blob: c7bed245e1fcdeda45a573e7c7a0da047ef928fa [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
Please refer to the lint doc for how to use this file and what should go in it:
<!-- Ignore all lint errors in clank code. -->
<issue id="all">
<ignore regexp="^\.\./\.\./clank/"/>
<ignore regexp="^gen/clank/"/>
<!-- obj can be a subdirectory under gen. -->
<ignore regexp="/obj/clank/"/>
<issue id="AcceptsUserCertificates">
<!-- See and comment in the file for context. -->
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/java/res_base/xml/network_security_config.xml"/>
<issue id="ExifInterface">
<!-- TODO( Update to androidx ExifInterface. -->
<ignore regexp="components/browser_ui/photo_picker/android/java/src/org/chromium/components/browser_ui/photo_picker/"/>
<issue id="IconDensities">
<!-- This is intentional to reduce APK size. See: http://crrev/c/1352161 -->
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/features/autofill_assistant/java/res/drawable-*"/>
<!-- Originals are gone, so ignore these specific ones: -->
<ignore regexp="btn_bg_holo_active_normal.png, btn_bg_holo_active_pressed.png, btn_bg_holo_pressed.png, logo_card_back.png"/>
<!-- This is intentional to save on WebAPKs' size. -->
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/webapk/shell_apk/res/drawable-*"/>
<issue id="IconDipSize">
<!-- These only need to be 1px for all densities. See: -->
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/java/res/.*tab_strip_fade"/>
<issue id="IconLocation">
<!-- It is OK for content_shell_apk to have missing assets. -->
<ignore regexp="content/shell/android/java/res/"/>
<!-- Memconsumer is only for tooling -->
<ignore regexp="tools/android/memconsumer/java/res/drawable/"/>
<issue id="IconMissingDensityFolder">
<!-- This is intentional to reduce APK size. See: http://crrev/c/1352161 -->
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/features/autofill_assistant/java/res"/>
<!-- Originals are gone, so ignore these specific ones: -->
<ignore regexp="components/embedder_support/android/java/res"/>
<issue id="ImpliedQuantity">
<ignore regexp="chrome/browser/ui/android/strings/ui_strings_grd"/>
<ignore regexp="components/browser_ui/strings/android/browser_ui_strings_grd"/>
<issue id="InsecureBaseConfiguration">
<!-- See and comment in the file for context. -->
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/java/res_base/xml/network_security_config.xml"/>
<issue id="InvalidVectorPath" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="LogConditional" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="LongLogTag" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="MergeRootFrame">
<!-- TODO( Remove suppression after fixing bug. -->
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/feed/core/java/resv1/layout/feed_more_button.xml"/>
<issue id="MissingClass" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="MissingDefaultResource">
<!-- Only used by ToolbarControlContainer guarded by tablet form-factor. -->
<ignore regexp="toolbar_background.9.png"/>
<!-- Only used by FirstRunFlowSequencer guarded by tablet form-factor. -->
<ignore regexp="window_background.xml"/>
<issue id="MissingPermission" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="MissingQuantity" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="MissingRegistered" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="MissingSuperCall">
<!-- TODO(wnwen): File bug to fix -->
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/widget/selection/"/>
<issue id="MissingTranslation">
<ignore regexp="restriction_values.xml.*"/>
<issue id="NewApi">
<!-- Do not add new suppressions without rationale. -->
<!-- 2: We support these via desugar. -->
<ignore regexp="Default method requires API level 24"/>
<ignore regexp="Static interface method requires API level 24"/>
<!-- 1: TaskInfo is refactored at API 29. -->
<ignore regexp="Field requires API level .*`"/>
<!-- 1: TODO( Fix -->
<ignore regexp="components/content_capture/android/java/src/org/chromium/components/content_capture"/>
<!-- Endnote: Please specify number of suppressions when adding more -->
<!-- This warning just adds a lot of false positives. -->
<issue id="ObsoleteSdkInt" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="OldTargetApi" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="OnClick">
<!-- False positive, see: for
similar issue. -->
<ignore regexp="tools/android/audio_focus_grabber/java/res/layout/audio_focus_grabber_activity.xml"/>
<issue id="Overdraw" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="PackageManagerGetSignatures">
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/browserservices/"/>
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/webapk/libs/client/src/org/chromium/webapk/lib/client/"/>
<issue id="PluralsCandidate">
<ignore regexp="chrome/browser/ui/android/strings/"/>
<ignore regexp="chrome/browser/ui/android/strings/"/>
<issue id="PrivateApi" severity="ignore"/>
<!-- Chrome is a system app. -->
<issue id="ProtectedPermissions" severity="ignore"/>
<!-- Android 11+ package visibility: -->
<issue id="QueryAllPackagesPermission" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="RestrictedApi">
<!-- Chrome uses these GMS core APIs. -->
<ignore regexp="is marked as internal and should not be accessed from apps"/>
<issue id="Recycle" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="Registered" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="ResourceAsColor" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="RtlCompat" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="RtlEnabled" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="RtlSymmetry" severity="ignore"/>
<!-- Android 10+ WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE changed meaning. -->
<issue id="ScopedStorage" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="SetJavaScriptEnabled" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="SignatureOrSystemPermissions" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="StringFormatCount">
<ignore regexp="chrome/browser/ui/android/strings/"/>
<ignore regexp="chrome/browser/ui/android/strings/"/>
<ignore regexp="chrome/browser/ui/android/strings/"/>
<ignore regexp="chrome/browser/ui/android/strings/"/>
<ignore regexp="chrome/browser/ui/android/strings/"/>
<!-- This string has a % in it. -->
<ignore regexp="data_reduction_promo_infobar_title"/>
<!-- Many .xtb files have a % that is not part of a formatted string. -->
<issue id="StringFormatInvalid" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="StringFormatMatches" severity="ignore"/>
<!-- Code is usually committed in English for all languages and later
translated. This avoids blocking translation updates. -->
<issue id="Typos" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="TypographyDashes">
<!-- The double dash in the following file is a command line flag. -->
<ignore regexp="chrome/app/policy/android/values-v21/restriction_values.xml"/>
<issue id="UnusedIds" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="UnusedQuantity" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="UnusedResources">
<!-- Do not add new suppressions without rationale. -->
<!-- 1: resource used by android webview glue layer, could be refactored -->
<ignore regexp="R.string.private_browsing_warning"/>
<!-- 4: The WAM server currently has 2 codes paths for minting a WebAPK, and
