| // Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors |
| // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be |
| // found in the LICENSE file. |
| |
| // TODO(crbug.com/351564777): Remove this and convert code to safer constructs. |
| #pragma allow_unsafe_buffers |
| #endif |
| |
| #include <drm_fourcc.h> |
| #include <overlay-prioritizer-client-protocol.h> |
| |
| #include <cstdint> |
| #include <memory> |
| |
| #include "base/files/file_path.h" |
| #include "base/files/file_util.h" |
| #include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h" |
| #include "base/run_loop.h" |
| #include "base/test/mock_callback.h" |
| #include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h" |
| #include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_conversions.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect_f.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rounded_corners_f.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/geometry/rrect_f.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/gpu_fence_handle.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/linux/drm_util_linux.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/overlay_priority_hint.h" |
| #include "ui/gfx/presentation_feedback.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/common/wayland_overlay_config.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/gpu/wayland_buffer_manager_gpu.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/gpu/wayland_surface_gpu.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/host/wayland_buffer_factory.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/host/wayland_buffer_manager_host.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/host/wayland_connection.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/host/wayland_frame_manager.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/host/wayland_subsurface.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/host/wayland_zwp_linux_dmabuf.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/test/mock_surface.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/test/mock_zwp_linux_dmabuf.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/test/test_overlay_prioritized_surface.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/test/test_zwp_linux_buffer_params.h" |
| #include "ui/ozone/platform/wayland/test/wayland_test.h" |
| #include "ui/platform_window/platform_window_init_properties.h" |
| |
| using testing::_; |
| using testing::Truly; |
| using testing::Values; |
| |
| namespace ui { |
| |
| namespace { |
| |
| using MockTerminateGpuCallback = |
| base::MockCallback<base::OnceCallback<void(std::string)>>; |
| |
| constexpr gfx::Size kDefaultSize(1024, 768); |
| |
| // TODO(msisov): add a test to exercise buffer management with non-default scale |
| // once all the patches land. |
| constexpr float kDefaultScale = 1.f; |
| |
| struct InputData { |
| bool has_file = false; |
| gfx::Size size; |
| uint32_t planes_count = 0; |
| std::vector<uint32_t> strides; |
| std::vector<uint32_t> offsets; |
| std::vector<uint64_t> modifiers; |
| uint32_t format = 0; |
| uint32_t buffer_id = 0; |
| }; |
| |
| class MockSurfaceGpu : public WaylandSurfaceGpu { |
| public: |
| MockSurfaceGpu(WaylandBufferManagerGpu* buffer_manager, |
| gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget) |
| : buffer_manager_(buffer_manager), widget_(widget) { |
| buffer_manager_->RegisterSurface(widget_, this); |
| } |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu(const MockSurfaceGpu&) = delete; |
| MockSurfaceGpu& operator=(const MockSurfaceGpu&) = delete; |
| |
| ~MockSurfaceGpu() override { buffer_manager_->UnregisterSurface(widget_); } |
| |
| MOCK_METHOD3(OnSubmission, |
| void(uint32_t buffer_id, |
| const gfx::SwapResult& swap_result, |
| gfx::GpuFenceHandle release_fence)); |
| MOCK_METHOD2(OnPresentation, |
| void(uint32_t buffer_id, |
| const gfx::PresentationFeedback& feedback)); |
| |
| private: |
| const raw_ptr<WaylandBufferManagerGpu> buffer_manager_; |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget_; |
| }; |
| |
| } // namespace |
| |
| class WaylandBufferManagerTest : public WaylandTest { |
| public: |
| WaylandBufferManagerTest() = default; |
| WaylandBufferManagerTest(const WaylandBufferManagerTest&) = delete; |
| WaylandBufferManagerTest& operator=(const WaylandBufferManagerTest&) = delete; |
| ~WaylandBufferManagerTest() override = default; |
| |
| void SetUp() override { |
| // Viewport surface scaling is only checked once on surface creation and |
| // persisted, so we must make sure the configuration is done before we |
| // create the surface. |
| connection_->set_supports_viewporter_surface_scaling( |
| GetParam().supports_viewporter_surface_scaling); |
| |
| WaylandTest::SetUp(); |
| |
| manager_host_ = connection_->buffer_manager_host(); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(manager_host_); |
| |
| // Use the helper methods below, which automatically set the termination |
| // callback and bind the interface again if the manager failed. |
| manager_host_->SetTerminateGpuCallback(callback_.Get()); |
| auto interface_ptr = manager_host_->BindInterface(); |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->Initialize(std::move(interface_ptr), {}, |
| /*supports_dma_buf=*/false, |
| /*supports_viewporter=*/true, |
| /*supports_acquire_fence=*/false, |
| /*supports_overlays=*/true, |
| /*supports_single_pixel_buffer=*/true); |
| surface_id_ = window_->root_surface()->get_surface_id(); |
| } |
| |
| void TearDown() override { |
| // MockGpuSurface will unregister itself from the WaylandBuffermanagerGpu, |
| // which will remove objects associated with this surface on another thread. |
| // This run loop gives it a chance to do that. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| WaylandTest::TearDown(); |
| } |
| |
| protected: |
| void SendFrameCallbackForSurface(uint32_t surface_id) { |
| PostToServerAndWait([surface_id](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(surface_id); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(mock_surface); |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // Might be null. Make sure to not manipulate the returned resource on the |
| // client thread. Though, if the client does that, the server is able to catch |
| // calls for libwayland-server on a wrong thread. |
| wl_resource* GetSurfaceAttachedBuffer(uint32_t surface_id) { |
| wl_resource* wl_buffer = nullptr; |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [&wl_buffer, surface_id](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(surface_id); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(mock_surface); |
| wl_buffer = mock_surface->attached_buffer(); |
| }); |
| return wl_buffer; |
| } |
| |
| base::ScopedFD MakeFD() { |
| base::FilePath temp_path; |
| EXPECT_TRUE(base::CreateTemporaryFile(&temp_path)); |
| auto file = |
| base::File(temp_path, base::File::FLAG_READ | base::File::FLAG_WRITE | |
| base::File::FLAG_CREATE_ALWAYS); |
| return base::ScopedFD(file.TakePlatformFile()); |
| } |
| |
| // Sets the terminate gpu callback expectation, calls OnChannelDestroyed, |
| // sets the same callback again and re-establishes mojo connection again |
| // for convenience. |
| void SetTerminateCallbackExpectationAndDestroyChannel( |
| MockTerminateGpuCallback* callback, |
| bool fail) { |
| channel_destroyed_error_message_.clear(); |
| |
| if (!fail) { |
| // To avoid warning messages as "Expected to be never called, but has 0 |
| // WillOnce()s", split the expecations based on the expected call times. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run(_)).Times(0); |
| } else { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*callback, Run(_)) |
| .Times(1) |
| .WillRepeatedly( |
| ::testing::Invoke([this, callback](std::string error_string) { |
| channel_destroyed_error_message_ = error_string; |
| |
| manager_host_->OnChannelDestroyed(); |
| |
| manager_host_->SetTerminateGpuCallback(callback->Get()); |
| |
| auto interface_ptr = manager_host_->BindInterface(); |
| // Recreate the gpu side manager (the production code does the |
| // same). |
| buffer_manager_gpu_ = |
| std::make_unique<WaylandBufferManagerGpu>(); |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->Initialize( |
| std::move(interface_ptr), {}, |
| /*supports_dma_buf=*/false, |
| /*supports_viewporter=*/true, |
| /*supports_acquire_fence=*/false, |
| /*supports_overlays=*/true, |
| /*supports_single_pixel_buffer=*/true); |
| })); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| void CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation( |
| bool fail, |
| uint32_t buffer_id, |
| base::ScopedFD fd = base::ScopedFD(), |
| const gfx::Size& size = kDefaultSize, |
| const std::vector<uint32_t>& strides = {1}, |
| const std::vector<uint32_t>& offsets = {2}, |
| const std::vector<uint64_t>& modifiers = {3}, |
| uint32_t format = DRM_FORMAT_R8, |
| uint32_t planes_count = 1) { |
| if (!fd.is_valid()) |
| fd = MakeFD(); |
| |
| SetTerminateCallbackExpectationAndDestroyChannel(&callback_, fail); |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->CreateDmabufBasedBuffer( |
| std::move(fd), kDefaultSize, strides, offsets, modifiers, format, |
| planes_count, buffer_id); |
| |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| } |
| |
| void CreateShmBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpecation( |
| bool fail, |
| uint32_t buffer_id, |
| const gfx::Size& size = kDefaultSize, |
| size_t length = 0) { |
| SetTerminateCallbackExpectationAndDestroyChannel(&callback_, fail); |
| |
| if (!length) |
| length = size.width() * size.height() * 4; |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->CreateShmBasedBuffer(MakeFD(), length, size, |
| buffer_id); |
| |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| } |
| |
| void DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(uint32_t buffer_id, bool fail) { |
| SetTerminateCallbackExpectationAndDestroyChannel(&callback_, fail); |
| |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->DestroyBuffer(buffer_id); |
| |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| } |
| |
| void ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(size_t expected_size, |
| bool fail) { |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [expected_size, fail](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto params_vector = server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1()->buffer_params(); |
