blob: 4a4d787826b5435f7793ea917990b9f708ad72f9 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2011 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Process a History database and dump a .dot file suitable for GraphViz.
This is useful for debugging history redirect flows.
An example run of this program:
python /src/ History >
/c/Program\ Files/Graphviz2.18/bin/dot -Tpng -o foo.png
import struct
import subprocess
import sys
import urlparse
# Some transition types, copied from page_transition_types.h.
0: 'link',
1: 'typed',
2: 'most-visited',
3: 'auto subframe',
7: 'form',
class URL(object):
"""Represents a broken-down URL from our most visited database."""
def __init__(self, id, url):
"""Initialize a new URL object. |id| is the database id of the URL.""" = id
self.url = url
scheme, loc, path, query, fragment = urlparse.urlsplit(url)
if scheme == 'http':
scheme = '' # Shorten for display purposes.
if len(scheme) > 0:
scheme += '://' = scheme + loc
self.path = path
extra = ''
if len(query) > 0:
extra += '?' + query
if len(fragment) > 0 or url.find('#') > 0:
extra += '#' + fragment
self.extra = extra
def PrettyPrint(self, include_host=True, include_path=True):
"""Pretty-print this URL in a form more suitable for the graph.
This will elide very long paths and potentially puts newlines between parts
of long components. include_host and include_path determine whether to
include the host and path in the output.
Returns: the pretty-printed string."""
MAX_LEN = 30 # Maximum length of a line in the output.
parts = []
if include_host:
if include_path:
lines = []
line = ''
for part in parts:
if len(part) > MAX_LEN:
part = part[0:MAX_LEN-3] + '...'
if len(line)+len(part) > MAX_LEN:
line = ''
line += part
if len(line) > 0:
return '\n'.join(lines)
class Edge(object):
"""Represents an edge in the history graph, connecting two pages.
If a link is traversed twice, it is one Edge with two entries in
the .transitions array."""
def __init__(self, src, dst):
self.src = src
self.dst = dst
self.transitions = []
def Transitions(self):
"""Return a dictionary mapping transition type -> occurences."""
all = {}
for trans in self.transitions:
all[trans] = all.get(trans, 0) + 1
# We currently don't use the chain type.
# TODO(evanm): make this a command-line option.
# if trans & 0x30000000 != 0:
# chain = ''
# if trans & 0x10000000:
# chain = 'start'
# if trans & 0x20000000:
# if len(chain) == 0:
# chain = 'end'
# else:
# chain = ''
# if len(chain) > 0:
# edge['chain'] = chain
return all
def ClusterBy(objs, pred):
"""Group a list of objects by a predicate.
Given a list of objects and a predicate over the objects, return a
dictionary mapping pred(obj) -> all objs with the same pred(obj)."""
clusters = {}
for obj in objs:
cluster = pred(obj)
clusters[cluster] = clusters.get(cluster, [])
return clusters
def EscapeDot(string):
"""Escape a string suitable for embedding in a graphviz graph."""
# TODO(evanm): this is likely not sufficient.
return string.replace('\n', '\\n')
class SQLite(object):
"""Trivial interface to executing SQLite queries.
Spawns a new process with each call."""
def __init__(self, file=None):
self.file = file
def Run(self, sql):
"""Execute |sql|, yielding each row of results as an array."""
subproc = subprocess.Popen(['sqlite', self.file],
subproc.stdin.write('.mode tabs\n')
subproc.stdin.write(sql + ';')
for line in subproc.stdout:
row = line.strip().split('\t')
yield row
def LoadHistory(filename):
db = SQLite(filename)
urls = {} # Map of urlid => url.
urls['0'] = URL('0', 'start') # Node name '0' is our special 'start' node.
for id, url in db.Run('SELECT id, url FROM urls'):
urls[id] = URL(id, url)
visiturlids = {} # Map of visitid => urlid.
visiturlids['0'] = '0' # '0' is our special 'start' node.
edges = {} # Map of urlid->urlid->Edge.
for src, dst, url, trans in db.Run('SELECT from_visit, id, url, transition '
'FROM visits ORDER BY id'):
visiturlids[dst] = url
src = visiturlids[src]
dst = visiturlids[dst]
edges[src] = edges.get(src, {})
edge = edges[src][dst] = edges[src].get(dst, Edge(src, dst))
# SQLite outputs transition values as signed integers, but they're really
# a bitfield. Below does "unsigned trans = static_cast<unsigned>(trans)".
trans = struct.unpack('I', struct.pack('i', int(trans)))[0]
return urls, edges
def main():
urls, edges = LoadHistory(sys.argv[1])
print 'digraph G {'
print ' graph [rankdir=LR]' # Display left to right.
print ' node [shape=box]' # Display nodes as boxes.
print ' subgraph { rank=source; 0 [label="start"] }'
# Output all the nodes within graph clusters.
hosts = ClusterBy(urls.values(), lambda url:
for i, (host, urls) in enumerate(hosts.items()):
# Cluster all URLs under this host if it has more than one entry.
host_clustered = len(urls) > 1
if host_clustered:
print 'subgraph clusterhost%d {' % i
print ' label="%s"' % host
paths = ClusterBy(urls, lambda url: url.path)
for j, (path, urls) in enumerate(paths.items()):
# Cluster all URLs under this host if it has more than one entry.
path_clustered = host_clustered and len(urls) > 1
if path_clustered:
print ' subgraph cluster%d%d {' % (i, j)
print ' label="%s"' % path
for url in urls:
if == '0': continue # We already output the special start node.
pretty = url.PrettyPrint(include_host=not host_clustered,
include_path=not path_clustered)
print ' %s [label="%s"]' % (, EscapeDot(pretty))
if path_clustered:
print ' }'
if host_clustered:
print '}'
# Output all the edges between nodes.
for src, dsts in edges.items():
for dst, edge in dsts.items():
# Gather up all the transitions into the label.
label = [] # Label for the edge.
transitions = edge.Transitions()
for trans, count in transitions.items():
text = ''
if count > 1:
text = '%dx ' % count
base_type = trans & 0xFF
redir = (trans & 0xC0000000) != 0
start = (trans & 0x10000000) != 0
end = (trans & 0x20000000) != 0
if start or end:
if start:
text += '<'
if end:
text += '>'
text += ' '
if redir:
text += 'R '
text += TRANS_TYPES.get(base_type, 'trans%d' % base_type)
if len(label) == 0:
edgeattrs = [] # Graphviz attributes for the edge.
# If the edge is from the start and the transitions are fishy, make it
# display as a dotted line.
if src == '0' and len(transitions.keys()) == 1 and 0 in transitions:
if len(label) > 0:
edgeattrs.append('label="%s"' % EscapeDot('\n'.join(label)))
out = '%s -> %s' % (src, dst)
if len(edgeattrs) > 0:
out += ' [%s]' % ','.join(edgeattrs)
print out
print '}'
return 0
if __name__ == '__main__':