blob: 4e122a6ef550e0498a3fd0e9f4ab3494f6123003 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// FFmpegGlue is an adapter for FFmpeg's URLProtocol interface that allows us to
// use a DataSource implementation with FFmpeg. For convenience we use FFmpeg's
// avformat_open_input() function, which analyzes the filename given to it and
// automatically initializes the appropriate URLProtocol.
// Since the DataSource is already open by time we call avformat_open_input(),
// we need a way for avformat_open_input() to find the correct DataSource
// instance. The solution is to maintain a map of "filenames" to DataSource
// instances, where filenames are actually just a unique identifier. For
// simplicity, FFmpegGlue is registered as an HTTP handler and generates
// filenames based on the memory address of the DataSource, i.e.,
// http://0xc0bf4870. Since there may be multiple FFmpegDemuxers active at one
// time, FFmpegGlue is a thread-safe singleton.
// Usage: FFmpegDemuxer adds the DataSource to FFmpegGlue's map and is given a
// filename to pass to avformat_open_input(). FFmpegDemuxer calls
// avformat_open_input() with the filename, which results in FFmpegGlue
// returning the DataSource as a URLProtocol instance to FFmpeg. Since
// FFmpegGlue is only needed for opening files, when avformat_open_input()
// returns FFmpegDemuxer removes the DataSource from FFmpegGlue's map.
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include "base/memory/singleton.h"
#include "base/synchronization/lock.h"
#include "media/base/media_export.h"
struct URLProtocol;
namespace media {
class MEDIA_EXPORT FFmpegURLProtocol {
FFmpegURLProtocol() {}
virtual ~FFmpegURLProtocol() {}
// Read the given amount of bytes into data, returns the number of bytes read
// if successful, kReadError otherwise.
virtual size_t Read(size_t size, uint8* data) = 0;
// Returns true and the current file position for this file, false if the
// file position could not be retrieved.
virtual bool GetPosition(int64* position_out) = 0;
// Returns true if the file position could be set, false otherwise.
virtual bool SetPosition(int64 position) = 0;
// Returns true and the file size, false if the file size could not be
// retrieved.
virtual bool GetSize(int64* size_out) = 0;
// Returns false if this protocol supports random seeking.
virtual bool IsStreaming() = 0;
class MEDIA_EXPORT FFmpegGlue {
// Returns the singleton instance.
static FFmpegGlue* GetInstance();
// Adds a FFmpegProtocol to the FFmpeg glue layer and returns a unique string
// that can be passed to FFmpeg to identify the data source.
std::string AddProtocol(FFmpegURLProtocol* protocol);
// Removes a FFmpegProtocol from the FFmpeg glue layer. Using strings from
// previously added FFmpegProtocols will no longer work.
void RemoveProtocol(FFmpegURLProtocol* protocol);
// Assigns the FFmpegProtocol identified with by the given key to
// |protocol|, or assigns NULL if no such FFmpegProtocol could be found.
void GetProtocol(const std::string& key,
FFmpegURLProtocol** protocol);
// Only allow Singleton to create and delete FFmpegGlue.
friend struct DefaultSingletonTraits<FFmpegGlue>;
virtual ~FFmpegGlue();
// Returns the unique key for this data source, which can be passed to
// avformat_open_input() as the filename.
std::string GetProtocolKey(FFmpegURLProtocol* protocol);
// Mutual exclusion while adding/removing items from the map.
base::Lock lock_;
// Map between keys and FFmpegProtocol references.
typedef std::map<std::string, FFmpegURLProtocol*> ProtocolMap;
ProtocolMap protocols_;
friend class FFmpegGlueTest;
static URLProtocol* url_protocol();
} // namespace media