blob: 9415d24fc8349a3f6eb600c4d3aed0bd0855e403 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <limits>
#include "base/check_op.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/collection_support/heap_hash_map.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/garbage_collected.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/heap/persistent.h"
#include "third_party/blink/renderer/platform/wtf/allocator/allocator.h"
namespace blink {
// TODO(sof): WeakIdentifierMap<> belongs (out) in wtf/, but
// cannot until GarbageCollected<> can be used from WTF.
template <typename T, typename IdentifierType = int>
class WeakIdentifierMap final
: public GarbageCollected<WeakIdentifierMap<T, IdentifierType>> {
WeakIdentifierMap() = default;
void Trace(Visitor* visitor) const {
static IdentifierType Identifier(T* object) {
IdentifierType result;
auto it = Instance().object_to_identifier_.find(object);
if (it == Instance().object_to_identifier_.end()) {
do {
result = Next();
} while (!LIKELY(Instance().Put(object, result)));
} else {
result = it->value;
return result;
// If the object is not found, returns 0 which is not a valid identifier.
static IdentifierType ExistingIdentifier(T* object) {
auto it_result = Instance().object_to_identifier_.find(object);
return it_result != Instance().object_to_identifier_.end()
? it_result->value
: 0;
static T* Lookup(IdentifierType identifier) {
auto it = Instance().identifier_to_object_.find(identifier);
return it != Instance().identifier_to_object_.end() ? it->value : nullptr;
static void NotifyObjectDestroyed(T* object) {
static void SetLastIdForTesting(IdentifierType i) { LastIdRef() = i; }
static size_t GetSizeForTesting() {
return Instance().object_to_identifier_.size();
static WeakIdentifierMap<T, IdentifierType>& Instance();
static IdentifierType Next() {
// On overflow, skip negative values for signed IdentifierType, and 0 which
// is not a valid key in HashMap by default.
if (UNLIKELY(LastIdRef() == std::numeric_limits<IdentifierType>::max()))
LastIdRef() = 0;
return ++LastIdRef();
static IdentifierType& LastIdRef() {
static IdentifierType last_id = 0;
return last_id;
bool Put(T* object, IdentifierType identifier) {
if (!LIKELY(identifier_to_object_.insert(identifier, object).is_new_entry))
return false;
DCHECK(object && !object_to_identifier_.Contains(object));
object_to_identifier_.Set(object, identifier);
DCHECK_EQ(object_to_identifier_.size(), identifier_to_object_.size());
return true;
void ObjectDestroyed(T* object) {
IdentifierType identifier = object_to_identifier_.Take(object);
if (!WTF::IsHashTraitsEmptyValue<HashTraits<IdentifierType>>(identifier))
DCHECK_EQ(object_to_identifier_.size(), identifier_to_object_.size());
using ObjectToIdentifier = HeapHashMap<WeakMember<T>, IdentifierType>;
using IdentifierToObject = HeapHashMap<IdentifierType, WeakMember<T>>;
ObjectToIdentifier object_to_identifier_;
IdentifierToObject identifier_to_object_;
template <> \
WeakIdentifierMap<T, ##__VA_ARGS__>& \
WeakIdentifierMap<T, ##__VA_ARGS__>::Instance(); \
extern template class WeakIdentifierMap<T, ##__VA_ARGS__>
template class WeakIdentifierMap<T, ##__VA_ARGS__>; \
template <> \
WeakIdentifierMap<T, ##__VA_ARGS__>& \
WeakIdentifierMap<T, ##__VA_ARGS__>::Instance() { \
using RefType = WeakIdentifierMap<T, ##__VA_ARGS__>; \
Persistent<RefType>, map_instance, \
(MakeGarbageCollected<WeakIdentifierMap<T, ##__VA_ARGS__>>())); \
return *map_instance; \
} // namespace blink