blob: 93b52b1a240ea61135e9339d53a5b9fd4f744e3e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "net/base/cronet_buildflags.h"
#include "net/base/ip_address.h"
#include "net/base/ip_endpoint.h"
#include "net/base/net_export.h"
#include "net/base/scheme_host_port_matcher_result.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace net {
// Interface for an individual SchemeHostPortMatcher rule.
class NET_EXPORT SchemeHostPortMatcherRule {
SchemeHostPortMatcherRule() = default;
SchemeHostPortMatcherRule(const SchemeHostPortMatcherRule&) = delete;
SchemeHostPortMatcherRule& operator=(const SchemeHostPortMatcherRule&) =
virtual ~SchemeHostPortMatcherRule() = default;
// Creates a SchemeHostPortMatcherRule by best-effort parsing the string. If
// it can't parse, returns a nullptr. It only parses all the rule types in
// this header file. Types with other serializations will need to be handled
// by the caller.
static std::unique_ptr<SchemeHostPortMatcherRule> FromUntrimmedRawString(
std::string_view raw_untrimmed);
// Evaluates the rule against |url|.
virtual SchemeHostPortMatcherResult Evaluate(const GURL& url) const = 0;
// Returns a string representation of this rule. The returned string will not
// match any distinguishable rule of any type.
virtual std::string ToString() const = 0;
// Returns true if |this| is an instance of
// SchemeHostPortMatcherHostnamePatternRule.
virtual bool IsHostnamePatternRule() const;
// Cronet disables tracing and doesn't provide an implementation of
// base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage. Having this conditional is
// preferred over a fake implementation to avoid reporting fake metrics.
// Estimates dynamic memory usage.
// See base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h for more info.
virtual size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const;
// Rule that matches URLs with wildcard hostname patterns, and
// scheme/port restrictions.
// For example:
// *
// https://*
class NET_EXPORT SchemeHostPortMatcherHostnamePatternRule
: public SchemeHostPortMatcherRule {
SchemeHostPortMatcherHostnamePatternRule(const std::string& optional_scheme,
const std::string& hostname_pattern,
int optional_port);
const SchemeHostPortMatcherHostnamePatternRule&) = delete;
SchemeHostPortMatcherHostnamePatternRule& operator=(
const SchemeHostPortMatcherHostnamePatternRule&) = delete;
// SchemeHostPortMatcherRule implementation:
SchemeHostPortMatcherResult Evaluate(const GURL& url) const override;
std::string ToString() const override;
bool IsHostnamePatternRule() const override;
// Generates a new SchemeHostPortMatcherHostnamePatternRule based on the
// current rule. The new rule will do suffix matching if the current rule
// doesn't. For example, "" would become "*" and match
// "".
GenerateSuffixMatchingRule() const;
// Cronet disables tracing and doesn't provide an implementation of
// base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage. Having this conditional is
// preferred over a fake implementation to avoid reporting fake metrics.
// Estimates dynamic memory usage.
// See base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h for more info.
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const override;
const std::string optional_scheme_;
const std::string hostname_pattern_;
const int optional_port_;
// Rule that matches URLs with IP address as hostname, and scheme/port
// restrictions. * only works in the host portion. i18n domain names must be
// input in punycode format.
// For example:
// [::1]
// [0:0::1]
// http://[::1]:99
class NET_EXPORT SchemeHostPortMatcherIPHostRule
: public SchemeHostPortMatcherRule {
SchemeHostPortMatcherIPHostRule(const std::string& optional_scheme,
const IPEndPoint& ip_end_point);
SchemeHostPortMatcherIPHostRule(const SchemeHostPortMatcherIPHostRule&) =
SchemeHostPortMatcherIPHostRule& operator=(
const SchemeHostPortMatcherIPHostRule&) = delete;
// SchemeHostPortMatcherRule implementation:
SchemeHostPortMatcherResult Evaluate(const GURL& url) const override;
std::string ToString() const override;
// Cronet disables tracing and doesn't provide an implementation of
// base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage. Having this conditional is
// preferred over a fake implementation to avoid reporting fake metrics.
// Estimates dynamic memory usage.
// See base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h for more info.
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const override;
const std::string optional_scheme_;
const std::string ip_host_;
const int optional_port_;
// Rule for matching a URL that is an IP address, if that IP address falls
// within a certain numeric range.
// For example:
// FE80::/10
// but not or http://[FE80::]/10 (IPv6 with brackets).
class NET_EXPORT SchemeHostPortMatcherIPBlockRule
: public SchemeHostPortMatcherRule {
// |ip_prefix| + |prefix_length| define the IP block to match.
SchemeHostPortMatcherIPBlockRule(const std::string& description,
const std::string& optional_scheme,
const IPAddress& ip_prefix,
size_t prefix_length_in_bits);
SchemeHostPortMatcherIPBlockRule(const SchemeHostPortMatcherIPBlockRule&) =
SchemeHostPortMatcherIPBlockRule& operator=(
const SchemeHostPortMatcherIPBlockRule&) = delete;
// SchemeHostPortMatcherRule implementation:
SchemeHostPortMatcherResult Evaluate(const GURL& url) const override;
std::string ToString() const override;
// Cronet disables tracing and doesn't provide an implementation of
// base::trace_event::EstimateMemoryUsage. Having this conditional is
// preferred over a fake implementation to avoid reporting fake metrics.
// Estimates dynamic memory usage.
// See base/trace_event/memory_usage_estimator.h for more info.
size_t EstimateMemoryUsage() const override;
const std::string description_;
const std::string optional_scheme_;
const IPAddress ip_prefix_;
const size_t prefix_length_in_bits_;
} // namespace net