| # OWNERS_STATUS = build/OWNERS.status |
| |
| # Chrome ATLs. Please reach out before adding new top-level directories. |
| # Note: this list is not for rubber-stamping mechanical changes that span the |
| # code base. Please reach out to owners of top-level directories instead. |
| file://ATL_OWNERS |
| |
| per-file .clang-format=thakis@chromium.org |
| per-file .clang-tidy=file://styleguide/c++/OWNERS |
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| per-file .gitmodules=* |
| per-file .git-blame-ignore-revs=thakis@chromium.org |
| per-file .gn=ddorwin@chromium.org # For fuchsia_target_api_level changes. |
| per-file .gn=estaab@chromium.org |
| per-file .gn=sergeyu@chromium.org # For fuchsia_target_api_level changes. |
| per-file .gn=file://build/OWNERS |
| per-file .mailmap=* |
| per-file .rustfmt.toml=file://styleguide/rust/OWNERS |
| per-file .vpython3=bpastene@chromium.org |
| per-file .vpython3=dpranke@google.com |
| per-file .vpython3=tikuta@chromium.org |
| per-file .yapfignore=* |
| per-file AUTHORS=* |
| per-file BUILD.gn=file://build/OWNERS |
| per-file CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md=dpranke@google.com |
| per-file CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md=benhenry@chromium.org |
| per-file CODE_OF_CONDUCT.md=ellyjones@chromium.org |
| per-file CPPLINT.cfg=file://styleguide/c++/OWNERS |
| per-file DEPS=* |
| per-file PRESUBMIT*.py=agrieve@chromium.org # For .pydeps changes |
| per-file PRESUBMIT*.py=brucedawson@chromium.org |
| per-file PRESUBMIT*.py=dcheng@chromium.org |
| per-file PRESUBMIT*.py=dpranke@google.com |
| per-file PRESUBMIT*.py=battre@chromium.org |
| per-file PRESUBMIT*.py=wnwen@chromium.org # For .pydeps changes |
| per-file README.md=* |
| per-file WATCHLISTS=* |
| |
| # git submodules |
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