blob: cbac3b4b12c8d7b487d1f107d6b95e0cbf9207ba [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/components/string_matching/tokenized_string.h"
#include "chromeos/components/string_matching/tokenized_string_char_iterator.h"
namespace chromeos {
namespace string_matching {
// PrefixMatcher matches the chars of a given query as prefix of tokens in
// a given text or as prefix of the acronyms of those text tokens.
class PrefixMatcher {
typedef std::vector<gfx::Range> Hits;
PrefixMatcher(const TokenizedString& query, const TokenizedString& text);
// Invokes RunMatch to perform prefix match. Use |states_| as a stack to
// perform DFS (depth first search) so that all possible matches are
// attempted. Stops on the first full match and returns true. Otherwise,
// returns false to indicate no match.
bool Match();
double relevance() const { return current_relevance_; }
const Hits& hits() const { return current_hits_; }
// Context record of a match.
struct State {
State(double relevance,
const gfx::Range& current_match,
const Hits& hits,
const TokenizedStringCharIterator& query_iter,
const TokenizedStringCharIterator& text_iter);
State(const State& state);
// The current score of the processed query chars.
double relevance;
// Current matching range.
gfx::Range current_match;
// Completed matching ranges of the processed query chars.
PrefixMatcher::Hits hits;
// States of the processed query and text chars.
TokenizedStringCharIterator::State query_iter_state;
TokenizedStringCharIterator::State text_iter_state;
typedef std::vector<State> States;
// Match chars from the query and text one by one. For each matching char,
// calculate relevance and matching ranges. And the current stats is
// recorded so that the match could be skipped later to try other
// possibilities. Repeat until any of the iterators run out. Return true if
// query iterator runs out, i.e. all chars in query are matched.
bool RunMatch();
// Skip to the next text token and close current match. Invoked when a
// mismatch happens or to skip a restored match.
void AdvanceToNextTextToken();
void PushState();
void PopState();
TokenizedStringCharIterator query_iter_;
TokenizedStringCharIterator text_iter_;
States states_;
gfx::Range current_match_;
double current_relevance_;
Hits current_hits_;
} // namespace string_matching
} // namespace chromeos