it needs these "unused" resources.
TODO( Remove suppression once 2 code paths are merged -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.mipmap.ic_launcher_background` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.mipmap.ic_launcher_foreground` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.mipmap.maskable_splash_icon_xxhdpi` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.mipmap.maskable_splash_icon_xxxhdpi` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- 1: Module titles may only be used by the Play Store. -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.*_module_title` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- remove this line and the following six lines after the bug resolved -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.accessibility_tab_suggestion_review_button` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.accessibility_tab_suggestion_close_stale_message` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.accessibility_tab_suggestion_dismiss_button` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.tab_suggestion_close_stale_message` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.tab_suggestion_close_tab_action_button` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.tab_suggestion_review_button` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- remove this line and the following four lines after the bug is resolved -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.undo_tab_strip_closure_message` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.tab_strip_info_bar_question` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.tab_strip_info_bar_no_reshow` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.tab_strip_info_bar_reshow` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- remove this line and the following 23 lines after the bug is resolved -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.layout.language_picker` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_accessibility_close` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_accessibility_share` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_card_all_videos` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_card_chrome_intro` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_card_download` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_card_search` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_card_voice_search` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_change_language` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_iph_tap_here_to_start` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_iph_tap_voice_icon_to_start` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_language_picker_title` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_learn_chrome` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_popular_videos` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_tile_chrome_intro` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_tile_download` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_tile_search` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_tile_voice_search` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_try_now` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_watch` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.video_tutorials_watch_next_video` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- remove this line and the following two lines after the bug is resolved -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.accessibility_tab_suggestion_group_tabs_message` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.tab_suggestion_group_tabs_message` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- remove this line and following 7 lines after the bug is resolved -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.accessibility_tab_switcher` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.accessibility_close_tab_group_button` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.accessibility_close_tab_group_button_with_group_name` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.accessibility_expand_tab_group_with_group_name` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- remove this line and following 16 lines after the bug is resolved -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.drawable.ic_reading_list_folder` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_title` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_read` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_unread` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_ready_for_offline` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_mark_as_read` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_share` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_reminder_notification_title` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.plurals.reading_list_reminder_notification_subtitle` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.plurals.reading_list_unread_page_count` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_intro_text` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_save_pages_for_later` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_find_in_bookmarks` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_empty_list_title` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_empty_list_description` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.reading_list_empty_list_description_offline` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- remove this line and following 9 lines after the bug is resolved -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.app_language_title` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.change_chrome_lang` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.default_lang_subtitle` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_content_description` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_content_title` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_infobar_ready` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_infobar_restart` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_select_suggested` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_select_other` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_select` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_send_translate_switch` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_settings_title` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_settings_advanced` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_settings_automatic` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_settings_dont_offer_lang` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_settings_dont_offer_sites` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_settings_target` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_split_downloading` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.languages_split_ready` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.translate_dont_offer_site` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.translate_dont_offer_lang` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- Old-style and new-style WebAPKs use same resources for simplicity. Old-style WebAPKs do
not use but new-style WebAPKs do.