| // To ensure, no other buffers are created, test the size of the |
| // vector. |
| EXPECT_EQ(params_vector.size(), expected_size); |
| |
| for (wl::TestZwpLinuxBufferParamsV1* mock_params : params_vector) { |
| if (!fail) { |
| zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1_send_created( |
| mock_params->resource(), mock_params->buffer_resource()); |
| } else { |
| zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1_send_failed(mock_params->resource()); |
| } |
| } |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| std::unique_ptr<WaylandWindow> CreateWindow( |
| PlatformWindowType type = PlatformWindowType::kWindow, |
| gfx::AcceleratedWidget parent_widget = gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget) { |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&delegate_); |
| PlatformWindowInitProperties properties; |
| properties.bounds = gfx::Rect(0, 0, 800, 600); |
| properties.type = type; |
| properties.parent_widget = parent_widget; |
| auto new_window = WaylandWindow::Create(&delegate_, connection_.get(), |
| std::move(properties)); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(new_window); |
| WaylandTestBase::SyncDisplay(); |
| |
| EXPECT_NE(new_window->GetWidget(), gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget); |
| return new_window; |
| } |
| |
| wl::WaylandOverlayConfig CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| int z_order, |
| uint32_t buffer_id, |
| const gfx::Rect& bounds_rect) { |
| return CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(z_order, buffer_id, |
| gfx::RectF(bounds_rect)); |
| } |
| |
| wl::WaylandOverlayConfig CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| int z_order, |
| uint32_t buffer_id, |
| const gfx::RectF& bounds_rect) { |
| wl::WaylandOverlayConfig config; |
| config.z_order = z_order; |
| config.buffer_id = buffer_id; |
| config.bounds_rect = bounds_rect; |
| config.damage_region = gfx::ToEnclosedRect(bounds_rect); |
| return config; |
| } |
| |
| void CommitBuffer(gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget, |
| uint32_t frame_id, |
| uint32_t buffer_id, |
| gfx::FrameData data, |
| const gfx::Rect& bounds_rect, |
| const gfx::RoundedCornersF& corners, |
| float surface_scale_factor, |
| const gfx::Rect& damage_region) { |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->CommitBuffer( |
| widget, frame_id, buffer_id, data, bounds_rect, /*enable_blend=*/false, |
| corners, surface_scale_factor, damage_region); |
| // Let the mojo message to be processed. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| } |
| |
| MockTerminateGpuCallback callback_; |
| raw_ptr<WaylandBufferManagerHost> manager_host_; |
| // Error message that is received when the manager_host destroys the channel. |
| std::string channel_destroyed_error_message_; |
| |
| uint32_t surface_id_ = 0u; |
| }; |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, CreateDmabufBasedBuffers) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kDmabufBufferId = 1; |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kDmabufBufferId); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kDmabufBufferId, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, VerifyModifiers) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kDmabufBufferId = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kFourccFormatR8 = DRM_FORMAT_R8; |
| constexpr uint64_t kFormatModiferLinear = DRM_FORMAT_MOD_LINEAR; |
| |
| const std::vector<uint64_t> kFormatModifiers{DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID, |
| kFormatModiferLinear}; |
| |
| // Tests that fourcc format is added, but invalid modifier is ignored first. |
| // Then, when valid modifier comes, it is stored. |
| for (const auto& modifier : kFormatModifiers) { |
| PostToServerAndWait([modifier](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| uint32_t modifier_hi = modifier >> 32; |
| uint32_t modifier_lo = modifier & UINT32_MAX; |
| zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1_send_modifier( |
| server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1()->resource(), kFourccFormatR8, |
| modifier_hi, modifier_lo); |
| }); |
| |
| auto buffer_formats = |
| connection_->buffer_factory()->GetSupportedBufferFormats(); |
| ASSERT_EQ(buffer_formats.size(), 1u); |
| ASSERT_EQ(buffer_formats.begin()->first, |
| GetBufferFormatFromFourCCFormat(kFourccFormatR8)); |
| |
| auto modifiers = buffer_formats.begin()->second; |
| if (modifier == DRM_FORMAT_MOD_INVALID) { |
| ASSERT_EQ(modifiers.size(), 0u); |
| } else { |
| ASSERT_EQ(modifiers.size(), 1u); |
| ASSERT_EQ(modifiers[0], modifier); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation( |
| false /*fail*/, kDmabufBufferId, base::ScopedFD(), kDefaultSize, {1}, {2}, |
| {kFormatModiferLinear}, kFourccFormatR8, 1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto params_vector = server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1()->buffer_params(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(params_vector.size(), 1u); |
| EXPECT_EQ(params_vector[0]->modifier_hi_, kFormatModiferLinear >> 32); |
| EXPECT_EQ(params_vector[0]->modifier_lo_, |
| kFormatModiferLinear & UINT32_MAX); |
| }); |
| |
| // Clean up. |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kDmabufBufferId, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, CreateShmBasedBuffers) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kShmBufferId = 1; |
| |
| CreateShmBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpecation(false /*fail*/, kShmBufferId); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kShmBufferId, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, ValidateDataFromGpu) { |
| const InputData kBadInputs[] = { |
| // All zeros. |
| {}, |
| // Valid file but zeros everywhereelse. |
| {true}, |
| // Valid file, invalid size, zeros elsewhere. |
| {true, {kDefaultSize.width(), 0}}, |
| {true, {0, kDefaultSize.height()}}, |
| // Valid file and size but zeros in other fields. |
| {true, kDefaultSize}, |
| // Vectors have different lengths. |
| {true, kDefaultSize, 1, {1}, {2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}}, |
| // Vectors have same lengths but strides have a zero. |
| {true, kDefaultSize, 1, {0}, {2}, {6}}, |
| // Vectors are valid but buffer format is not. |
| {true, kDefaultSize, 1, {1}, {2}, {6}}, |
| // Everything is correct but the buffer ID is zero. |
| {true, kDefaultSize, 1, {1}, {2}, {6}, DRM_FORMAT_R8}, |
| }; |
| |
| for (const auto& bad : kBadInputs) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server_.zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| base::ScopedFD dummy; |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation( |
| true /*fail*/, bad.buffer_id, |
| bad.has_file ? MakeFD() : std::move(dummy), bad.size, bad.strides, |
| bad.offsets, bad.modifiers, bad.format, bad.planes_count); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, CreateAndDestroyBuffer) { |
| const uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| const uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| |
| // This section tests that it is impossible to create buffers with the same |
| // id if they haven't been assigned to any surfaces yet. |
| { |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(2); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId2); |
| |
| // Can't create buffer with existing id. |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(true /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId2); |
| } |
| |
| // ... impossible to create buffers with the same id if one of them |
| // has already been attached to a surface. |
| { |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId1); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels(), gfx::RoundedCornersF(), |
| kDefaultScale, gfx::Rect(window_->applied_state().size_px)); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(true /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId1); |
| } |
| |
| // ... impossible to destroy non-existing buffer. |
| { |
| // Either it is attached... |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, true /*fail*/); |
| |
| // Or not attached. |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, true /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // Can destroy the buffer without specifying the widget. |
| { |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId1); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels(), gfx::RoundedCornersF(), |
| kDefaultScale, gfx::Rect(window_->applied_state().size_px)); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // Still can destroy the buffer even if it has not been attached to any |
| // widgets. |
| { |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId1); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // ... impossible to destroy buffers twice. |
| { |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(3); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId1); |
| // Attach to a surface. |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels(), gfx::RoundedCornersF(), |
| kDefaultScale, gfx::Rect(window_->applied_state().size_px)); |
| |
| // Created non-attached buffer as well. |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId2); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| // Can't destroy the buffer with non-existing id (the manager cleared the |
| // state after the previous failure). |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, true /*fail*/); |
| |
| // Non-attached buffer must have been also destroyed (we can't destroy it |
| // twice) if there was a failure. |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, true /*fail*/); |
| |
| // Create and destroy non-attached buffer twice. |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId2); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, true /*fail*/); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, CommitBufferNonExistingBufferId) { |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, 1u); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| |
| // Can't commit for non-existing buffer id. |
| constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfCommits = 0; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| }); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(window_->GetWidget(), 1u, 5u, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels(), gfx::RoundedCornersF(), |
| kDefaultScale, gfx::Rect(window_->applied_state().size_px)); |
| |
| // Let the mojo call to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations( |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, CommitOverlaysNonExistingBufferId) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server_.zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, 1u); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| |
| // Can't commit for non-existing buffer id. |
| constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfCommits = 0; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| }); |
| |
| std::vector<wl::WaylandOverlayConfig> overlay_configs; |
| if (connection_->ShouldUseOverlayDelegation()) { |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back(CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| INT32_MIN, 1u, window_->GetBoundsInPixels())); |
| } |
| // Non-existing buffer id |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back( |
| CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(0, 2u, window_->GetBoundsInPixels())); |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->CommitOverlays(window_->GetWidget(), 1u, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| std::move(overlay_configs)); |
| |
| // Let the mojo call to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations( |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, CommitOverlaysWithSameBufferId) { |
| if (!connection_->ShouldUseOverlayDelegation()) { |
| } |
| |
| const size_t expected_number_of_buffers = |
| connection_->linux_explicit_synchronization_v1() ? 1 : 2; |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [expected_number_of_buffers](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(expected_number_of_buffers); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, 1u); |
| |
| // Re-using the same buffer id across multiple surfaces is allowed. |
| SetTerminateCallbackExpectationAndDestroyChannel(&callback_, false /*fail*/); |
| |
| std::vector<wl::WaylandOverlayConfig> overlay_configs; |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back( |
| CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(0, 1u, window_->GetBoundsInPixels())); |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back( |
| CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(1, 1u, window_->GetBoundsInPixels())); |
| |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->CommitOverlays(window_->GetWidget(), 1u, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| std::move(overlay_configs)); |
| |
| // Let the mojo call to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation( |
| expected_number_of_buffers /* expected size */, false /* fail */); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, CommitBufferNullWidget) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId = 1; |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId); |
| |
| // Can't commit for non-existing widget. |
| SetTerminateCallbackExpectationAndDestroyChannel(&callback_, true /*fail*/); |
| CommitBuffer(gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget, 1u, kBufferId, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels(), gfx::RoundedCornersF(), |
| kDefaultScale, gfx::Rect(window_->applied_state().size_px)); |
| |
| // Let the mojo call to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that committing overlays with bounds_rect containing NaN or infinity |
| // values is illegal - the host terminates the gpu process. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, CommitOverlaysNonsensicalBoundsRect) { |
| if (!connection_->ShouldUseOverlayDelegation()) { |
| } |
| |
| const std::vector<gfx::RectF> bounds_rect_test_data = { |
| gfx::RectF(std::nanf(""), window_->GetBoundsInPixels().y(), std::nanf(""), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels().height()), |
| gfx::RectF(window_->GetBoundsInPixels().x(), |
| std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels().width(), |
| std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity())}; |
| |
| constexpr bool config[2] = {/*root_has_nan_bounds=*/true, |
| /*non_root_overlay_has_nan_bounds=*/false}; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId3 = 3; |
| |
| for (bool should_root_have_nan_bounds : config) { |
| for (const auto& faulty_bounds_rect : bounds_rect_test_data) { |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId2); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId3); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(3u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| // Can't commit for bounds rect containing NaN |
| SetTerminateCallbackExpectationAndDestroyChannel(&callback_, |
| true /*fail*/); |
| |
| size_t z_order = 0; |
| std::vector<wl::WaylandOverlayConfig> overlay_configs; |
| if (should_root_have_nan_bounds) { |
| // The root surface has nan bounds. |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back(CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| INT32_MIN, kBufferId1, faulty_bounds_rect)); |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back(CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| z_order++, kBufferId2, window_->GetBoundsInPixels())); |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back(CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| z_order++, kBufferId3, window_->GetBoundsInPixels())); |
| } else { |
| // Overlays have nan bounds. Given playback starts with the biggest |
| // z-order number, add two more overlays around the faulty overlay |
| // config so that the test ensures no further playback happens and it |
| // doesn't crash. |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back(CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| INT32_MIN, kBufferId1, window_->GetBoundsInPixels())); |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back(CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| z_order++, kBufferId2, window_->GetBoundsInPixels())); |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back(CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| z_order++, kBufferId3, faulty_bounds_rect)); |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back(CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| z_order++, kBufferId2, window_->GetBoundsInPixels())); |
| } |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->CommitOverlays(window_->GetWidget(), 1u, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| std::move(overlay_configs)); |
| |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| if (!should_root_have_nan_bounds && |
| !connection_->linux_explicit_synchronization_v1()) { |
| // This case submits kBufferId2 twice. So, a second handle is requested |
| // during a frame playback if explicit sync is unavailable. |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| } |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ("Overlay bounds_rect is invalid (NaN or infinity).", |
| channel_destroyed_error_message_); |
| |
| std::vector<uint32_t> ids_of_subsurfaces; |
| ids_of_subsurfaces.reserve(window_->wayland_subsurfaces_.size()); |
| for (auto& subsurface : window_->wayland_subsurfaces_) { |
| ids_of_subsurfaces.emplace_back( |
| subsurface->wayland_surface()->get_surface_id()); |
| } |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_, ids_of_subsurfaces]( |
| wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| // Clear all the possible frame and release callbacks. |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| for (auto subsurface_id : ids_of_subsurfaces) { |
| auto* mock_surface_of_subsurface = |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(subsurface_id); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(mock_surface_of_subsurface); |
| mock_surface_of_subsurface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| mock_surface_of_subsurface->ClearBufferReleases(); |
| } |
| |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| mock_surface->ClearBufferReleases(); |
| }); |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // A similar test to the above with the only difference that a background |
| // dummy buffer is not used as delegation is disabled. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, |
| CommitOverlaysNonsensicalBoundsRectSingleOverlay) { |
| if (connection_->ShouldUseOverlayDelegation()) { |
| } |
| |
| const std::vector<gfx::RectF> bounds_rect_test_data = { |
| gfx::RectF(std::nanf(""), window_->GetBoundsInPixels().y(), std::nanf(""), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels().height()), |
| gfx::RectF(window_->GetBoundsInPixels().x(), |
| std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels().width(), |
| std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity())}; |
| |
| for (const auto& faulty_bounds_rect : bounds_rect_test_data) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kBufferId1); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| // Can't commit for bounds rect containing NaN |
| SetTerminateCallbackExpectationAndDestroyChannel(&callback_, true /*fail*/); |
| |
| size_t z_order = 0; |
| std::vector<wl::WaylandOverlayConfig> overlay_configs; |
| |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back(CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig( |
| z_order, kBufferId1, faulty_bounds_rect)); |
| |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->CommitOverlays(window_->GetWidget(), 1u, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| std::move(overlay_configs)); |
| |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| EXPECT_EQ("Overlay bounds_rect is invalid (NaN or infinity).", |
| channel_destroyed_error_message_); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, EnsureCorrectOrderOfCallbacks) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = gfx::Rect({0, 0}, kDefaultSize); |
| window_->SetBoundsInDIP(bounds); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget_); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(2); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(2u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfCommits = 3; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| }); |
| |
| // All the other expectations must come in order. |
