blob: b92a135ae7f8c17f59b56fabcf32d8840494598b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2010 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/bookmark_node_applescript.h"
@class BookmarkItemAppleScript;
// Represent a bookmark folder scriptable object in AppleScript.
@interface BookmarkFolderAppleScript : BookmarkNodeAppleScript
// Returns an array of all the bookmark folders contained within this particular
// folder.
@property(readonly) NSArray<BookmarkFolderAppleScript*>* bookmarkFolders;
// Returns an array of all the bookmark items contained within this particular
// folder.
@property(readonly) NSArray<BookmarkItemAppleScript*>* bookmarkItems;
// Bookmark folder manipulation methods.
// Inserts a bookmark folder at the end.
- (void)insertInBookmarkFolders:(BookmarkFolderAppleScript*)aBookmarkFolder;
// Inserts a bookmark folder at some position in the list.
// Called by AppleScript which takes care of bounds checking, make sure of it
// before calling directly.
- (void)insertInBookmarkFolders:(BookmarkFolderAppleScript*)aBookmarkFolder
// Remove a bookmark folder from the list.
// Called by AppleScript which takes care of bounds checking, make sure of it
// before calling directly.
- (void)removeFromBookmarkFoldersAtIndex:(size_t)index;
// Bookmark item manipulation methods.
// Inserts a bookmark item at the end.
- (void)insertInBookmarkItems:(BookmarkItemAppleScript*)aBookmarkItem;
// Inserts a bookmark item at some position in the list.
// Called by AppleScript which takes care of bounds checking, make sure of it
// before calling directly.
- (void)insertInBookmarkItems:(BookmarkItemAppleScript*)aBookmarkItem
// Removes a bookmarks folder from the list.
// Called by AppleScript which takes care of bounds checking, make sure of it
// before calling directly.
- (void)removeFromBookmarkItemsAtIndex:(size_t)index;