blob: 4d0372e13ccd85e227da25f04e2eec1da56fb8d4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
namespace sandbox {
namespace mojom {
enum class Sandbox;
} // namespace mojom
class TargetConfig;
class TargetPolicy;
namespace policy {
class SandboxDelegate {
virtual ~SandboxDelegate() {}
// Returns the Sandbox to enforce on the process, or
// Sandbox::kNoSandbox to run without a sandbox policy.
virtual sandbox::mojom::Sandbox GetSandboxType() = 0;
// Returns a tag for the sandbox. All targets with the same tag will share
// their TargetConfig configuration - the delegate can call
// TargetConfig::IsConfigured() to skip setting this configuration after the
// first such policy has been configured. Provide an empty string to force
// every policy to be unique.
virtual std::string GetSandboxTag() = 0;
// Whether to disable the default policy specified in
// AddPolicyForSandboxedProcess.
virtual bool DisableDefaultPolicy() = 0;
// Get the AppContainer ID for the sandbox. If this returns false then the
// AppContainer will not be enabled for the process.
virtual bool GetAppContainerId(std::string* appcontainer_id) = 0;
// Called to initialize the target configuration for the process.
virtual bool InitializeConfig(TargetConfig* config) = 0;
// Called right before spawning the process. Returns false on failure.
// Methods in TargetConfig only need to be called if IsConfigured() returns
// false.
virtual bool PreSpawnTarget(TargetPolicy* policy) = 0;
// Called right after the process is launched, but before its thread is run.
virtual void PostSpawnTarget(base::ProcessHandle process) = 0;
// Whether this process should run inside a Job if running unsandboxed.
virtual bool ShouldUnsandboxedRunInJob() = 0;
// Whether this process will be compatible with Control-flow Enforcement
// Technology (CET) / Hardware-enforced Stack Protection.
virtual bool CetCompatible() = 0;
} // namespace policy
} // namespace sandbox