| ::testing::InSequence sequence; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| // wp_presentation must not exist now. This means that the buffer |
| // manager must send synthetized presentation feedbacks. |
| ASSERT_TRUE(!connection_->presentation()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| // As long as there hasn't any previous buffer attached (nothing to release |
| // yet), it must be enough to just send a frame callback back. |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Commit second buffer now. |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId2, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBuffer(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer()); |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| // wp_presentation is available now. |
| auto* mock_wp_presentation = server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(mock_wp_presentation); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_wp_presentation, |
| Feedback(_, _, mock_surface->resource(), _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| // Now, the wp_presentation object exists and there must be a real feedback |
| // sent. Ensure the order now. |
| ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->presentation()); |
| |
| // Commit second buffer now. |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| // Even though, the server send the presentation feedback, the host manager |
| // must make sure the order of the submission and presentation callbacks is |
| // correct. Thus, no callbacks must be received by the MockSurfaceGpu. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation()->SendPresentationCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| // Now, send the release callback. The host manager must send the submission |
| // and presentation callbacks in correct order. |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBuffer(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer()); |
| }); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, |
| DestroyedBuffersGeneratePresentationFeedbackFailure) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId3 = 3; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = gfx::Rect({0, 0}, kDefaultSize); |
| window_->SetBoundsInDIP(bounds); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget_); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(3); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId3); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(3u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(mock_surface); |
| auto* mock_wp_presentation = server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(mock_wp_presentation); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfCommits = 3; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_wp_presentation, |
| Feedback(_, _, mock_surface->resource(), _)) |
| .Times(3); |
| }); |
| |
| ::testing::InSequence s; |
| |
| // wp_presentation_feedback should work now. |
| ASSERT_TRUE(connection_->presentation()); |
| |
| // Commit the first buffer and expect OnSubmission immediately. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| // Deliberately drop the presentation feedback for the first buffer, |
| // since we will destroy it. |
| auto* mock_wp_presentation = server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, mock_wp_presentation->num_of_presentation_callbacks()); |
| mock_wp_presentation->DropPresentationCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Commit second buffer now. |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Destroy the first buffer, which should trigger submission for the second |
| // buffer. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, /*fail=*/false); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| mock_surface->DestroyPrevAttachedBuffer(); |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| // Deliberately drop the presentation feedback for the second buffer, |
| // since we will destroy it. |
| auto* mock_wp_presentation = server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, mock_wp_presentation->num_of_presentation_callbacks()); |
| mock_wp_presentation->DropPresentationCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Commit buffer 3 then send the presentation callback for it. This should |
| // not call OnPresentation as OnSubmission hasn't been called yet. Though, |
| // the previously submitted buffers will have their presentation feedback |
| // discarded and sent to the |mock_surface_gpu| as those buffers have already |
| // been acked. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnPresentation( |
| kBufferId1, |
| ::testing::Field( |
| &gfx::PresentationFeedback::flags, |
| ::testing::Eq(gfx::PresentationFeedback::Flags::kFailure)))) |
| .Times(1); |
| mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnPresentation( |
| kBufferId2, |
| ::testing::Field( |
| &gfx::PresentationFeedback::flags, |
| ::testing::Eq(gfx::PresentationFeedback::Flags::kFailure)))) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId3, kBufferId3, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)->SendFrameCallback(); |
| server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation()->SendPresentationCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Ensure that presentation feedback is flushed. |
| task_environment_.FastForwardBy( |
| WaylandFrameManager::GetPresentationFlushTimerDurationForTesting()); |
| |
| // Verify our expecations. |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Destroy buffer 2, which should trigger OnSubmission for buffer 3, and |
| // finally OnPresentation for buffer 3. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId3, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId3, _)).Times(1); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, /*fail=*/false); |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| mock_surface->DestroyPrevAttachedBuffer(); |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation()->SendPresentationCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let the mojo messages to be processed. |
| // No need to fast forward to ensure the presentation flush timer is fired, |
| // because in this case the OnSubmission should piggyback the feedback. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId3, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // This test ensures that a discarded presentation feedback sent prior receiving |
| // results for the previous presentation feedback does not make them |
| // automatically failed. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, |
| EnsureDiscardedPresentationDoesNotMakePreviousFeedbacksFailed) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId3 = 3; |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| // Enable wp_presentation support. |
| auto* mock_wp_presentation = server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(mock_wp_presentation); |
| }); |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = gfx::Rect({0, 0}, kDefaultSize); |
| window_->SetBoundsInDIP(bounds); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget_); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(3); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId3); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(3u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfCommits = 3; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| }); |
| |
| // All the other expectations must come in order. |
| ::testing::InSequence sequence; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| // Commit first buffer |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let the mojo message for OnSubmission go back. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| // Verify we have a presentation callback now. This will be sent later. |
| 1u, |
| server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation()->num_of_presentation_callbacks()); |
| |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| // Commit second buffer |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| // Verify we have a presentation callback now. This will be sent later. |
| 2u, |
| server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation()->num_of_presentation_callbacks()); |
| |
| // Release previous buffer and commit third buffer. |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBuffer(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer()); |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let the mojo message for OnSubmission go back. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId3, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| // Commit third buffer |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId3, kBufferId3, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBuffer(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer()); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let the mojo messages to be processed. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Even though WaylandBufferManagerHost stores the previous stores |
| // presentation feedbacks and waits for their value, the current last one |
| // mustn't result in the previous marked as failed. Thus, no feedback must be |
| // actually sent to the MockSurfaceGpu as it's required to send feedbacks in |
| // order. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_wp_presentation = server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(3u, mock_wp_presentation->num_of_presentation_callbacks()); |
| mock_wp_presentation->SendPresentationCallbackDiscarded(/*last=*/true); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let the mojo messages to be processed if any to ensure there are no pending |
| // messages. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Now, start to send all the previous callbacks. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnPresentation( |
| kBufferId1, |
| ::testing::Field( |
| &gfx::PresentationFeedback::flags, |
| ::testing::Eq(gfx::PresentationFeedback::Flags::kVSync)))) |
| .Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_wp_presentation = server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(2u, mock_wp_presentation->num_of_presentation_callbacks()); |
| mock_wp_presentation->SendPresentationCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Ensure that presentation feedback is flushed. |
