blob: 94ca36cddf10225f3ef6e8a5bb15438c9ca2c8ab [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <ostream>
#include "chromeos/services/device_sync/proto/cryptauth_api.pb.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace multidevice {
// Multi-device features. In this context, "host" refers to the device
// (typically an Android phone) which provides functionality, and "client"
// refers to the device (typically a Chromebook) which receives functionality.
// Note that numerical enum values must not be changed as these values are
// serialized to numbers and stored persistently.
// This enum should always be preferred over the cryptauth::SoftwareFeature
// proto except when communicating with the CryptAuth server.
enum class SoftwareFeature {
// Note: Enum value 0 is intentionally skipped here for legacy reasons.
// Support for multi-device features in general.
kBetterTogetherHost = 1,
kBetterTogetherClient = 2,
// Smart Lock, which gives the user the ability to unlock and/or sign into a
// Chromebook using an Android phone.
kSmartLockHost = 3,
kSmartLockClient = 4,
// Instant Tethering, which gives the user the ability to use an Android
// phone's Internet connection on a Chromebook.
kInstantTetheringHost = 5,
kInstantTetheringClient = 6,
// Messages for Web, which gives the user the ability to sync messages (e.g.,
// SMS) between an Android phone and a Chromebook.
kMessagesForWebHost = 7,
kMessagesForWebClient = 8
SoftwareFeature FromCryptAuthFeature(
cryptauth::SoftwareFeature cryptauth_feature);
cryptauth::SoftwareFeature ToCryptAuthFeature(
SoftwareFeature multidevice_feature);
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& stream, const SoftwareFeature& feature);
} // namespace multidevice
} // namespace chromeos