
This directory defines the Cast Web Runtime, an implementation of the //components/cast_streaming Chromecast receiver, for use with the internal Cast Core library.


Building of this directory can be done by building the chromecast/cast_core:core_runtime_simple target with the following build flags:

is_debug = true
dcheck_always_on = true
is_component_build = false
symbol_level = 2

is_castos = true
enable_cast_receiver = true
cast_streaming_enable_remoting = true
enable_cast_audio_renderer = false
enable_cast_renderer = false

ffmpeg_branding = "Chrome"
proprietary_codecs = true


Running the Cast Web Runtime on Linux can be done with the following steps:

  1. Build the Cast Web Runtime using the above flags
  2. Build Cast Core following instructions here.
  3. Run the Cast Core and Platform Service applications built in step 2. Note that if it is your first time running Cast Core you will need to generate certificates.
  4. Run the core_runtime_simple application built in step 1. The runtime should immediately be registered with Cast Core.
  5. Cast from a Chrome instance running on the local machine. It may take a few minutes for the Cast Core instance to show up as a valid cast target.