TODO( Remove suppression once old-style WebAPKs are deprecated. -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- 1 resource used by android webview glue layer, could be refactored -->
<ignore regexp="android_webview/java/res/drawable-hdpi/ic_play_circle_outline_black_48dp.png"/>
<!-- 1: resource in //ui because it's used by multiple deps. -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.drawable.*_expand_.*` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- 1 string used by Android's policies system, pulled from app directly -->
<ignore regexp="restriction_values.xml"/>
<!--TODO( Remove this suppression once ConnectionInfoPopAndroid moves to components.-->
<ignore regexp="components/page_info/android/java/res/drawable-hdpi/pageinfo_*"/>
<!--TODO( Remove this suppression once PermissionParamsListBuilder moves to components.-->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.page_info_permission_ads_subtitle` appears to be unused"/>
<!--TODO( The following 14 are found when we switched to linting the entire app. -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.download_manager_ui_documents` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.download_manager_offline_home` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.ntp_learn_more_about_suggested_content` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.ntp_feed_menu_iph` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.tab_switcher_button_label` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.prefs_autofill_assistant_switch` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.storage_clear_dialog_text` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.website_settings_category_notifications_block` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.autofill_cc_google_issued` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.notification_manage_button` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.app_banner_add` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.notification_category_permission_requests` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.drawable.ic_launcher_background` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.combined_notification_text` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.plurals.public_notification_text` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.mipmap.app_shortcut_icon` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.app_banner_install` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.iph_download_indicator_text` appears to be unused"/>
<!--TODO( Remove this suppression once Most Visited Tiles header is implemented.-->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.most_visited_tiles_header` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.accessibility_omnibox_showing_suggestions_for_website` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.accessibility_omnibox_most_visited_tile` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- 1: Some strings in components_strings_grd are not used in other targets. -->
<ignore regexp="webview_.*__lint.*components_strings_grd"/>
<!-- 5: Temporarily suppressed until impelmentation is ready, see -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.iph_bubble_add_to_home_screen_accessibility` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.iph_bubble_add_to_home_screen` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.iph_infobar_add_to_home_screen_title` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.iph_infobar_add_to_home_screen_description` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.iph_infobar_add_to_home_screen_description_tablet` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- 1: resource is used in C++ components/ntp_snippets. -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.ntp_article_suggestions_section_empty` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- 1: TODO( resource is used in downstream image editor. -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.clear` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- 3: Temporarily suppressed until impelmentation is ready, see -->
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.price_drop_spotted_title` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.price_drop_spotted_content` appears to be unused"/>
<ignore regexp="The resource `R.string.price_drop_spotted_show_me` appears to be unused"/>
<!-- Endnote: Please specify number of suppressions when adding more -->
<issue id="UsableSpace">
<!-- TODO( Old code, good to fix. -->
<ignore regexp="chrome/browser/download/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/download/"/>
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/download/"/>
<ignore regexp="chrome/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/offlinepages/"/>
<ignore regexp="chrome/browser/download/internal/android/java/src/org/chromium/chrome/browser/download/home/storage/"/>
<issue id="VectorPath" severity="ignore"/>
<!-- These constructors are useful for layout editors which we currently do not support. -->
<issue id="ViewConstructor" severity="ignore"/>
<issue id="WrongConstant">
<!-- Discussed in, ignoring this class of errors since these are Q+ constants. -->
<ignore regexp="Must be one of: LineBreaker.BREAK_STRATEGY_SIMPLE, LineBreaker.BREAK_STRATEGY_HIGH_QUALITY, LineBreaker.BREAK_STRATEGY_BALANCED"/>