blob: ac0249e5723b222151381a9d680a1169aa8a7004 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include "base/containers/flat_set.h"
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/observer_list.h"
#include "base/observer_list_types.h"
#include "base/process/process.h"
#include "chromecast/bindings/public/mojom/api_bindings.mojom.h"
#include "chromecast/browser/cast_web_contents_observer.h"
#include "chromecast/browser/mojom/cast_web_contents.mojom.h"
#include "chromecast/browser/web_types.h"
#include "chromecast/common/mojom/feature_manager.mojom.h"
#include "chromecast/mojo/interface_bundle.h"
#include "content/public/common/media_playback_renderer_type.mojom.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/generic_pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/pending_receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/receiver_set.h"
#include "mojo/public/cpp/bindings/remote_set.h"
#include "services/service_manager/public/cpp/interface_provider.h"
#include "third_party/blink/public/common/messaging/web_message_port.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace content {
class NavigationHandle;
class WebContents;
} // namespace content
namespace media_control {
class MediaBlocker;
} // namespace media_control
namespace chromecast {
struct RendererFeature {
const std::string name;
base::Value value;
// Simplified WebContents wrapper class for Cast platforms.
// Proper usage of content::WebContents relies on understanding the meaning
// behind various WebContentsObserver methods, and then translating those
// signals into some concrete state. CastWebContents does *not* own the
// underlying WebContents (usually whatever class implements
// content::WebContentsDelegate is the actual owner).
// =============================================================================
// Lifetime
// =============================================================================
// CastWebContents *must* be created before WebContents begins loading any
// content. Once content begins loading (via CWC::LoadUrl() or one of the
// WebContents navigation APIs), CastWebContents will calculate its state based
// on the status of the WebContents' *main* RenderFrame. Events from sub-frames
// (e.g. iframes) are ignored, since we expect the web app to take care of
// sub-frame errors.
// We consider the CastWebContents to be in a LOADED state when the content of
// the main frame is fully loaded and running (all resources fetched,
// redirection finished, JS is running). Iframes might still be loading in this
// case, but in general we consider the page to be in a presentable state at
// this stage, so it is appropriate to display the WebContents to the user.
// During or after the page is loaded, there are multiple error conditions that
// can occur. The following events will cause the page to enter an ERROR state:
// 1. If the main frame is served an HTTP error page (such as a 404 page), then
// it means the desired content wasn't loaded.
// 2. If the main frame fails to load, such as when the browser blocked the URL
// request, we treat this as an error.
// 3. The RenderProcess for the main frame could crash, so the page is not in a
// usable state.
// The CastWebContents user can respond to these errors in a few ways: The
// content can be reloaded, or the entire page activity can be cancelled. If we
// totally cancel the activity, we prefer to notify the user with an error
// screen or visible/audible error message. Otherwise, a silent retry is
// preferred.
// CastWebContents can be used to close the underlying WebContents gracefully
// via CWC::Close(). This initiates web page tear-down logic so that the web
// app has a chance to perform its own finalization logic in JS. Next, we call
// WebContents::ClosePage(), which defers the page closure logic to the
// content::WebContentsDelegate. Usually, it will run its own finalization
// logic and then destroy the WebContents. CastWebContents will be notified of
// the WebContents destruction and enter the DESTROYED state. In the event
// the page isn't destroyed, the page will enter the CLOSED state automatically
// after a timeout. CastWebContents users should not try to reload the page, as
// page closure is intentional.
// The web app may decide to close itself (such as via "window.close()" in JS).
// This is similar to initiating the close flow via CWC::Close(), with the end
// result being the same. We consider this an intentional closure, and should
// not attempt to reload the page.
// Once CastWebContents is in the DESTROYED state, it is not really usable
// anymore; most of the methods will simply no-op, and no more observer signals
// will be emitted.
// CastWebContents can be deleted at any time, *except* during Observer
// notifications. If the owner wants to destroy CastWebContents as a result of
// an Observer event, it should post a task to destroy CastWebContents.
class CastWebContents : public mojom::CastWebContents {
// Synchronous in-process observer for CastWebContents. Observers must not
// destroy CastWebContents in any of the methods below.
class Observer : public base::CheckedObserver {
// Adds |this| to the CastWebContents observer list. Observe(nullptr) will
// remove |this| from the observer list of the current CastWebContents being
// observed.
void Observe(CastWebContents* cast_web_contents);
// Called when the navigation is ready to be committed in the WebContents'
// main frame.
virtual void MainFrameReadyToCommitNavigation(
content::NavigationHandle* navigation_handle) {}
// Notify that an inner WebContents was created. |inner_contents| is created
// in a default-initialized state with no delegate, and can be safely
// initialized by the delegate.
virtual void InnerContentsCreated(CastWebContents* inner_contents,
CastWebContents* outer_contents) {}
// Notify the page state changed.
virtual void PageStateChanged(PageState page_state) {}
// Notify the page stopped.
virtual void PageStopped(PageState page_state, int32_t error_code) {}
// Notify media playback state changes for the underlying WebContents.
virtual void MediaPlaybackChanged(bool media_playing) {}
// Sets |cast_web_contents_| to |nullptr| but does not remove the Observer
// from the ObserverList. Called for each Observer during CastWebContents
// destruction; we don't use Observe(nullptr) since it would mutate the
// ObserverList during iteration.
void ResetCastWebContents();
~Observer() override;
CastWebContents* cast_web_contents_;
static std::vector<CastWebContents*>& GetAll();
// Returns the CastWebContents that wraps the content::WebContents, or nullptr
// if the CastWebContents does not exist.
static CastWebContents* FromWebContents(content::WebContents* web_contents);
CastWebContents(const CastWebContents&) = delete;
CastWebContents& operator=(const CastWebContents&) = delete;
~CastWebContents() override;
// Tab identifier for the WebContents, mainly used by the tabs extension API.
