blob: 75ce2b857d62aabaf3c22c2d6c13791e22387f50 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include "base/time/time.h"
namespace gl {
class GPUTimingClient;
class GPUTimer;
namespace gpu {
struct Measurement {
Measurement(const Measurement& m);
Measurement(const std::string& metric_basename,
const base::TimeDelta wall_time,
const base::TimeDelta cpu_time,
const base::TimeDelta gpu_time);
void PrintResult(const std::string& story) const;
Measurement& Increment(const Measurement& m);
Measurement Divide(int a) const;
std::string metric_basename;
base::TimeDelta wall_time;
base::TimeDelta cpu_time;
base::TimeDelta gpu_time;
// Class to measure wall, cpu and gpu time deltas.
// The deltas are measured from the time of the object
// creation up to when Record is called.
class MeasurementTimers {
explicit MeasurementTimers(gl::GPUTimingClient* gpu_timing_client);
void Record();
Measurement GetAsMeasurement(const std::string& name);
base::TimeTicks wall_time_start_;
base::ThreadTicks cpu_time_start_;
std::unique_ptr<gl::GPUTimer> gpu_timer_;
base::TimeDelta wall_time_;
base::TimeDelta cpu_time_;
} // namespace gpu