blob: e657ed3d9a222fb147aab0f955af2b073d1ed36a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "media/learning/impl/distribution_reporter.h"
#include "base/bind.h"
#include "base/metrics/histogram_functions.h"
namespace media {
namespace learning {
// Low order bit is "observed", second bit is "predicted", third bit is "could
// not make a prediction".
enum class ConfusionMatrix {
TrueNegative = 0, // predicted == observed == false
FalseNegative = 1, // predicted == false, observed == true
FalsePositive = 2, // predicted == true, observed == false
TruePositive = 3, // predicted == observed == true
SkippedNegative = 4, // predicted == N/A, observed == false
SkippedPositive = 5, // predicted == N/A, observed == true
kMaxValue = SkippedPositive
// TODO(liberato): Currently, this implementation is a hack to collect some
// sanity-checking data for local learning with MediaCapabilities. We assume
// that the prediction is the "percentage of dropped frames".
// Please see
// for an actual UKM-based implementation.
class RegressionReporter : public DistributionReporter {
RegressionReporter(const LearningTask& task) : DistributionReporter(task) {}
void OnPrediction(TargetDistribution observed,
TargetDistribution predicted) override {
// As a complete hack, record accuracy with a fixed threshold. The average
// is the observed / predicted percentage of dropped frames.
bool observed_smooth = observed.Average() <= task().smoothness_threshold;
// See if we made a prediction.
int predicted_bits = 4; // N/A
if (predicted.total_counts() != 0) {
bool predicted_smooth =
predicted.Average() <= task().smoothness_threshold;
DVLOG(2) << "Learning: " << task().name
<< ": predicted: " << predicted_smooth << " ("
<< predicted.Average() << ") observed: " << observed_smooth
<< " (" << observed.Average() << ")";
predicted_bits = predicted_smooth ? 2 : 0;
} else {
DVLOG(2) << "Learning: " << task().name
<< ": predicted: N/A observed: " << observed_smooth << " ("
<< observed.Average() << ")";
// Convert to a bucket from which we can get the confusion matrix.
ConfusionMatrix uma_bucket = static_cast<ConfusionMatrix>(
(observed_smooth ? 1 : 0) | predicted_bits);
std::unique_ptr<DistributionReporter> DistributionReporter::Create(
const LearningTask& task) {
// Hacky reporting is the only thing we know how to report.
if (task.uma_hacky_confusion_matrix.empty())
return nullptr;
if (task.target_description.ordering == LearningTask::Ordering::kNumeric)
return std::make_unique<RegressionReporter>(task);
return nullptr;
DistributionReporter::DistributionReporter(const LearningTask& task)
: task_(task), weak_factory_(this) {}
DistributionReporter::~DistributionReporter() = default;
Model::PredictionCB DistributionReporter::GetPredictionCallback(
TargetDistribution observed) {
return base::BindOnce(&DistributionReporter::OnPrediction,
weak_factory_.GetWeakPtr(), observed);
} // namespace learning
} // namespace media