blob: 8e5e3e69aed1e4567e2ed15b200571f4a40fec97 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "ash/assistant/ui/main_stage/ui_element_container_view.h"
#include <string>
#include "ash/assistant/model/assistant_response.h"
#include "ash/assistant/model/assistant_ui_element.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/assistant_ui_constants.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/assistant_view_delegate.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/main_stage/assistant_card_element_view.h"
#include "ash/assistant/ui/main_stage/assistant_text_element_view.h"
#include "ash/assistant/util/animation_util.h"
#include "ash/public/cpp/app_list/app_list_features.h"
#include "base/callback.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "ui/aura/window.h"
#include "ui/compositor/callback_layer_animation_observer.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animation_element.h"
#include "ui/compositor/layer_animator.h"
#include "ui/views/border.h"
#include "ui/views/layout/box_layout.h"
namespace ash {
namespace {
// Appearance.
constexpr int kEmbeddedUiFirstCardMarginTopDip = 8;
constexpr int kEmbeddedUiPaddingBottomDip = 8;
constexpr int kMainUiFirstCardMarginTopDip = 40;
constexpr int kMainUiPaddingBottomDip = 24;
// Card element animation.
constexpr float kCardElementAnimationFadeOutOpacity = 0.26f;
// Text element animation.
constexpr float kEmbeddedUiTextElementAnimationFadeOutOpacity = 0.26f;
constexpr float kMainUiTextElementAnimationFadeOutOpacity = 0.f;
// UI element animation.
constexpr base::TimeDelta kUiElementAnimationFadeInDelay =
constexpr base::TimeDelta kUiElementAnimationFadeInDuration =
constexpr base::TimeDelta kUiElementAnimationFadeOutDuration =
// Helpers ---------------------------------------------------------------------
int GetFirstCardMarginTopDip() {
return app_list_features::IsEmbeddedAssistantUIEnabled()
? kEmbeddedUiFirstCardMarginTopDip
: kMainUiFirstCardMarginTopDip;
int GetPaddingBottomDip() {
return app_list_features::IsEmbeddedAssistantUIEnabled()
? kEmbeddedUiPaddingBottomDip
: kMainUiPaddingBottomDip;
float GetTextElementAnimationFadeOutOpacity() {
return app_list_features::IsEmbeddedAssistantUIEnabled()
? kEmbeddedUiTextElementAnimationFadeOutOpacity
: kMainUiTextElementAnimationFadeOutOpacity;
} // namespace
// UiElementContainerView ------------------------------------------------------
UiElementContainerView::UiElementContainerView(AssistantViewDelegate* delegate)
: delegate_(delegate),
base::Unretained(this)))) {
// The AssistantViewDelegate should outlive UiElementContainerView.
UiElementContainerView::~UiElementContainerView() {
const char* UiElementContainerView::GetClassName() const {
return "UiElementContainerView";
gfx::Size UiElementContainerView::CalculatePreferredSize() const {
return gfx::Size(INT_MAX, GetHeightForWidth(INT_MAX));
int UiElementContainerView::GetHeightForWidth(int width) const {
return content_view()->GetHeightForWidth(width);
gfx::Size UiElementContainerView::GetMinimumSize() const {
// AssistantMainStage uses BoxLayout's flex property to grow/shrink
// UiElementContainerView to fill available space as needed. When height is
// shrunk to zero, as is temporarily the case during the initial container
// growth animation for the first Assistant response, UiElementContainerView
// will be laid out with zero width. We do not recover from this state until
// the next layout pass, which causes Assistant cards for the first response
// to be laid out with zero width. We work around this by imposing a minimum
// height restriction of 1 dip that is factored into BoxLayout's flex
// calculations to make sure that our width is never being set to zero.
return gfx::Size(INT_MAX, 1);
void UiElementContainerView::OnContentsPreferredSizeChanged(
views::View* content_view) {
const int preferred_height = content_view->GetHeightForWidth(width());
content_view->SetSize(gfx::Size(width(), preferred_height));
void UiElementContainerView::PreferredSizeChanged() {
// Because views are added/removed in batches, we attempt to prevent over-
// propagation of the PreferredSizeChanged event during batched view hierarchy
// add/remove operations. This helps to reduce layout passes.
if (propagate_preferred_size_changed_)
void UiElementContainerView::InitLayout() {
gfx::Insets(0, kUiElementHorizontalMarginDip, GetPaddingBottomDip(),
void UiElementContainerView::OnCommittedQueryChanged(
const AssistantQuery& query) {
using assistant::util::CreateLayerAnimationSequence;
using assistant::util::CreateOpacityElement;
// We don't allow processing of events while waiting for the next query
// response. The contents will be faded out, so it should not be interactive.
// We also scroll to the top to play nice with the transition animation.
ScrollToPosition(vertical_scroll_bar(), 0);
// When a query is committed, we fade out the views for the previous response
// until the next Assistant response has been received.
for (const std::pair<ui::LayerOwner*, float>& pair : ui_element_views_) {
/*opacity=*/pair.second, kUiElementAnimationFadeOutDuration)));
void UiElementContainerView::OnResponseChanged(
const std::shared_ptr<AssistantResponse>& response) {
// We may have to pend the response while we animate the previous response off
// stage. We use a shared pointer to ensure that any views we add to the view
// hierarchy can be removed before the underlying UI elements are destroyed.
pending_response_ = std::shared_ptr<const AssistantResponse>(response);
// If we don't have any pre-existing content, there is nothing to animate off
// stage so we we can proceed to add the new response.
if (content_view()->children().empty()) {
using assistant::util::CreateLayerAnimationSequence;
using assistant::util::CreateOpacityElement;
using assistant::util::StartLayerAnimationSequence;
// There is a previous response on stage, so we'll animate it off before
// adding the new response. The new response will be added upon invocation of
// the exit animation ended callback.
for (const std::pair<ui::LayerOwner*, float>& pair : ui_element_views_) {
// Fade out the opacity to 0%. Note that we approximate 0% by actually
// using 0.01%. We do this to workaround a DCHECK that requires
// aura::Windows to have a target opacity > 0% when shown. Because our
// window will be removed after it reaches this value, it should be safe
// to circumnavigate this DCHECK.
