blob: 90494373fb05e11d9df606f8e4373413c43060ef [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2016 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Scale volume with slew rate limiting
#include <stdint.h>
namespace chromecast {
namespace media {
class SlewVolume {
explicit SlewVolume(int max_slew_time_ms);
// Use raised negative cosine function when |use_cosine_slew| is true and
// linear otherwise.
SlewVolume(int max_slew_time_ms, bool use_cosine_slew);
SlewVolume(const SlewVolume&) = delete;
SlewVolume& operator=(const SlewVolume&) = delete;
~SlewVolume() = default;
void SetSampleRate(int sample_rate);
void SetVolume(double volume_scale);
// Return the largest multiplier that was applied in the last call to
// ProcessFMAC() or ProcessFMUL(). The largest multiplier is used because
// that determines the largest possible value in the buffer.
float LastBufferMaxMultiplier();
void SetMaxSlewTimeMs(int max_slew_time_ms);
// Called to indicate that the stream was interrupted; volume changes can be
// applied immediately.
void Interrupted();
// Smoothly calculates dest[i] += src[i] * |volume_scale|.
// |volume_scale| will always be consistent across a frame.
// |src| and |dest| are interleaved buffers with |channels| channels and at
// least |frames| frames (|channels| * |frames| total size).
// |src| and |dest| may be the same.
// |src| and |dest| must be 16-byte aligned.
// If using planar data, |repeat_transition| should be true for channels 2
// through n, which will cause the slewing process to be repeated.
void ProcessFMAC(bool repeat_transition,
const float* src,
int frames,
int channels,
float* dest);
// Smoothly calculates dest[i] = src[i] * |volume_scale|.
// |volume_scale| will always be consistent across a frame.
// |src| and |dest| are interleaved buffers with |channels| channels and at
// least |frames| frames (|channels| * |frames| total size).
// |src| and |dest| may be the same.
// |src| and |dest| must be 16-byte aligned.
// If using planar data, |repeat_transition| should be true for channels 2
// through n, which will cause the slewing process to be repeated.
void ProcessFMUL(bool repeat_transition,
const float* src,
int frames,
int channels,
float* dest);
template <typename Traits>
void ProcessData(bool repeat_transition,
const float* src,
int frames,
int channels,
float* dest);
double sample_rate_;
double volume_scale_ = 1.0;
double current_volume_ = 1.0;
double last_starting_volume_ = 1.0;
double max_slew_time_ms_;
double max_slew_per_sample_;
bool interrupted_ = true;
bool use_cosine_slew_ = false;
int slew_counter_;
double slew_angle_;
double slew_offset_;
double slew_cos_;
double slew_sin_;
} // namespace media
} // namespace chromecast