| task_environment_.FastForwardBy( |
| WaylandFrameManager::GetPresentationFlushTimerDurationForTesting()); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Now, send the second presentation feedback. It will send both second and |
| // third feedback that was discarded. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnPresentation( |
| kBufferId2, |
| ::testing::Field( |
| &gfx::PresentationFeedback::flags, |
| ::testing::Eq(gfx::PresentationFeedback::Flags::kVSync)))) |
| .Times(1); |
| mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnPresentation( |
| kBufferId3, |
| ::testing::Field( |
| &gfx::PresentationFeedback::flags, |
| ::testing::Eq(gfx::PresentationFeedback::Flags::kFailure)))) |
| .Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_wp_presentation = server->EnsureAndGetWpPresentation(); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, mock_wp_presentation->num_of_presentation_callbacks()); |
| mock_wp_presentation->SendPresentationCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Ensure that presentation feedback is flushed. |
| task_environment_.FastForwardBy( |
| WaylandFrameManager::GetPresentationFlushTimerDurationForTesting()); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId3, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, TestCommitBufferConditions) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kDmabufBufferId = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kDmabufBufferId2 = 2; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget_); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kDmabufBufferId); |
| |
| // Part 1: the surface mustn't have a buffer attached until |
| // zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1_send_created is called. Instead, the buffer must |
| // be set as pending buffer. |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(0); |
| }); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kDmabufBufferId, kDmabufBufferId, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels(), gfx::RoundedCornersF(), |
| kDefaultScale, gfx::Rect(window_->applied_state().size_px)); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* linux_dmabuf = server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(); |
| // Once the client receives a "...send_created" call, it must destroy the |
| // params resource. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(linux_dmabuf->buffer_params().empty()); |
| |
| // Part 2: the surface mustn't have a buffer attached until frame callback |
| // is sent by the server. |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*linux_dmabuf, CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations( |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kDmabufBufferId2); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(0); |
| }); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kDmabufBufferId2, kDmabufBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels(), gfx::RoundedCornersF(), |
| kDefaultScale, gfx::Rect(window_->applied_state().size_px)); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_surface); |
| // After the frame callback is sent, the pending buffer will be committed. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kDmabufBufferId, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kDmabufBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests the surface does not have buffers attached until it's configured at |
| // least once. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, TestCommitBufferConditionsAckConfigured) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kDmabufBufferId = 1; |
| |
| // Exercise two window types that create different windows - toplevel, menu. |
| // subsurface windows do not create xdg_surfaces so no need to configure them. |
| std::vector<PlatformWindowType> window_types{PlatformWindowType::kWindow, |
| PlatformWindowType::kTooltip}; |
| |
| for (const auto& type : window_types) { |
| // If the type is not kWindow, provide default created window as parent of |
| // the newly created window. |
| auto temp_window = CreateWindow(type, type != PlatformWindowType::kWindow |
| ? widget_ |
| : gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget); |
| auto widget = temp_window->GetWidget(); |
| |
| temp_window->Show(false); |
| |
| const uint32_t temp_window_surface_id = |
| temp_window->root_surface()->get_surface_id(); |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kDmabufBufferId); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [temp_window_surface_id](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(temp_window_surface_id); |
| auto* xdg_surface = mock_surface->xdg_surface(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(xdg_surface); |
| }); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(temp_window->IsSurfaceConfigured()); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [temp_window_surface_id](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(temp_window_surface_id); |
| auto* xdg_surface = mock_surface->xdg_surface(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*xdg_surface, SetWindowGeometry(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*xdg_surface, AckConfigure(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(0); |
| }); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kDmabufBufferId, kDmabufBufferId, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| window_->GetBoundsInPixels(), gfx::RoundedCornersF(), |
| kDefaultScale, window_->GetBoundsInPixels()); |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [temp_window_surface_id](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(temp_window_surface_id); |
| auto* xdg_surface = mock_surface->xdg_surface(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_surface); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*xdg_surface, SetWindowGeometry(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*xdg_surface, AckConfigure(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(1); |
| // Commit() can be called a second time as part of the configure->ack |
| // sequence. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(testing::Between(1, 2)); |
| }); |
| |
| ActivateSurface(temp_window_surface_id); |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [temp_window_surface_id](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations( |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(temp_window_surface_id)); |
| }); |
| |
| SetPointerFocusedWindow(nullptr); |
| temp_window.reset(); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kDmabufBufferId, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| } |
| |
| // Verifies toplevel surfaces do not have buffers attached until configured, |
| // even when the initial configure sequence is not acked in response to |
| // xdg_surface.configure event, i.e: done asynchronously when OnSequencePoint() |
| // is called by they FrameManager). |
| // |
| // Regression test for https://crbug.com/1313023. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, |
| CommitBufferConditionsWithDeferredAckConfigure) { |
| constexpr gfx::Rect kNormalBounds{800, 800}; |
| constexpr gfx::Rect kRestoredBounds{500, 500}; |
| constexpr uint32_t kDmabufBufferId = 1; |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&delegate_); |
| PlatformWindowInitProperties properties; |
| properties.type = PlatformWindowType::kWindow; |
| properties.bounds = kNormalBounds; |
| gfx::Insets insets; |
| EXPECT_CALL(delegate_, CalculateInsetsInDIP(PlatformWindowState::kNormal)) |
| .WillRepeatedly(testing::Return(insets)); |
| auto window = WaylandWindow::Create(&delegate_, connection_.get(), |
| std::move(properties)); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(window); |
| ASSERT_NE(window->GetWidget(), gfx::kNullAcceleratedWidget); |
| auto widget = window->GetWidget(); |
| |
| // Set restored bounds to a value different from the initial window bounds in |
| // order to force WaylandWindow::ProcessPendingConfigureState() to defer the |
| // very first configure ack to be done in the subsequent OnSequencePoint() |
| // call. |
| window->SetRestoredBoundsInDIP(kRestoredBounds); |
| WaylandTestBase::SyncDisplay(); |
| |
| window->Show(false); |
| |
| const uint32_t surface_id = window->root_surface()->get_surface_id(); |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, |
| kDmabufBufferId); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([surface_id](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(surface_id); |
| auto* xdg_surface = mock_surface->xdg_surface(); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(xdg_surface); |
| }); |
| ASSERT_FALSE(window->IsSurfaceConfigured()); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| // Emulate the following steps: |
| // |
| // 1. A CommitBuffer request coming from the GPU service, with frame |
| // bounds that do not match the one stored in |pending_configures_| at Host |
| // side (filled when processing 0x0 initial configure sequence sent by the |
| // Wayland compositor. |
| // 2. The initial configure sequence (i.e: with 0x0 size which means the |
| // client must suggest the initial geometry of the surface. |
| // 3. And then a CommitBuffer with the expected bounds (ie: suggested to the |
| // Wayland compositor through a set_geometry/ack_configure sequence when |
| // processing (2). |
| // |
| // And ensures the xdg and wl_surface objects received the correct requests |
| // amount. I.e: No buffer attaches before setting geometry + acking initial |
| // configure sequence, etc. |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kActivateSerial = 1u; |
| PostToServerAndWait([surface_id, bounds = kRestoredBounds]( |
| wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(surface_id); |
| auto* xdg_surface = mock_surface->xdg_surface(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*xdg_surface, SetWindowGeometry(bounds)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*xdg_surface, AckConfigure(kActivateSerial)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, 0, 0)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kDmabufBufferId, kDmabufBufferId, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq() - 1), gfx::Rect{55, 55}, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, gfx::Rect{55, 55}); |