// Tab IDs may be re-used, but no two live CastWebContents should have the
// same tab ID at any given time.
virtual int tab_id() const = 0;
// An identifier for the WebContents, mainly used by platform views service.
// IDs may be re-used but are unique among all live CastWebContents.
virtual int id() const = 0;
// TODO(seantopping): Hide this, clients shouldn't use WebContents directly.
virtual content::WebContents* web_contents() const = 0;
virtual PageState page_state() const = 0;
virtual const media_control::MediaBlocker* media_blocker() const = 0;
// mojom::CastWebContents implementation:
void SetAppProperties(const std::string& app_id,
const std::string& session_id,
bool is_audio_app,
const GURL& app_web_url,
bool enforce_feature_permissions,
const std::vector<int32_t>& feature_permissions,
const std::vector<std::string>&
additional_feature_permission_origins) override = 0;
void SetGroupInfo(const std::string& session_id,
bool is_multizone_launch) override = 0;
void AddRendererFeatures(base::Value::Dict features) override = 0;
void SetInterfacesForRenderer(mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::RemoteInterfaces>
remote_interfaces) override = 0;
void LoadUrl(const GURL& url) override = 0;
void ClosePage() override = 0;
void SetWebVisibilityAndPaint(bool visible) override = 0;
void BlockMediaLoading(bool blocked) override = 0;
void BlockMediaStarting(bool blocked) override = 0;
void EnableBackgroundVideoPlayback(bool enabled) override = 0;
void ConnectToBindingsService(
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::ApiBindings> api_bindings_remote) override = 0;
void SetEnabledForRemoteDebugging(bool enabled) override = 0;
void AddObserver(
mojo::PendingRemote<mojom::CastWebContentsObserver> observer) override;
void GetMainFramePid(GetMainFramePidCallback cb) override = 0;
// ===========================================================================
// Page Lifetime
// ===========================================================================
// Stop the page immediately. This will automatically invoke
// Delegate::OnPageStopped(error_code), allowing the delegate to delete or
// reload the page without waiting for the WebContents owner to tear down the
// page.
virtual void Stop(int error_code) = 0;
// ===========================================================================
// Page Communication
// ===========================================================================
// Executes a UTF-8 encoded |script| for every subsequent page load where
// the frame's URL has an origin reflected in |origins|. The script is
// executed early, prior to the execution of the document's scripts.
// Scripts are identified by a client-managed |id|. Any
// script previously injected using the same |id| will be replaced.
// The order in which multiple bindings are executed is the same as the
// order in which the bindings were added. If a script is added which
// clobbers an existing script of the same |id|, the previous script's
// precedence in the injection order will be preserved.
// |script| and |id| must be non-empty string.
virtual void AddBeforeLoadJavaScript(uint64_t id,
std::string_view script) = 0;
// Posts a message to the frame's onMessage handler.
// `target_origin` restricts message delivery to the specified origin.
// If `target_origin` is "*", then the message will be sent to the
// document regardless of its origin.
// See sect. 9.4.3
// for more details on how the target origin policy is applied.
// Should be called on UI thread.
virtual void PostMessageToMainFrame(
const std::string& target_origin,
const std::string& data,
std::vector<blink::WebMessagePort> ports) = 0;
// Executes a string of JavaScript in the main frame's context.
// This is no-op if the main frame is not available.
// Pass in a callback to receive a result when it is available.
// If there is no need to receive the result, pass in a
// default-constructed callback. If provided, the callback
// will be invoked on the UI thread.
virtual void ExecuteJavaScript(
const std::u16string& javascript,
base::OnceCallback<void(base::Value)> callback) = 0;
// ===========================================================================
// Utility Methods
// ===========================================================================
// Asks the CastWebContents to bind an interface receiver using either its
// registry or any registered InterfaceProvider.
virtual bool TryBindReceiver(mojo::GenericPendingReceiver& receiver) = 0;
// Locally-registered interfaces which are exposed to render frames.
virtual InterfaceBundle* local_interfaces() = 0;
// Returns true if WebSQL database is configured enabled for this
// CastWebContents.
virtual bool is_websql_enabled() = 0;
// Returns true if mixer audio is enabled.
virtual bool is_mixer_audio_enabled() = 0;
// Binds an owning receiver for remote control of CastWebContents. When the
// CastWebContents is managed by CastWebService, its lifetime is scoped to the
// duration of the connection. Only one owner can be bound at a time.
void BindOwnerReceiver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::CastWebContents> receiver);
// Binds a non-owning receiver for CastWebContents. This can be called by
// multiple clients.
void BindSharedReceiver(
mojo::PendingReceiver<mojom::CastWebContents> receiver);
// |cb| is called when |receiver_| is disconnected. This allows the web
// service to destroy CastWebContents which are owned via a remote handle.
void SetDisconnectCallback(base::OnceClosure cb);
mojo::Receiver<mojom::CastWebContents> owner_receiver_{this};
mojo::ReceiverSet<mojom::CastWebContents> shared_receivers_;
mojo::RemoteSet<mojom::CastWebContentsObserver> observers_;
base::ObserverList<Observer> sync_observers_;
friend class Observer;
// These functions should only be invoked by CastWebContents::Observer in a
// valid sequence, enforced via SequenceChecker.
void AddObserver(Observer* observer);
void RemoveObserver(Observer* observer);
void OnDisconnect();
base::OnceClosure disconnect_cb_;
} // namespace chromecast