blob: 29675775e9d6ed18937172ad7a4803be6bbeb0ad [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include "chrome/browser/ui/translate/translate_language_list_model.h"
#include "components/translate/core/browser/translate_metrics_logger_impl.h"
#include "components/translate/core/common/translate_errors.h"
// The model for the Full Page Translate bubble UX. This manages the user's
// manipulation of the bubble and offers the data to show on the bubble.
class TranslateBubbleModel : public TranslateLanguageListModel {
enum ViewState {
// The view state before translating.
// The view state during translating.
// The view state after translating.
// The view state when an error of Translate happens.
// The view state for when the source language combobox is shown. This view
// appears when the user selects "Page is not in {source language}" under
// the options menu.
// The view state for when the target language combobox is shown. This view
// appears when the user selects "Choose another language..." under the
// options menu.
~TranslateBubbleModel() override = default;
// Returns the current view state.
virtual ViewState GetViewState() const = 0;
// Transitions the view state.
virtual void SetViewState(ViewState view_state) = 0;
// Shows an error.
virtual void ShowError(translate::TranslateErrors error_type) = 0;
// TranslateLanguageListModel:
int GetNumberOfSourceLanguages() const override = 0;
int GetNumberOfTargetLanguages() const override = 0;
std::u16string GetSourceLanguageNameAt(int index) const override = 0;
std::u16string GetTargetLanguageNameAt(int index) const override = 0;
int GetSourceLanguageIndex() const override = 0;
void UpdateSourceLanguageIndex(int index) override = 0;
int GetTargetLanguageIndex() const override = 0;
void UpdateTargetLanguageIndex(int index) override = 0;
// Returns the source language code.
virtual std::string GetSourceLanguageCode() const = 0;
// Invoked when the user actively declines to translate the page - e.g.
// selects 'nope', 'never translate this language', etc.
// Should not be invoked on a passive decline - i.e. if the bubble is closed
// due to focus loss.
virtual void DeclineTranslation() = 0;
// Returns if the user doesn't want to have the page translated in the
// current page's language.
virtual bool ShouldNeverTranslateLanguage() = 0;
// Sets the value if the user doesn't want to have the page translated in the
// current page's language.
virtual void SetNeverTranslateLanguage(bool value) = 0;
// Returns if the user doesn't want to have the page translated the
// current page's domain.
virtual bool ShouldNeverTranslateSite() = 0;
// Sets the value if the user doesn't want to have the page translated the
// current page's domain.
virtual void SetNeverTranslateSite(bool value) = 0;
// Returns true if the webpage in the current source language should be
// translated into the current target language automatically.
virtual bool ShouldAlwaysTranslate() const = 0;
// Returns true if the Always Translate checkbox should be checked by default.
virtual bool ShouldAlwaysTranslateBeCheckedByDefault() const = 0;
// Returns true if the Always Translate checkbox should be shown on the
// initial translation prompt, when we think the user wants that
// functionality.
virtual bool ShouldShowAlwaysTranslateShortcut() const = 0;
// Sets the value if the webpage in the current source language should be
// translated into the current target language automatically.
virtual void SetAlwaysTranslate(bool value) = 0;
// Starts translating the current page.
virtual void Translate() = 0;
// Reverts translation.
virtual void RevertTranslation() = 0;
// Called when the bubble is closed. Allows final cleanup
// and notification of delegates.
virtual void OnBubbleClosing() = 0;
// Returns true if the page is translated in the currently selected source
// and target language.
virtual bool IsPageTranslatedInCurrentLanguages() const = 0;
// True if the site of the current page can be blocklisted.
virtual bool CanAddSiteToNeverPromptList() = 0;
// Reports a high level UI interaction to the centralzied
// TranslateMetricsLogger.
virtual void ReportUIInteraction(translate::UIInteraction ui_interaction) = 0;
// Updates TranslateMetricsLogger state of whether Translate UI is currently
// shown.
virtual void ReportUIChange(bool is_ui_shown) = 0;