| ActivateSurface(surface_id, kActivateSerial); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kDmabufBufferId, kDmabufBufferId, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), kRestoredBounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, kRestoredBounds); |
| SetPointerFocusedWindow(nullptr); |
| window.reset(); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kDmabufBufferId, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // The buffer that is not originally attached to any of the surfaces, |
| // must be attached when a commit request comes. Also, it must setup a buffer |
| // release listener and OnSubmission must be called for that buffer if it is |
| // released. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, AnonymousBufferAttachedAndReleased) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId3 = 3; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = gfx::Rect({0, 0}, kDefaultSize); |
| window_->SetBoundsInDIP(bounds); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget_); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfCommits = 3; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| }); |
| |
| // All the other expectations must come in order. |
| ::testing::InSequence sequence; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| // Commit second buffer now. |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| // Now synchronously create a second buffer and commit it. The release |
| // callback must be setup and OnSubmission must be called. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId2, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| // Commit second buffer now. |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBuffer(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer()); |
| }); |
| |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Now asynchronously create another buffer so that a commit request |
| // comes earlier than it is created by the Wayland compositor, but it can |
| // released once the buffer is committed and processed (that is, it must be |
| // able to setup a buffer release callback). |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId3); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId3, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId3, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId3, kBufferId3, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed from host to gpu (if any). |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId3, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId3, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| // Now, create the buffer from the Wayland compositor side and let the buffer |
| // manager complete the commit request. |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBuffer(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer()); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId3, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, DestroyBufferForDestroyedWindow) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId = 1; |
| |
| auto temp_window = CreateWindow(); |
| auto widget = temp_window->GetWidget(); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId, kBufferId, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| temp_window->GetBoundsInPixels(), gfx::RoundedCornersF(), |
| kDefaultScale, temp_window->GetBoundsInPixels()); |
| |
| temp_window.reset(); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, DestroyedWindowNoSubmissionSingleBuffer) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId = 1; |
| |
| auto temp_window = CreateWindow(); |
| auto widget = temp_window->GetWidget(); |
| auto bounds = temp_window->GetBoundsInPixels(); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| |
| // All the other expectations must come in order. |
| ::testing::InSequence sequence; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| temp_window.reset(); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId, kBufferId, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, DestroyedWindowNoSubmissionMultipleBuffers) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| |
| auto temp_window = CreateWindow(); |
| temp_window->Show(false); |
| |
| auto widget = temp_window->GetWidget(); |
| auto bounds = temp_window->GetBoundsInPixels(); |
| |
| const uint32_t temp_window_surface_id = |
| temp_window->root_surface()->get_surface_id(); |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [temp_window_surface_id](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| ASSERT_TRUE(server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(temp_window_surface_id)); |
| }); |
| |
| ActivateSurface(temp_window_surface_id); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| |
| // All the other expectations must come in order. |
| ::testing::InSequence sequence; |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed back to the gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([temp_window_surface_id]( |
| wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(temp_window_surface_id) |
| ->SendFrameCallback(); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId2, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [temp_window_surface_id](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(temp_window_surface_id); |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBuffer(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer()); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed back to the gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| temp_window.reset(); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed back to the gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that OnSubmission and OnPresentation are properly triggered if a buffer |
| // is committed twice in a row and those buffers are destroyed. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, DestroyBufferCommittedTwiceInARow) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = window_->GetBoundsInPixels(); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(2); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(2u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed back to the gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Can't call OnSubmission until there is a release. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Destroying buffer2 should do nothing yet. |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed back to the gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Destroying buffer1 should give us two acks for buffer2. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(2); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId2, _)).Times(2); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed back to the gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that OnSubmission and OnPresentation are properly triggered if a buffer |
| // is committed twice in a row and then released. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, ReleaseBufferCommittedTwiceInARow) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = window_->GetBoundsInPixels(); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(2); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(2u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed back to the gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Even though, this is stored on the client thread, but must only be used on |
| // the server thread. |
| wl_resource* wl_buffer1 = GetSurfaceAttachedBuffer(surface_id_); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(wl_buffer1); |
| |
| // Can't call OnSubmission until there is a release. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed back to the gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Releasing buffer1 should trigger two acks for buffer2. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(2); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId2, _)).Times(2); |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [wl_buffer1, id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)->ReleaseBuffer(wl_buffer1); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed back to the gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that OnSubmission and OnPresentation callbacks are properly called |
| // even if buffers are not released in the same order they were committed. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, ReleaseOrderDifferentToCommitOrder) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId3 = 3; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = window_->GetBoundsInPixels(); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(3); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId3); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(3u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id), Attach(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed and passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Even though, this is stored on the client thread, but must only be used on |
| // the server thread. |
| wl_resource* wl_buffer1 = GetSurfaceAttachedBuffer(surface_id_); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(wl_buffer1); |
| |
| // Can't call OnSubmission until there is a release. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id), Attach(_, _, _)) |
| .Times(2); |
| }); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Even though, this is stored on the client thread, but must only be used on |
| // the server thread. |
| wl_resource* wl_buffer2 = GetSurfaceAttachedBuffer(surface_id_); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(wl_buffer2); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId3, kBufferId3, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed and passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Releasing buffer2 can't trigger OnSubmission for buffer3, because |
| // OnSubmission for buffer2 has not been sent yet. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [wl_buffer2, id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)->ReleaseBuffer(wl_buffer2); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed and passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Releasing buffer1 should trigger acks for both. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId2, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId3, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId3, _)).Times(1); |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [wl_buffer1, id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)->ReleaseBuffer(wl_buffer1); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be processed and passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId3, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // This test verifies that submitting the buffer more than once results in |
