tree: 09c023b89fa2d419e1ce2a058456de0f75e67541 [path history] [tgz]
  1. accessibility/
  2. animation/
  3. animation_frame/
  4. annotation/
  5. clipboard/
  6. content_capture/
  7. context_features/
  8. css/
  9. display_lock/
  10. dom/
  11. editing/
  12. events/
  13. execution_context/
  14. exported/
  15. fetch/
  16. fileapi/
  17. fragment_directive/
  18. frame/
  19. fullscreen/
  20. geometry/
  21. highlight/
  22. html/
  23. imagebitmap/
  24. input/
  25. inspector/
  26. intersection_observer/
  27. layout/
  28. lcp_critical_path_predictor/
  29. loader/
  30. mathml/
  31. messaging/
  32. mobile_metrics/
  33. mojo/
  34. navigation_api/
  35. offscreencanvas/
  36. origin_trials/
  37. page/
  38. paint/
  39. permissions_policy/
  40. preferences/
  41. probe/
  42. resize_observer/
  43. sanitizer/
  44. scheduler/
  45. scheduler_integration_tests/
  46. script/
  47. scroll/
  48. shadow_realm/
  49. speculation_rules/
  50. speech/
  51. streams/
  52. style/
  53. svg/
  54. testing/
  55. timezone/
  56. timing/
  57. trustedtypes/
  58. typed_arrays/
  59. url/
  60. url_pattern/
  61. view_transition/
  62. web_test/
  63. win/
  64. workers/
  65. xml/
  66. xmlhttprequest/
  67. .gitattributes
  68. .gitignore
  70. core.gni
  71. core_export.h
  73. core_initializer.h
  74. DEPS
  78. LICENSE-LGPL-2.1
  79. OWNERS
  80. precompile_core.h

Blink Renderer Core

This directory implements core rendering aspects of the Web Platform.

See renderer/ for the relationship of core/ to modules/ and platform/.

See How Blink Works for an introduction to Blink's code architecture and directory structure.

See Life of a Pixel for an end-to-end tour of the rendering pipeline.

The public mailing list is rendering-core-dev.

Core rendering encompasses four key stages:

Other aspects of rendering are implemented outside of core/, such as compositing and accessibility.

The core/ directory includes concrete implementations of the classes in the Blink Public API, such as WebLocalFrameImpl. The public API is used by the Content module.

The output of core rendering is a PaintArtifact (see platform paint README) which is used to produce a list of layers for the renderer compositor.