blob: febaaf87edfe4d3d54c2ca722180ddfc8dd510ed [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_namespace.h"
#include "components/policy/core/common/policy_service.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/android/tab_model/tab_model_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/browser_list_observer.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/tabs/tab_strip_model_observer.h"
namespace user_manager {
class User;
namespace policy {
namespace internal {
class ProxiedPoliciesPropagatedWatcher;
class LocalTestInfoBarVisibilityManager;
} // namespace internal
class CloudPolicyStore;
class ConfigurationPolicyProvider;
class PolicyMigrator;
class PolicyServiceImpl;
class SchemaRegistry;
class ChromeBrowserPolicyConnector;
// The ProfilePolicyConnector creates and manages the per-Profile policy
// components. Since the ProfilePolicyConnector instance is accessed from
// Profile, not from a KeyedServiceFactory anymore, the ProfilePolicyConnector
// no longer needs to be a KeyedService.
class ProfilePolicyConnector final : public PolicyService::Observer {
ProfilePolicyConnector(const ProfilePolicyConnector&) = delete;
ProfilePolicyConnector& operator=(const ProfilePolicyConnector&) = delete;
~ProfilePolicyConnector() override;
// |user| is only used in Chrome OS builds and should be set to nullptr
// otherwise. |configuration_policy_provider| and |policy_store| are nullptr
// for non-regular users.
// If |force_immediate_load| is true, DeviceLocalAccountPolicy is loaded
// synchronously.
void Init(const user_manager::User* user,
SchemaRegistry* schema_registry,
ConfigurationPolicyProvider* configuration_policy_provider,
const CloudPolicyStore* policy_store,
policy::ChromeBrowserPolicyConnector* browser_policy_connector,
bool force_immediate_load);
void InitForTesting(std::unique_ptr<PolicyService> service);
void OverrideIsManagedForTesting(bool is_managed);
void Shutdown();
// This is never NULL.
PolicyService* policy_service() const { return policy_service_.get(); }
// Returns true if this Profile is under any kind of policy management. You
// must call this method only when the policies system is fully initialized.
bool IsManaged() const;
// Returns true if the |policy_key| user policy is currently set via the
// |configuration_policy_provider_| and isn't being overridden by a
// higher-level provider.
bool IsProfilePolicy(const char* policy_key) const;
// Triggers the time out handling of waiting for the proxied primary user
// policies to propagate. May be only called form tests.
void TriggerProxiedPoliciesWaitTimeoutForTesting();
// Returns affiliation IDs contained in the PolicyData corresponding to the
// profile.
base::flat_set<std::string> user_affiliation_ids() const;
// PolicyService::Observer:
void OnPolicyServiceInitialized(PolicyDomain domain) override;
// Sets the local_test_policy_provider as active and all other policy
// providers to inactive.
void UseLocalTestPolicyProvider();
// Reverts the effects of UseLocalTestPolicyProvider.
void RevertUseLocalTestPolicyProvider();
void DoPostInit();
void ReportChromePolicyInitialized();
// Returns the policy store which is actually used.
const CloudPolicyStore* GetActualPolicyStore() const;
// Find the policy provider that provides the |policy_key| policy, if any. In
// case of multiple providers sharing the same policy, the one with the
// highest priority will be returned.
const ConfigurationPolicyProvider* DeterminePolicyProviderForPolicy(
const char* policy_key) const;
void AppendPolicyProviderWithSchemaTracking(
ConfigurationPolicyProvider* policy_provider,
SchemaRegistry* schema_registry);
std::string GetTimeToFirstPolicyLoadMetricSuffix() const;
// On Chrome OS, primary Profile user policies are forwarded to the
// device-global PolicyService[1] using a ProxyPolicyProvider.
// When that is done, signaling that |policy_service_| is initialized should
// be delayed until the policies provided by |user_policy_delegate| have
// propagated to the device-wide PolicyService[1]. This is done so that code
// that runs early on Profile initialization can rely on the device-wide
// PolicyService[1] and local state Preferences[2] respecting the proxied
// primary user policies.
// This function starts watching for the propagation to happen by creating a
// |ProxiedPoliciesPropagatedWatcher| and creates a PolicyService that
// only signals that it is initilalized when the
// |proxied_policies_propagated_watcher_| has fired.
// [1] i.e. g_browser_process->policy_service()
// [2] i.e. g_browser_process->local_state()
std::unique_ptr<PolicyService> CreatePolicyServiceWithInitializationThrottled(
const std::vector<raw_ptr<ConfigurationPolicyProvider,
VectorExperimental>>& policy_providers,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<PolicyMigrator>> migrators,
ConfigurationPolicyProvider* user_policy_delegate);
// Called when primary user policies that are proxied to the device-wide
// PolicyService have propagated.
// |policy_service| is passed here because UnthrottleInitialization is
// implemented on PolicyServiceImpl, but the |policy_service_| class member is
// a PolicyService for testability.
void OnProxiedPoliciesPropagated(PolicyServiceImpl* policy_service);
raw_ptr<const user_manager::User, DanglingUntriaged> user_ = nullptr;
// Some of the user policy configuration affects browser global state, and
// can only come from one Profile. |is_primary_user_| is true if this
// connector belongs to the first signed-in Profile, and in that case that
// Profile's policy is the one that affects global policy settings in
// local state.
bool is_primary_user_ = false;
// Whether the user was freshly created in this session.
bool is_user_new_ = false;
std::unique_ptr<ConfigurationPolicyProvider> special_user_policy_provider_;
// If the user associated with the Profile for this ProfilePolicyConnector is
// the primary user, the user policies will be proxied into the device-wide
// PolicyService. This object allows calling a callback when that is finished
// so it is possible to delay signaling that |policy_service_| is initialized
// until the policies have been reflected in the device-wide PolicyService.
// Wrap policy provider with SchemaRegistryTrackingPolicyProvider to track
// extensions' policy schema update.
raw_ptr<const ConfigurationPolicyProvider> configuration_policy_provider_ =
raw_ptr<const CloudPolicyStore> policy_store_ = nullptr;
std::unique_ptr<ConfigurationPolicyProvider> restricted_mgs_policy_provider;
// |policy_providers_| contains a list of the policy providers available for
// the PolicyService of this connector, in decreasing order of priority.
// Note: All the providers appended to this vector must eventually become
// initialized for every policy domain, otherwise some subsystems will never
// use the policies exposed by the PolicyService!
// The default ConfigurationPolicyProvider::IsInitializationComplete()
// result is true, so take care if a provider overrides that.
std::vector<raw_ptr<ConfigurationPolicyProvider, VectorExperimental>>
std::unique_ptr<PolicyService> policy_service_;
std::optional<base::TimeTicks> creation_time_for_metrics_;
std::unique_ptr<bool> is_managed_override_;
raw_ptr<ConfigurationPolicyProvider> local_test_policy_provider_ = nullptr;
// Returns |true| when this is the main profile.
bool IsMainProfile() const;
// The |browser_policy_connector_| is owned by the |BrowserProcess| whereas
// the |ProfilePolicyConnector| is owned by the Profile - which gets deleted
// first - so the lifetime of the pointer is guaranteed.
raw_ptr<ChromeBrowserPolicyConnector> browser_policy_connector_ = nullptr;
} // namespace policy