(envvar);
if (!saved_envvar)
return false;
const char* const value = getenv(saved_envvar);
if (value) {
setenv(envvar, value, 1 /* overwrite */);
return true;
bool CheckAndExportApiVersion() {
// Check the environment to see if a specific API version was requested.
// assume version 0 if none.
int api_number = -1;
char* api_string = getenv(kSandboxEnvironmentApiRequest);
if (!api_string) {
api_number = 0;
} else {
errno = 0;
char* endptr = NULL;
long long_api_number = strtol(api_string, &endptr, 10);
if (!endptr || *endptr || errno != 0 || long_api_number < INT_MIN ||
long_api_number > INT_MAX) {
return false;
api_number = long_api_number;
// Warn only for now.
if (api_number != kSUIDSandboxApiNumber) {
"The setuid sandbox provides API version %d, "
"but you need %d\n"
"Please read "
// Export our version so that the sandboxed process can verify it did not
// use an old sandbox.
char version_string[64];
snprintf(version_string, sizeof(version_string), "%d", kSUIDSandboxApiNumber);
if (setenv(kSandboxEnvironmentApiProvides, version_string, 1)) {
return false;
return true;
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
if (argc <= 1) {
if (argc <= 0) {
return 1;
fprintf(stderr, "Usage: %s <renderer process> <args...>\n", argv[0]);
return 1;
// Allow someone to query our API version
if (argc == 2 && 0 == strcmp(argv[1], kSuidSandboxGetApiSwitch)) {
printf("%d\n", kSUIDSandboxApiNumber);
return 0;
// We cannot adjust /proc/pid/oom_adj for sandboxed renderers
// because those files are owned by root. So we need a helper here.
if (argc == 4 && (0 == strcmp(argv[1], kAdjustOOMScoreSwitch))) {
char* endptr = NULL;
long score;
errno = 0;
unsigned long pid_ul = strtoul(argv[2], &endptr, 10);
if (pid_ul == ULONG_MAX || !endptr || *endptr || errno != 0)
return 1;
pid_t pid = pid_ul;
endptr = NULL;
errno = 0;
score = strtol(argv[3], &endptr, 10);
if (score == LONG_MAX || score == LONG_MIN || !endptr || *endptr ||
errno != 0) {
return 1;
return AdjustOOMScore(pid, score);
// Protect the core setuid sandbox functionality with an API version
if (!CheckAndExportApiVersion()) {
return 1;
if (geteuid() != 0) {
"The setuid sandbox is not running as root. Common causes:\n"
" * An unprivileged process using ptrace on it, like a debugger.\n"
" * A parent process set prctl(PR_SET_NO_NEW_PRIVS, ...)\n");
if (!MoveToNewNamespaces())
return 1;
if (!SpawnChrootHelper())
return 1;
if (!DropRoot())
return 1;
if (!SetupChildEnvironment())
return 1;
execv(argv[1], &argv[1]);
FatalError("execv failed");