blob: 958b2fadd8e80e4ed51b161e7179ba255729d445 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "components/omnibox/browser/test_omnibox_view.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include "ui/gfx/native_widget_types.h"
void TestOmniboxView::SetModel(std::unique_ptr<OmniboxEditModel> model) {
model_ = std::move(model);
base::string16 TestOmniboxView::GetText() const {
return text_;
void TestOmniboxView::SetWindowTextAndCaretPos(const base::string16& text,
size_t caret_pos,
bool update_popup,
bool notify_text_changed) {
text_ = text;
selection_ = gfx::Range(caret_pos);
bool TestOmniboxView::IsSelectAll() const {
return selection_.EqualsIgnoringDirection(gfx::Range(0, text_.size()));
void TestOmniboxView::GetSelectionBounds(size_t* start, size_t* end) const {
*start = selection_.start();
*end = selection_.end();
void TestOmniboxView::SelectAll(bool reversed) {
if (reversed)
selection_ = gfx::Range(text_.size(), 0);
selection_ = gfx::Range(0, text_.size());
void TestOmniboxView::OnTemporaryTextMaybeChanged(
const base::string16& display_text,
const AutocompleteMatch& match,
bool save_original_selection,
bool notify_text_changed) {
text_ = display_text;
bool TestOmniboxView::OnInlineAutocompleteTextMaybeChanged(
const base::string16& display_text,
size_t user_text_length) {
const bool text_changed = text_ != display_text;
text_ = display_text;
inline_autocomplete_text_ = display_text.substr(user_text_length);
// Just like the Views control, only change the selection if the text has
// actually changed.
if (text_changed)
selection_ = gfx::Range(text_.size(), user_text_length);
return text_changed;
void TestOmniboxView::OnInlineAutocompleteTextCleared() {
bool TestOmniboxView::OnAfterPossibleChange(bool allow_keyword_ui_change) {
return false;
gfx::NativeView TestOmniboxView::GetNativeView() const {
return nullptr;
gfx::NativeView TestOmniboxView::GetRelativeWindowForPopup() const {
return nullptr;
bool TestOmniboxView::IsImeComposing() const {
return false;
int TestOmniboxView::GetOmniboxTextLength() const {
return 0;