blob: 0a447a38da7998a5621a5c5f59ad2d7ab0b3177f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
class GoogleServiceAuthError;
class OAuthMultiloginResult;
typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> UserInfoMap;
// An interface that defines the callbacks for objects that
// GaiaAuthFetcher can return data to.
class GaiaAuthConsumer {
struct ClientLoginResult {
ClientLoginResult(const std::string& new_sid,
const std::string& new_lsid,
const std::string& new_token,
const std::string& new_data);
ClientLoginResult(const ClientLoginResult& other);
bool operator==(const ClientLoginResult &b) const;
std::string sid;
std::string lsid;
std::string token;
// TODO(chron): Remove the data field later. Don't use it if possible.
std::string data; // Full contents of ClientLogin return.
struct ClientOAuthResult {
ClientOAuthResult(const std::string& new_refresh_token,
const std::string& new_access_token,
int new_expires_in_secs,
bool is_child_account,
bool is_under_advanced_protection);
ClientOAuthResult(const ClientOAuthResult& other);
bool operator==(const ClientOAuthResult &b) const;
// OAuth2 refresh token. Used to mint new access tokens when needed.
std::string refresh_token;
// OAuth2 access token. Token to pass to endpoints that require oauth2
// authentication.
std::string access_token;
// The lifespan of |access_token| in seconds.
int expires_in_secs;
// Whether the authenticated user is a child account.
bool is_child_account;
// Whether the authenticated user is in advanced protection program.
bool is_under_advanced_protection;
// Possible server responses to a token revocation request.
// Used in UMA, do not delete or reorder values.
enum class TokenRevocationStatus {
// Token revocation succeeded.
kSuccess = 0,
// Network connection was canceled, no response was received.
kConnectionCanceled = 1,
// Network connection failed, no response was received.
kConnectionFailed = 2,
// Network connection timed out, no response was received.
kConnectionTimeout = 3,
// The token is unknown or invalid.
kInvalidToken = 4,
// The request was malformed.
kInvalidRequest = 5,
// Internal server error.
kServerError = 6,
// Other error.
kUnknownError = 7,
kMaxValue = kUnknownError
// Used in UMA, do not delete or reorder values.
// Update enums.xml when adding entries.
enum class ReAuthProofTokenStatus : int {
// Successful request: used only to control FakeGaia response.
kSuccess = 0,
// Request had invalid format.
kInvalidRequest = 1,
// Password was incorrect.
kInvalidGrant = 2,
// Unauthorized OAuth client.
kUnauthorizedClient = 3,
// Scope of OAuth token was insufficient.
kInsufficientScope = 4,
// No credential specified.
kCredentialNotSet = 5,
// A network error.
kNetworkError = 6,
// Other error.
kUnknownError = 7,
kMaxValue = kUnknownError
virtual ~GaiaAuthConsumer() {}
virtual void OnClientLoginSuccess(const ClientLoginResult& result) {}
virtual void OnClientLoginFailure(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) {}
virtual void OnClientOAuthCode(const std::string& auth_code) {}
virtual void OnClientOAuthSuccess(const ClientOAuthResult& result) {}
virtual void OnClientOAuthFailure(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) {}
virtual void OnOAuth2RevokeTokenCompleted(TokenRevocationStatus status) {}
virtual void OnGetUserInfoSuccess(const UserInfoMap& data) {}
virtual void OnGetUserInfoFailure(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) {}
virtual void OnUberAuthTokenSuccess(const std::string& token) {}
virtual void OnUberAuthTokenFailure(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) {}
virtual void OnMergeSessionSuccess(const std::string& data) {}
virtual void OnMergeSessionFailure(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) {}
virtual void OnListAccountsSuccess(const std::string& data) {}
virtual void OnListAccountsFailure(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) {}
virtual void OnOAuthMultiloginFinished(const OAuthMultiloginResult& result) {}
virtual void OnLogOutSuccess() {}
virtual void OnLogOutFailure(const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) {}
virtual void OnGetCheckConnectionInfoSuccess(const std::string& data) {}
virtual void OnGetCheckConnectionInfoError(
const GoogleServiceAuthError& error) {}
virtual void OnReAuthProofTokenSuccess(
const std::string& reauth_proof_token) {}
virtual void OnReAuthProofTokenFailure(const ReAuthProofTokenStatus error) {}