blob: ba478ef3693608a91167113e8c5349ce74e073e5 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/bookmark_folder_applescript.h"
#include "base/strings/sys_string_conversions.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/bookmark_item_applescript.h"
#import "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/constants_applescript.h"
#include "chrome/browser/ui/cocoa/applescript/error_applescript.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/browser/bookmark_model.h"
#include "components/bookmarks/common/bookmark_metrics.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
using bookmarks::BookmarkModel;
using bookmarks::BookmarkNode;
// /!\ Warning
// The design of the AppleScript dictionary with regards to bookmarks is
// deficient. The ideal design would mirror the design of the actual bookmark
// system, where a bookmark element could be either a folder or an item, and
// bookmark folders could hold any number of them, in any order.
// However, that's not the design that is implemented. The current design is
// that bookmark folders and bookmark items are separate and unrelated things,
// and that bookmark folders have a list of bookmark folders they contain, as
// well as a list of bookmark items they contain.
// That is, there are _two separate lists_.
// Translating from the real bookmarks system, where the children of a folder
// are a list of intermingled folders and items, is easy: walk the list of
// children, and filter out the wrong kind. (See `-bookmarkFolders` and
// `-bookmarkItems`.)
// Translating _to_ the real bookmarks system cannot be done in the general
// case. There is no control over the mingling of folders and items, and there
// is only vague control over the ordering of items that share a type.
// All this is to explain the difference in terminology between "index" and
// "bookmark manager position". An "index" value is relative to the two separate
// child lists that exist from the AppleScript perspective. The "bookmark
// manager position" is relative to the true list of (both types of) children of
// a folder in the bookmarks system.
// Because AppleScript maintains no state, no translation ever needs to be done
// from positions to indexes. AppleScript keeps object identifiers, and if it
// ever needs to update the index, it will re-request the list and find the item
// again by matching its ID.
// However, when a script requests a folder or bookmark to be moved around or
// inserted, AppleScript will request a change in index. That index will need to
// be converted into a position in the real list of children of a folder, and
// that's what the `-bookmarkManagerPositionOf[Folder|Item]At:` methods are for.
@interface BookmarkFolderAppleScript ()
// Does the actual insertion of a bookmark folder at an absolute position.
- (void)insertFolder:(BookmarkFolderAppleScript*)bookmarkFolder
// Does the actual insertion of a bookmark item at an absolute position.
- (void)insertItem:(BookmarkItemAppleScript*)bookmarkItem
// Returns the position of a bookmark folder within the current bookmark folder
// which consists of bookmark folders as well as bookmark items.
- (size_t)bookmarkManagerPositionOfFolderAt:(size_t)index;
// Returns the position of a bookmark item within the current bookmark folder
// which consists of bookmark folders as well as bookmark items.
- (size_t)bookmarkManagerPositionOfItemAt:(size_t)index;
@implementation BookmarkFolderAppleScript
- (NSArray<BookmarkFolderAppleScript*>*)bookmarkFolders {
NSMutableArray<BookmarkFolderAppleScript*>* bookmarkFolders =
[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.bookmarkNode->children().size()];
for (const auto& node : self.bookmarkNode->children()) {
if (!node->is_folder()) {
BookmarkFolderAppleScript* bookmarkFolder =
[[BookmarkFolderAppleScript alloc] initWithBookmarkNode:node.get()];
[bookmarkFolder setContainer:self
[bookmarkFolders addObject:bookmarkFolder];
return bookmarkFolders;
- (NSArray<BookmarkItemAppleScript*>*)bookmarkItems {
NSMutableArray<BookmarkItemAppleScript*>* bookmarkItems =
[NSMutableArray arrayWithCapacity:self.bookmarkNode->children().size()];
for (const auto& node : self.bookmarkNode->children()) {
if (!node->is_url()) {
BookmarkItemAppleScript* bookmarkItem =
[[BookmarkItemAppleScript alloc] initWithBookmarkNode:node.get()];
[bookmarkItem setContainer:self
[bookmarkItems addObject:bookmarkItem];
return bookmarkItems;
- (void)insertInBookmarkFolders:(BookmarkFolderAppleScript*)bookmarkFolder {
[self insertFolder:bookmarkFolder
- (void)insertInBookmarkFolders:(BookmarkFolderAppleScript*)bookmarkFolder
atIndex:(size_t)index {
[self insertFolder:bookmarkFolder
atBookmarkManagerPosition:[self bookmarkManagerPositionOfFolderAt:index]];
- (void)insertFolder:(BookmarkFolderAppleScript*)bookmarkFolder
atBookmarkManagerPosition:(size_t)position {
[bookmarkFolder setContainer:self
BookmarkModel* model = self.bookmarkModel;
if (!model) {
const BookmarkNode* node = model->AddFolder(
self.bookmarkNode, position,
/*title=*/std::u16string(), /*meta_info=*/nullptr,
/*creation_time=*/std::nullopt, bookmarkFolder.bookmarkGUID);
if (!node) {
[bookmarkFolder didCreateBookmarkNode:node];
- (void)removeFromBookmarkFoldersAtIndex:(size_t)index {
size_t position = [self bookmarkManagerPositionOfFolderAt:index];
BookmarkModel* model = self.bookmarkModel;
if (!model) {
bookmarks::metrics::BookmarkEditSource::kUser, FROM_HERE);
- (void)insertInBookmarkItems:(BookmarkItemAppleScript*)bookmarkItem {
[self insertItem:bookmarkItem
- (void)insertInBookmarkItems:(BookmarkItemAppleScript*)bookmarkItem
atIndex:(size_t)index {
[self insertItem:bookmarkItem
atBookmarkManagerPosition:[self bookmarkManagerPositionOfItemAt:index]];
- (void)insertItem:(BookmarkItemAppleScript*)bookmarkItem
atBookmarkManagerPosition:(size_t)position {
[bookmarkItem setContainer:self property:AppleScript::kBookmarkItemsProperty];
BookmarkModel* model = self.bookmarkModel;
if (!model) {
GURL url(base::SysNSStringToUTF8(bookmarkItem.URL));
if (!url.is_valid()) {
const BookmarkNode* node = model->AddURL(
self.bookmarkNode, position, /*title=*/std::u16string(), url,
/*meta_info=*/nullptr, /*creation_time=*/std::nullopt,
bookmarkItem.bookmarkGUID, /*added_by_user=*/true);
if (!node) {
[bookmarkItem didCreateBookmarkNode:node];
- (void)removeFromBookmarkItemsAtIndex:(size_t)index {
size_t position = [self bookmarkManagerPositionOfItemAt:index];
BookmarkModel* model = self.bookmarkModel;
if (!model) {
bookmarks::metrics::BookmarkEditSource::kUser, FROM_HERE);
- (size_t)bookmarkManagerPositionOfFolderAt:(size_t)index {
// Traverse through all the child nodes until the required node is found and
// return its position.
// AppleScript is 1-based therefore index is incremented by 1.
size_t count = 0;
while (index) {
if (self.bookmarkNode->children()[count++]->is_folder()) {
return count - 1;
- (size_t)bookmarkManagerPositionOfItemAt:(size_t)index {
// Traverse through all the child nodes until the required node is found and
// return its position.
// AppleScript is 1-based therefore index is incremented by 1.
size_t count = 0;
while (index) {
if (self.bookmarkNode->children()[count++]->is_url()) {
return count - 1;