blob: ab9a52e67e5d5ea241d9257b9b36b7c6a171d4a9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/macros.h"
namespace proximity_auth {
// Interface for setting and getting persistent user preferences. There is an
// implementation for a logged in profile and the device local state when the
// user is logged out.
class ProximityAuthPrefManager {
ProximityAuthPrefManager() {}
virtual ~ProximityAuthPrefManager() {}
// Returns true if EasyUnlock is allowed. Note: there is no corresponding
// setter because this pref is pushed through an enterprise policy. Note that
// this pref completely disables EasyUnlock, hiding even the UI. See
// IsEasyUnlockEnabled() for comparison.
virtual bool IsEasyUnlockAllowed() const = 0;
// Returns true if EasyUnlock is enabled, i.e. the user has gone through the
// setup flow and has at least one phone as an unlock key. Compare to
// IsEasyUnlockAllowed(), which completely removes the feature from existence.
virtual void SetIsEasyUnlockEnabled(bool is_easy_unlock_enabled) const = 0;
virtual bool IsEasyUnlockEnabled() const = 0;
// Returns true if EasyUnlock has ever been enabled, regardless of whether the
// feature is currently enabled or disabled. Compare to IsEasyUnlockEnabled(),
// which flags the latter case.
virtual void SetEasyUnlockEnabledStateSet() const = 0;
virtual bool IsEasyUnlockEnabledStateSet() const = 0;
// Setter and getter for the timestamp of the last time the promotion was
// shown to the user.
virtual void SetLastPromotionCheckTimestampMs(int64_t timestamp_ms) = 0;
virtual int64_t GetLastPromotionCheckTimestampMs() const = 0;
// Setter and getter for the number of times the promotion was shown to the
// user.
virtual void SetPromotionShownCount(int count) = 0;
virtual int GetPromotionShownCount() const = 0;
// Getter for whether EasyUnlock is allowed for ChromeOS login (in addition to
// screen lock).
virtual bool IsChromeOSLoginAllowed() const = 0;
// Setter and getter for whether EasyUnlock is enabled for ChromeOS login (in
// addition to screen lock).
virtual void SetIsChromeOSLoginEnabled(bool is_enabled) = 0;
virtual bool IsChromeOSLoginEnabled() const = 0;
// Setter and getter for whether the "Signin with Smart Lock is disabled"
// message on the login screen has been shown.
virtual void SetHasShownLoginDisabledMessage(bool has_shown) = 0;
virtual bool HasShownLoginDisabledMessage() const = 0;
} // namespace proximity_auth