blob: bb8459bec32639b3f5df95629aff4f73fcb419f0 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/upload_element_reader.h"
namespace net {
// An UploadElementReader implementation for bytes. The caller owns |bytes|,
// and is responsible for ensuring it outlives the UploadBytesElementReader.
class NET_EXPORT UploadBytesElementReader : public UploadElementReader {
UploadBytesElementReader(const char* bytes, uint64_t length);
UploadBytesElementReader(const UploadBytesElementReader&) = delete;
UploadBytesElementReader& operator=(const UploadBytesElementReader&) = delete;
~UploadBytesElementReader() override;
const char* bytes() const { return bytes_; }
uint64_t length() const { return length_; }
// UploadElementReader overrides:
const UploadBytesElementReader* AsBytesReader() const override;
int Init(CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
uint64_t GetContentLength() const override;
uint64_t BytesRemaining() const override;
bool IsInMemory() const override;
int Read(IOBuffer* buf,
int buf_length,
CompletionOnceCallback callback) override;
const char* const bytes_;
const uint64_t length_;
uint64_t offset_ = 0;
// A subclass of UplodBytesElementReader which owns the data given as a vector.
class NET_EXPORT UploadOwnedBytesElementReader
: public UploadBytesElementReader {
// |data| is cleared by this ctor.
explicit UploadOwnedBytesElementReader(std::vector<char>* data);
UploadOwnedBytesElementReader(const UploadOwnedBytesElementReader&) = delete;
UploadOwnedBytesElementReader& operator=(
const UploadOwnedBytesElementReader&) = delete;
~UploadOwnedBytesElementReader() override;
// Creates UploadOwnedBytesElementReader with a string.
static std::unique_ptr<UploadOwnedBytesElementReader> CreateWithString(
const std::string& string);
std::vector<char> data_;
} // namespace net