| // OnSubmission callback as Wayland compositor is not supposed to release the |
| // buffer committed twice. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, |
| OnSubmissionCalledForBufferCommitedTwiceInARow) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = window_->GetBoundsInPixels(); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(2); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(2u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| ASSERT_TRUE(!connection_->presentation()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [id = surface_id_, bounds](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, |
| Damage(0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height())) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [id = surface_id_, bounds](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_surface); |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, |
| Damage(0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height())) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| // Commit second buffer now. |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId2, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_surface); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Damage(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(0); |
| |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBuffer(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer()); |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Now, commit the buffer with the |kBufferId2| again. The manager does not |
| // sends the submission callback, the compositor is not going to release a |
| // buffer as it was the same buffer submitted more than once. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId2, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [id = surface_id_, bounds](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_surface); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, |
| Damage(0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height())) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| // Commit second buffer now. |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_surface); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Damage(_, _, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(0); |
| |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // If we commit another buffer now, the manager host must not automatically |
| // trigger OnSubmission and OnPresentation callbacks. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnSubmission(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(_, _)).Times(0); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [id = surface_id_, bounds](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_surface); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, |
| Damage(0, 0, bounds.width(), bounds.height())) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Now, they must be triggered once the buffer is released. |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_surface); |
| |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBuffer(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer()); |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that submitting a single buffer only receives an OnSubmission. This is |
| // required behaviour to make sure that submitting buffers in a quiescent state |
| // will be immediately acked. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, OnSubmissionCalledForSingleBuffer) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = window_->GetBoundsInPixels(); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(mock_surface_gpu, OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages to be passed from host to gpu. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that when CommitOverlays(), root_surface can only be committed once all |
| // overlays in the frame are committed. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, RootSurfaceIsCommittedLast) { |
| if (!connection_->ShouldUseOverlayDelegation()) { |
| } |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId3 = 3; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = window_->GetBoundsInPixels(); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(3); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId3); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* linux_dmabuf = server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(); |
| // Ack creation for only the first 2 wl_buffers. |
| zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1_send_created( |
| linux_dmabuf->buffer_params()[0]->resource(), |
| linux_dmabuf->buffer_params()[0]->buffer_resource()); |
| zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1_send_created( |
| linux_dmabuf->buffer_params()[1]->resource(), |
| linux_dmabuf->buffer_params()[1]->buffer_resource()); |
| |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| // root_surface shall not be committed as one of its subsurface is not |
| // committed yet due to pending wl_buffer creation. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(0); |
| }); |
| |
| std::vector<wl::WaylandOverlayConfig> overlay_configs; |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back( |
| CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(INT32_MIN, kBufferId1, bounds)); |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back( |
| CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(0, kBufferId2, bounds)); |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back( |
| CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(1, kBufferId3, bounds)); |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->CommitOverlays(window_->GetWidget(), 1u, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| std::move(overlay_configs)); |
| // Let mojo messages from gpu to host to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(mock_surface); |
| |
| auto* linux_dmabuf = server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(); |
| // Once wl_buffer is created, all subsurfaces are committed, hence |
| // root_surface can be committed. |
| zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1_send_created( |
| linux_dmabuf->buffer_params()[0]->resource(), |
| linux_dmabuf->buffer_params()[0]->buffer_resource()); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| }); |
| } |
| |
| // TODO(crbug.com/367623923) Decouple this test from the older explicit sync |
| // protocol and/or add coverage for the new linux-drm-syncobj protocol. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, FencedRelease) { |
| if (!connection_->linux_explicit_synchronization_v1()) |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId3 = 3; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = gfx::Rect({0, 0}, kDefaultSize); |
| window_->SetBoundsInDIP(bounds); |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget_); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(3); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId3); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(3u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfCommits = 3; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| }); |
| |
| ::testing::InSequence s; |
| |
| // Commit the first buffer and expect the OnSubmission immediately. |
| mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, |
| Truly([](const auto& fence) { return fence.is_null(); }))) |
| .Times(1); |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages from gpu to host to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Commit the second buffer now. |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId2, kBufferId2, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId2, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, |
| Truly([](const auto& fence) { return !fence.is_null(); }))) |
| .Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| // Release the first buffer via fenced release. This should trigger |
| // OnSubmission for the second buffer with a non-null fence. |
| gfx::GpuFenceHandle handle; |
| const int32_t kFenceFD = dup(1); |
| handle.Adopt(base::ScopedFD(kFenceFD)); |
| |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBufferFenced(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer(), |
| std::move(handle)); |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages from gpu to host to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| // Commit the third buffer now. |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId3, kBufferId3, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| SendFrameCallbackForSurface(surface_id_); |
| |
| // Release the second buffer via immediate explicit release. This should |
| // trigger OnSubmission for the second buffer with a null fence. |
| mock_surface_gpu, |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId3, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, |
| Truly([](const auto& fence) { return fence.is_null(); }))) |
| .Times(1); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| mock_surface->ReleaseBufferFenced(mock_surface->prev_attached_buffer(), |
| gfx::GpuFenceHandle()); |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages from gpu to host to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId2, false /*fail*/); |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId3, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that destroying a channel doesn't result in resetting surface state |
| // and buffers can be attached after the channel has been reinitialized. |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, |
| CanSubmitBufferAfterChannelDestroyedAndInitialized) { |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| |
| const gfx::AcceleratedWidget widget = window_->GetWidget(); |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = window_->GetBoundsInPixels(); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| auto mock_surface_gpu = |