CreateOpacityElement(0.0001f, kUiElementAnimationFadeOutDuration)),
// Observe the animation.
// Set the observer to active so that we receive callback events.
void UiElementContainerView::OnResponseCleared() {
// We can prevent over-propagation of the PreferredSizeChanged event by
// stopping propagation during batched view hierarchy add/remove operations.
// Once the response has been cleared from the stage, we can are free to
// release our shared pointer. This allows resources associated with the
// underlying UI elements to be freed, provided there are no other usages.
// Reset state for the next response.
is_first_card_ = true;
void UiElementContainerView::OnResponseAdded(
std::shared_ptr<const AssistantResponse> response) {
// The response should be fully processed before it is presented.
// We cache a reference to the |response| to ensure that the instance is not
// destroyed before we have removed associated views from the view hierarchy.
response_ = std::move(response);
// Because the views for the response are animated in together, we can stop
// propagation of PreferredSizeChanged events until all views have been added
// to the view hierarchy to reduce layout passes.
for (const auto& ui_element : response_->GetUiElements()) {
switch (ui_element->GetType()) {
case AssistantUiElementType::kCard:
static_cast<const AssistantCardElement*>(ui_element.get()));
case AssistantUiElementType::kText:
static_cast<const AssistantTextElement*>(ui_element.get()));
void UiElementContainerView::OnCardElementAdded(
const AssistantCardElement* card_element) {
// The card, for some reason, is not embeddable so we'll have to ignore it.
if (!card_element->contents())
auto* card_element_view =
new AssistantCardElementView(delegate_, card_element);
if (is_first_card_) {
is_first_card_ = false;
// The first card requires a top margin of |GetFirstCardMarginTopDip()|, but
// we need to account for child spacing because the first card is not
// necessarily the first UI element.
const int top_margin_dip = child_count() == 0
? GetFirstCardMarginTopDip()
: GetFirstCardMarginTopDip() - kSpacingDip;
// We effectively create a top margin by applying an empty border.
views::CreateEmptyBorder(top_margin_dip, 0, 0, 0));
// The view will be animated on its own layer, so we need to do some initial
// layer setup. We're going to fade the view in, so hide it. Note that we
// approximate 0% opacity by actually using 0.01%. We do this to workaround
// a DCHECK that requires aura::Windows to have a target opacity > 0% when
// shown. Because our window will be animated to full opacity from this
// value, it should be safe to circumnavigate this DCHECK.
// We cache the native view for use during animations and its desired
// opacity that we'll animate to while processing the next query response.
ui_element_views_.push_back(std::pair<ui::LayerOwner*, float>(
card_element_view->native_view(), kCardElementAnimationFadeOutOpacity));
void UiElementContainerView::OnTextElementAdded(
const AssistantTextElement* text_element) {
views::View* text_element_view = new AssistantTextElementView(text_element);
// The view will be animated on its own layer, so we need to do some initial
// layer setup. We're going to fade the view in, so hide it.
// We cache the view for use during animations and its desired opacity that
// we'll animate to while processing the next query response.
ui_element_views_.push_back(std::pair<ui::LayerOwner*, float>(
text_element_view, GetTextElementAnimationFadeOutOpacity()));
void UiElementContainerView::OnAllUiElementsAdded() {
using assistant::util::CreateLayerAnimationSequence;
using assistant::util::CreateOpacityElement;
// Now that the response for the current query has been added to the view
// hierarchy, we can re-enable processing of events. We can also restart
// propagation of PreferredSizeChanged events since all views have been added
// to the view hierarchy.
// Now that we've received and added all UI elements for the current query
// response, we can animate them in.
for (const std::pair<ui::LayerOwner*, float>& pair : ui_element_views_) {
// We fade in the views to full opacity after a slight delay.
CreateOpacityElement(1.f, kUiElementAnimationFadeInDuration)));
// Let screen reader read the query result. This includes the text response
// and the card fallback text, but webview result is not included.
// We don't read when there is TTS to avoid speaking over the server response.
const AssistantResponse* response =
if (!response->has_tts())
NotifyAccessibilityEvent(ax::mojom::Event::kAlert, true);
bool UiElementContainerView::OnAllUiElementsExitAnimationEnded(
const ui::CallbackLayerAnimationObserver& observer) {
// All UI elements have finished their exit animations so its safe to perform
// clearing of their views and managed resources.
// It is safe to add our pending response to the view hierarchy now that we've
// cleared the previous response from the stage.
// Return false to prevent the observer from destroying itself.
return false;
void UiElementContainerView::SetPropagatePreferredSizeChanged(bool propagate) {
if (propagate == propagate_preferred_size_changed_)
propagate_preferred_size_changed_ = propagate;
// When we are no longer stopping propagation of PreferredSizeChanged events,
// we fire an event off to ensure the view hierarchy is properly laid out.
if (propagate_preferred_size_changed_)
} // namespace ash