| std::make_unique<MockSurfaceGpu>(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), widget); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface_gpu.get(), |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface_gpu.get(), OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages from host to gpu to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| // The root surface shouldn't get null buffer attached. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(0); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| |
| mock_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| // After the channel has been destroyed and surface state has been reset, the |
| // interface should bind again and it still should be possible to attach |
| // buffers as WaylandBufferManagerHost::Surface::ResetSurfaceContents mustn't |
| // reset the state of |configured|. |
| manager_host_->OnChannelDestroyed(); |
| manager_host_ = connection_->buffer_manager_host(); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages from host to gpu go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| // The surface must has the buffer detached and all the buffers are destroyed. |
| // Release the fence as there is no further need to hold that as the client |
| // no longer expects that. Moreover, its next attach may result in a DCHECK, |
| // as the next buffer resource can be allocated on the same memory address |
| // resulting in a DCHECK when set_linux_buffer_release is called. The reason |
| // is that wl_resource_create calls internally calls malloc, which may reuse |
| // that memory. |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)->ClearBufferReleases(); |
| }); |
| |
| auto interface_ptr = manager_host_->BindInterface(); |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->Initialize(std::move(interface_ptr), {}, |
| /*supports_dma_buf=*/false, |
| /*supports_viewporter=*/true, |
| /*supports_acquire_fence=*/false, |
| /*supports_overlays=*/true, |
| /*supports_single_pixel_buffer=*/true); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| // The buffer must be attached. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Frame(_)).Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(1); |
| }); |
| |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface_gpu.get(), |
| OnSubmission(kBufferId1, gfx::SwapResult::SWAP_ACK, _)) |
| .Times(1); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface_gpu.get(), OnPresentation(kBufferId1, _)).Times(1); |
| |
| CommitBuffer(widget, kBufferId1, kBufferId1, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), bounds, |
| gfx::RoundedCornersF(), kDefaultScale, bounds); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages from host to gpu to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| testing::Mock::VerifyAndClearExpectations(&mock_surface_gpu); |
| |
| DestroyBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(kBufferId1, false /*fail*/); |
| } |
| |
| // Tests that destroying a channel results in attaching null buffers to the root |
| // surface, and hiding primary subsurface and overlay surfaces. This is required |
| // to make it possible for a GPU service to switch from hw acceleration to sw |
| // compositing. Otherwise, there will be frozen graphics represented by a |
| // primary subsurface as sw compositing uses the root surface to draw new |
| // frames. Verifies the fix for https://crbug.com/1201314 |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, HidesSubsurfacesOnChannelDestroyed) { |
| if (!connection_->ShouldUseOverlayDelegation()) { |
| } |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId1 = 1; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId2 = 2; |
| constexpr uint32_t kBufferId3 = 3; |
| |
| const gfx::Rect bounds = window_->GetBoundsInPixels(); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(3); |
| }); |
| |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId2); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId3); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(3u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| // Prepare a frame with one background buffer, one primary plane and one |
| // additional overlay plane. This will simulate hw accelerated compositing. |
| std::vector<wl::WaylandOverlayConfig> overlay_configs; |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back( |
| CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(INT32_MIN, kBufferId1, bounds)); |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back( |
| CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(0, kBufferId2, bounds)); |
| overlay_configs.emplace_back( |
| CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(1, kBufferId3, bounds)); |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->CommitOverlays(window_->GetWidget(), 1u, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| std::move(overlay_configs)); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages from gpu to host to go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| // 3 surfaces must exist - root surface, the primary subsurface and one |
| // additional overlay surface. All of them must have buffers attached. |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, window_->wayland_subsurfaces().size()); |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [id = surface_id_, |
| primary_subsurface_id = |
| window_->primary_subsurface()->wayland_surface()->get_surface_id(), |
| overlay_surface_id = |
| window_->wayland_subsurfaces() |
| .begin() |
| ->get() |
| ->wayland_surface() |
| ->get_surface_id()](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)->attached_buffer()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(primary_subsurface_id) |
| ->attached_buffer()); |
| EXPECT_TRUE(server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(overlay_surface_id) |
| ->attached_buffer()); |
| }); |
| |
| // Pretend that the channel gets destroyed because of some internal reason. |
| manager_host_->OnChannelDestroyed(); |
| manager_host_ = connection_->buffer_manager_host(); |
| |
| // Let mojo messages from host to gpu go through. |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| // The root surface should still have the buffer attached.... |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)->attached_buffer()); |
| }); |
| // ... and the primary and secondary subsurfaces must be hidden. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(window_->primary_subsurface()->IsVisible()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, window_->wayland_subsurfaces().size()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(window_->wayland_subsurfaces().begin()->get()->IsVisible()); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* root_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| root_surface->ClearBufferReleases(); |
| root_surface->SendFrameCallback(); |
| }); |
| |
| auto interface_ptr = manager_host_->BindInterface(); |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->Initialize(std::move(interface_ptr), {}, |
| /*supports_dma_buf=*/false, |
| /*supports_viewporter=*/true, |
| /*supports_acquire_fence=*/false, |
| /*supports_overlays=*/true, |
| /*supports_single_pixel_buffer=*/true); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| // Now, create only one buffer and attach that to the root surface. The |
| // primary subsurface and secondary subsurface must remain invisible. |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(1); |
| }); |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, kBufferId1); |
| ProcessCreatedBufferResourcesWithExpectation(1u /* expected size */, |
| false /* fail */); |
| |
| std::vector<wl::WaylandOverlayConfig> overlay_configs2; |
| overlay_configs2.push_back( |
| CreateBasicWaylandOverlayConfig(INT32_MIN, kBufferId1, bounds)); |
| buffer_manager_gpu_->CommitOverlays(window_->GetWidget(), 2u, |
| gfx::FrameData(delegate_.viz_seq()), |
| std::move(overlay_configs2)); |
| |
| base::RunLoop().RunUntilIdle(); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| // The root surface should have the buffer detached. |
| EXPECT_TRUE(server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id)->attached_buffer()); |
| }); |
| |
| // The primary and secondary subsurfaces must remain hidden. |
| EXPECT_FALSE(window_->primary_subsurface()->IsVisible()); |
| EXPECT_EQ(1u, window_->wayland_subsurfaces().size()); |
| EXPECT_FALSE(window_->wayland_subsurfaces().begin()->get()->IsVisible()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, |
| DoesNotAttachAndCommitOnHideIfNoBuffersAttached) { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(window_->IsVisible()); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([id = surface_id_](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* mock_surface = server->GetObject<wl::MockSurface>(id); |
| |
| constexpr uint32_t kNumberOfCommits = 0; |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Attach(_, _, _)).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| EXPECT_CALL(*mock_surface, Commit()).Times(kNumberOfCommits); |
| }); |
| |
| window_->Hide(); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, HasOverlayPrioritizer) { |
| EXPECT_TRUE(connection_->overlay_prioritizer()); |
| } |
| |
| TEST_P(WaylandBufferManagerTest, CanSubmitOverlayPriority) { |
| if (!connection_->ShouldUseOverlayDelegation()) { |
| } |
| |
| std::vector<uint32_t> kBufferIds = {1, 2, 3}; |
| |
| MockSurfaceGpu mock_surface_gpu(buffer_manager_gpu_.get(), |
| window_->GetWidget()); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait([](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| EXPECT_CALL(*server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(), CreateParams(_, _, _)).Times(3); |
| }); |
| |
| for (auto id : kBufferIds) |
| CreateDmabufBasedBufferAndSetTerminateExpectation(false /*fail*/, id); |
| |
| PostToServerAndWait( |
| [size = kBufferIds.size()](wl::TestWaylandServerThread* server) { |
| auto* linux_dmabuf = server->zwp_linux_dmabuf_v1(); |
| for (size_t i = 0; i < size; i++) { |
| zwp_linux_buffer_params_v1_send_created( |
| linux_dmabuf->buffer_params()[i]->resource(), |
| linux_dmabuf->buffer_params()[i]->buffer_resource()); |
| } |
| }); |
| |
| std::vector<std::pair<gfx::OverlayPriorityHint, uint32_t>> priorities = { |
| {gfx::OverlayPriorityHint::kNone, |
| {gfx::OverlayPriorityHint::kRegular, |
| {gfx::OverlayPriorityHint::kVideo, |
| |